Nov 8, 2017


Fix the damage now while it's not that big. Say sorry now while the relationship is not yet over. Pay the bills now while the electricity has not been cut yet. Fix your car tires now while the hole is not that  big yet. 

You have to do it now while the damage is still small because sooner or later... the damage cannot be control anymore. 

Discipline yourself now while your bad habits is not that deep. You know that there is something wrong but you are not fixing it because of your laziness. You know what to do but you're not doing it, that's why your life is always in trouble, that's why success cannot be reached. 

If there is something you need to fix, don't hesitate to fix it. If it is still fixable then don't use the word later or tomorrow. You need to do something because if you delay it... the the damage will be out of control in just a matter of time. Time is fast, as the day goes by the damage becomes bigger and bigger and you will never be able to control it anymore. 

There are some things that is easy to do but hard to do because of your laziness, you need to force yourself to take actions or else you will regret it in the end. 

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