Nov 24, 2017


Don't trust motivation, it will never save you. Sometimes it's there, sometimes it's not. And even if you're motivated, are you moving? I know there are times when you feel good, courageous and brave but you still didn't act, you still procrastinate and forget the discipline in your body. Motivation is just a feeling, I know it is helpful but what if it is not there?  Forget it, it is overrated, what you need to do is just move even if you feel bad and tired. The truth is you will never feel alright, it will never feel right, your mind will always find excuses and if you don't act now... you will become a bum forever.

Motivation will start to show up once you're taking actions, it will show in the middle of the task, it will make you feel something once you wanted to give up. That is the only time when motivation will start to show up... during quitting period, if you wanted to give up but you still wanted to win... then motivation will motivate you. But... not all the time motivation will help you, sometimes it will not show up so be ready if you are feeling down.

The key here is to keep pushing, just keep pushing yourself. That is what greatness is all about... having the ability to push despite of feeling bad, having the ability to still act despite of feeling wrong. Push and push until you win, force yourself to take actions. Forget about the motivational quotes, motivational sayings that you learned from you tube, it will not show up once you are feeling down. You are the only one who can help yourself, you are the only one who can force yourself to take actions... not motivation.

STRIKE WHEN YOU FEEL BAD. Strike not when the iron is hot but when you feel bad. Take actions if you don't feel like taking it, that is the right timing. Because you will never feel good all the time, actually most of the time you will feel bad, you will feel very lazy and if you let your negative emotions get the best of you... you're in big trouble. Do it now, it doesn't matter if you're shy, scared, afraid, worried, hesitant, doubtful, lazy, lost, depressed or whatever stupid emotions you have... you have to do it or else you will not do it forever.

Keep going even if the road is full of rocks, keep pushing even if your heart is full of doubts and hesitation, there is no other way around to turn your life around, only massive actions and fast decisions can make you successful and happy. Never think that you're wrong, never think that they are judging you or people are belittling you, never believe in your emotions, never believe that you can't do it... you have to do it, you have to make things happen. There is no such thing as perfect timing, never believe in tomorrow, next week or next year... create the momentum now, learn to adapt, improvise and make adjustments if needed. Forget about motivation and start taking action.

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