Nov 9, 2017


1. Always think about winning. Never think about losing, ever. Just think about winning, think about the process of winning, never think about anything else. Even if you are losing... still think that you are thriving and doing good in life. Always think that tomorrow will be a better day if you work super hard now. 

2. Push yourself to the limits. Don't take it so soft, take it hard. That is what the winning mentality is all about... push yourself to the limits. You can't win because you're so lazy, you think you're doing your best or maybe you are just pretending that you're doing your best. Push yourself to the limits and never hold yourself back. Keep pushing, keep grinding, it's a never ending push. If you really want to win then you will do everything to become victorious, you will use all of your power. 

3. Don't be afraid to lose. Losing is part of the game, if you will not take risk, if you will not embarrass yourself then you will never win. It's all about trying to win over and over again. You will only win by losing a lot, that is a fact. Play to win and don't play not to lose, as simple as that. Everyone can lose, even Michael Jordan can lose so what is the big deal? Keep in mind that after losing is winning, you will never become a loser forever.

4. Develop an insane focus. If you lose today, try again tomorrow and the next day and so on. Your  focus should be out of this world, your focus should be scary. It is like you're going to die if you can't do something for your dream today.  Develop and insane focus so that your momentum will never die, you're going to become successful one day.

5. Let perseverance be the name of your game. Keep on kicking the door until it opens, don't be afraid to destroy it, sometimes you have to enforce your will to produce something. Your perseverance will stay there forever, it will keep you on the right track, keep using it until you become the best in the world. 

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