Nov 25, 2017


It's not the houses, cars, achievements, awards, being on top, money, appreciation from other people as the prize. The real prize is how you become as a person. If you already succeeded and got what you want in life... it's not those things that makes you happy, it's the person you become. Those challenges makes you tough, it makes you mentally tough, wiser, stronger and a better person. By pursuing those big dreams you become a better person than yesterday, you already knew what to do, you totally become a different person.

Even if those things are taken away from you... you can still get it back because you already knew how to get it. If you get it once you can get it twice or thrice. You already beaten your limitations, you already beaten your fears.

So if you want to become great... keep pursuing that dream and don't worry if you will get it fast or not, what matters is you evolve as a person and your work ethic becomes unbelievable. It is either you become better or worse, it depends on you. If you will take it seriously and do everything to get it then you will become a better person but if you will just get frustrated all the time and quit then you will become a quitter forever, as simple as that.

If you become a fighter and adapt the mentality of not quitting then you're a real winner in life but if you are always quitting and changing journey time and time again then that is bad for you.

So look at yourself, you know in yourself if you are getting better or not. If you think that you are getting better then good for you, be honest, admit if you are getting worse so you can make adjustments.

There are lot of people who became rich but at the same time they became worse. They became hot tempered, they don't have time for their families anymore, they were always mad and seeing money as the only thing that can make them happy.

But if you are simply loving what you're doing and you are enjoying the process then it already means that you're successful.

So forget about the prizes, forget about the money, cars, houses etc. Because at the end of the day, you can have those things but if you're not happy then you're still a loser.

So focus on yourself, be mindful if you are getting better or not, getting happier or worse. Your character is the real prize. Those material things are nothing if you're not evolving as a human being.

Just strive to become better each day, strive to become happier. Look for the things, process, people that really makes you happy. You can't fool yourself, you can't cheat... at the end of the day, when it's all said and done... you really know if you just wasted your time dwelling on things that really didn't matter into your life at all.

Become the best at what you do, don't compare yourself to anyone but strive to become the best at what you do. Be the judge of your own work, be the judge of your own feelings. You know what really makes you happy, you know what can make you a better person.

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