Nov 10, 2017


Always move forward, if you did a terrible mistake in the past... forget about it, don't correct it, don't explain it. What is done is done, never try to go back to the past because it will only make your progress slower than it use to be.

Just pretend that it didn't happen, just pretend that you don't see it. Move on and do better next time, be careful and don't repeat the same mistakes again. Those mistakes will be covered by the right decisions in the present. You can prove yourself that you're good. You can change their perception about you.

What is the big deal if you made a mistake?, you're just a human and you're allowed to do that. So what if they laugh at you, so what if they mock you. You're still alive, there are still better things that will come into your life.

Not all the time you will make mistakes, there are some instances where you can do the right thing. A mistake can be corrected but if you have the luxury to ignore it then just ignore it. Just do better next time. It's all about moving forward and moving on, have no time for your flaws and imperfections.

If your answer is wrong so be it, never try to defend yourself. Admit that you're wrong and move on as fast as you can. There is no perfect in this world so never make it a big deal. Never blush if you made a mistake because it's too normal and common. Never be shy about it, be even proud about it, be proud because you can admit that you're wrong and not feel anything about it.

There is always a next time, you can always prove them that you're much better than yesterday. There is no  point in dwelling with your mistakes because that is just a waste of time.

Have fun ignoring your mistakes and move fast, this is a very good technique, it will remove your worries and fears. It will remove the illusion that you can become perfect one day.

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