Nov 10, 2017


You already lost, you already lose the fight, there is nothing to worry about anymore. That is the beauty of losing. You just don't care anymore, you don't care about mistakes, you don't care about getting embarrassed. You just do what you think is right. There is still a part of you that thinks you can still win but it doesn't matter anymore if you win or lose. But you still give your best, you still give yourself a shot. It's just that the thought of winning is not so strong. You already learned to let go, you're not expecting too much.

What is the point of taking care of your identity? There is nothing to lose anymore, you are free to do what you want to do now. You can even create your own style and see if it works or not.

Your identity is nothing, don't give so much priority to it because it is making you conservative, it is making you feel guilty. Just do everything that you think will work and that's it.

If you will become very careful about how you look and how you feel... you will never be able to take actions, you will become soft and useless. You will think that everything you do is affecting your journey. That kind f mindset will never help. You need to go all out and kill your identity, it is nothing, it will never give you a success.

You need to be fast in taking actions, ready or not do it... that is what it is all about, that is what is going all out. Because if you will always be cautious about perfection... you will always make a mistake, you will never make a progress. It is better to make a mistake but moving rather than planning carefully but not doing anything at all.

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