Nov 8, 2017


It's never a bad idea to try again. Try and try again because if you will not try what else are you going to do? sometimes it's like a rat race, sometimes you will feel like there's no progress at all but you will only see it in the end if you're right or wrong.

Maybe you need to try a  little bit harder, maybe you need to go stronger. Trying again is not fun but it is the only thing you can do. You have to endure the pain and struggle.

It will be much easier if you will never look back and just focus on the challenge that is in front of you. I know it's hard, I know it's really frustrating but what else can you do? quit? it is better to try one more time that to quit.

It will go harder and harder as the time goes by, nobody said it is going to be easy but you really have to keep on trying until something show on your way.

Just one more try and if you fail just one more try again. It is an endless trial and error, it is trying until you become successful.

Someday you will realize that your decision to continue is right. Someday you will realize that you are right not to quit.

Try again now, there is no harm in trying again. Just keep banging the door until it opens. Never get tired of trying because you never know... success is already waiting for you on your next try.

It is not a sin to try again, a lot of people were quitters, don't be like them. You are different, you will keep trying until you become successful.

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