Nov 9, 2017


Some food chains out there will give you an illusion that they will regularize your contract if you do a charity work, they will ask you for an overtime without pay. And because you're too nice and you're thinking that maybe they are telling the truth... you will follow them. You will work for longer hours without getting paid. And when your contract is over... they will not regularize you, they will tell you out of the world reasons why they can't let you stay, they will even show you fake grades, they will make you feel guilty that you didn't do enough. In other words, you've been fooled. You've been scammed.

Here is the lesson, you don't need to work for extra hours without getting paid, if your time for working is over then pack up and go home, take some rest and go to work again tomorrow. This doesn't only happen in food chains, it also happens in different companies who were too abusive and opportunistic.

It usually happens because people were too scared that they might not find another job again, people were too scared to get hungry. If you're not scared to get hungry then nothing will control you. No one can abuse you. So do n't be afraid of pain, don't be afraid of discomfort, if you know your right then fight for that right. Don't let other people abuse you, setup your life where you're always in control and you will simply follow your own philosophy.

Charity work is bullshit, you need to get paid for every second that you work. If they can't pay you then stop, as simple as that. At the end of the day, it goes to who will suffer in the end. If you think that you will not suffer, if you are confident enough that you can find another job that will treat you right then you are fine. If you honestly think that you can earn money by yourself then nothing will ever control you again.

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