Nov 16, 2017


You can fool yourself, you can tell everyone that you work hard yet you fail, you can make lies, you can lie to yourself but the universe really knows if you really work hard, you can't lie to it. You can't fool it, you can't make a fake story and ask for a reward.

The universe will only reward the people who are really working hard. So if you can't become successful it only means that your hard work is not a real hard work, it means you're fake so you need to be real.

THE UNIVERSE SEES EVERYTHING. It sees your shortcuts, it sees your laziness, it sees all the wrong doings that you did from the past. So if your progress is very slow... it only means that the hard work you've been telling to everyone is not enough. You need to work more and prove the universe that you deserve something big. You can't ask for something big if your sacrifice is very small. You need to be really deserving of something.

Stop being a fake and work hard now, don't talk about it, don't complain about it... just do it. HARD WORK PAYS OFF - this quote works before, still working now and will work forever. Never doubt hard work because it only means you want to become lazy and short cut your work. Just believe it and use it, see where it can bring you, find out what can it give you.

So stop thinking and just work super hard, make it a habit, make it a lifestyle. Never worry if you are making a result or not just work hard and never stop working... that is how to impress the universe and make it give you what you want.

The playtime is over, the pretending games is over. You need to be very super serious in your work if you really want to win in life. Life is unfair but you will get what you deserve. So quit making a lot of dramas now and do your work. Do the real work, do the real hard work. Don't pretend that you're working hard if you're just working a little, what your life now is the result of your work.

Opportunities will be attracted to you if you really work hard, you will have something. You will be rewarded, sometimes you will get less but at least you are getting something. Just appreciate every blessings that you are getting and keep working hard. Repeat and repeat until you become super big.

ALL WORK IS EASY WORK. If you already have the habits of working hard then all work will be easy work. Nothing will become hard anymore because you will fall in love with what you're doing. It will be a normal day to you, you will never complain, you will just do it and finish it. The truth is... even if you relax and do nothing your time will still run, the world will still revolve, it has no difference from working hard... you are dying little by little, you just don't feel it yet because you're still young and capable of wasting your time.

BE HAPPY IF YOU'RE WORKING HARD. Even if you're not getting any results yet... be happy if you can work hard because it means you're on the right direction in life, it means you will become successful one day. Just be patient waiting and your time will come, you will become successful one day. Be appreciative if you can move because not all people can take actions, some were already on their death bed while some can't move for some kind of reason. Don't take your time for granted because not all the time you will have time.

1. Cut all the bull crap in your life. Select the things that will give you a good life and be totally focus on them. Never do something that will only make you poorer and slower. Remember that easy work and hard work are the same because your time is running, it is up to you what to choose. Are you going to choose an activity that has a benefit in the future? or are you going to choose something that will only make you poorer in the end. If you can remove all the activities that is giving you temporary pleasure but long term pain then you will become more focused on success.

2. Just simply do it. Thinking is a sin, it will make you worry, it will make your fears go stronger. Just do it, have no time for thinking and start moving. Do it and do it and do it until the job gets done. Have faith that everything will work in the end, just keep taking actions and never mind if you are making results or not. Just keep moving, be relentless and  entertain your mind by working a lot. Once you develop a habit of simply doing it... I am telling you, you will love yourself even more, you will even idolize yourself, you will be surprised at how fast you can do something and making progress every now and then. Simply doing it is freedom because you feel bad because you can't make the first move, you feel weak if you need to start something and you can't even take the first step. The habit of simply doing it will make you a better person, you will become faster, smarter and you will be able to get more results. To make the long story short... you're already an improved human being.

3. Don't ever think that you're wasting time for working too hard. Don't ever think that you are completely losing your life because you can't watch TV anymore, bond with your friends, go shopping or even take a short nap. Working hard is a lifestyle, if you can choose it then your life is already in the right direction, your life is already good.

Don't ever talk about hard work if you don't know the real meaning of it. It's not difficult because it's a lifestyle, it becomes you, you become it do it forever and everything will become easy.

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