Nov 10, 2017


If your boyfriend just breaks up with you and you really feel ugly because of it, you feel that there is something lacking in you that is why he leave you... use that depression for inspiration. Make yourself super sexy and beautiful, put your anger into improvement. Go to the gym everyday, look for some parts in your body and face that needs improvement and improve it. Use that depression to make you work harder. Forget your stupid boyfriend and just focus on making yourself better. 

If your family is suffering from hunger now and all of them are depressed... use that as an inspiration too, use that to fuel the fire in you. Use that to wake yourself up and earn more money in the future so that won't happen again. Work harder, do your best, never stop until you earn money that will support them.

It's up to you if you will stay with the depression or use it as an inspiration. Most people, when they are feeling difficulty and experiencing hardship in life... they will not do something about it anymore. They will even use it as an excuse to not move and do something about their lives. They will say that they are sad and depressed that's why they can't move. Depression is just a drama, it is for people who are lazy and bastards. Use that depression to force yourself to take actions. Never stay with it nor make it grow.

It's all in your hands, you have the power to change your life if you will only commit to taking actions and improve yourself everyday. 

Use that negative feeling to revive the fire in you, use that to become more motivated. Use that as an inspiration to become stronger and better. 

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