Nov 15, 2017


Don't be scared to pursue your dreams, don't be a coward. You only have one life, are you just going to waste it for nothing?

All you need to do is take a small action every single day, it can be anything. It can be the smallest action that you can ever think of and then repeat it over and over again. That small action if taken consistently will soon become big. It will make a huge impact one day. Once you fall in love with the consistency, once you don't feel right if you're not taking actions then you're on the right path, that is the start of your success.

You're not scared of your dreams, you're just scared to take actions, that is the truth.


1. You don't want to get tired. You're simply lazy, you don't want to get tired because all you want to do is relax and do nothing all day. You feel like a king but you don't have the crown yet. You feel like you can become successful without doing anything, you already think you're something even if you're not achieving anything. You're lazy because you don't have the work history from the past, you don't force yourself to work hard. You need to at least go hard for 21 days straight for the habit to remain in your system. Once you have the habit fully developed... you can become very successful one day. It's the one who can work everyday and not get tired of it that will become successful.

2. You want instant success after taking actions. You want to be sure that you will get something after working that is why you are afraid of taking actions. You don't want to waste your energy for nothing, you're always thinking about guaranteed success which will never happen. If you will just think about taking actions and not success then it will be easier for you to move.

3. You feel like Mr. Perfect. You want everything to be flawless, you want an easy work, you don't want to face challenges. You think that there is an easy route, once you see that the task ahead of you is hard... you will never start something. You are always wishing for a perfect life.

3. You want to match the success of other people. You wanted to be successful like your idols in you tube, you want to have a lot of money like celebrities and star players and when you found out that the  work needed to get that kind of life is hard... you will never move again, you will go back complaining that life is hard again. Don't try to match the success of other people, you will have your own kind of success. It will be a unique one that has no duplicate.

5. You wanted to become great before you start something.  You want to dominate right away, you wanted to become great like other people, you don't know that it takes a lot of work to become great. When you see yourself as not being great like others... you will make excuses and stop taking actions. Stop looking to become great right away, it is a step by step process, greatness is hard to achieve but it is for anyone. It is for people who are willing to work everyday and make sacrifices that not all people can bear. Greatness is to be pursued and not something to wish for.

JUST TRY IT EVEN IF THE SUCCESS IS NOT GUARANTEED. There is no harm in trying, you will even become a better person if you try because you get a lot of experience. Try and try, pound it, never stop until you get what you want. You've been a failure for years because of inaction, it's time now to take massive actions and do what is needed to go to the top. Cowardice is the result of not moving, you need to force yourself because if you will not move then you will get the same ugly results for the rest of your life.

What matters is you try, try even if you feel like you can't do it. Your confidence will go higher and higher as you keep on taking actions.


There is a bravery in you, no matter what happens in the past... it will remain in the past. You can act now, you can change right away. Just stay with your dreams, never let it go and never do something else other than it. Make your dream your life, do something for it every second. It's like putting a a single buck on your piggy bank every now and then. And even if you're scared... just pretend that you're tough, just pretend that you are courageous and you will become really like it in the long run. Show your bravery just for once and never change that sate of mind.

A lot of people were looking brave but deep inside they were scared too. Successful people move despite of being scared, they were good in acting like tough and showing no fears. That is why they become really brave in the long run, they fake it until they make it. You too can fake your bravery, just be brave enough to pursue your dreams and never let it go no matter what.


Move even if you are scared, try again once you got rejected. Stand up again every time yo fail, the game plan is very simple... keep trying and trying again. It will never be over until you win. Keep the motion alive, keep the fire burning. There is no harm in moving, you will never die if you take actions, you will even see that is possible. So never stop trying so hard, be crazy for it and go hard every single day.  Moving is so simple, you will just do what you know and always think positive, think that it will give you results in the end.

Always consider every movement as something that is making an impact because it really is. Even if you can't see any result from that movement... at least your work ethic of doing something is continuing to develop, your courage is getting stronger and your momentum keeps going.

A lot of people can't move even if they have the skills, support and knowledge. They were so scared to do their own thing, they have ideas but they can't execute it... what a poor life. If you can build your own empire and execute your own ideas... you're life will become amazing. Just stick with the process and never quit no matter what.

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