Nov 2, 2017


Life coach? who needs it? Life coaches will only get your money and leave you wondering what really happened to your life. They will offer you ebooks, DVD courses, seminars and now what? after patronizing those bullshit products did you change? did you become rich? did your life become better? Those products are traps, its main goal is to get your money. You may learn some lesson but if you will not apply it in your life... you will remain the same bum as yesterday.

Just deal with your life, enjoy the journey and embrace every situation. That is how to live your life.

Just try to become a little bit better than yesterday. Live positive, pursue a goal and that's it. A lot of people who wants to have a life coach wants to have a perfect life, they think that if they hired a life coach then all of their problems will be solved. That's just an illusion.

Even if you're the richest man in the world... you will still have a lot of problems. Problems will never go away. People can't get it that their lives will never become perfect.

All you can do is live your life, enjoy every second and simply try to progress a little bit so you will never get bored. Challenge yourself so that your life will have some spice.

A lot of people thinks that once they hired a coach then their lives will change, they thought that they will become successful.

Life doesn't work out that way. You can never let someone make you successful because it will never happen. It's in your hands. You will be the one who will discover the right process for you. No one can dictate you what is the right thing to do because you always knew it.

It's all about taking actions, if you can move then you can become successful, as simple as that. Make the right decisions in life, you don't need to be smart, just make the right decisions. Practice delaying gratification, save more money and then repeat... as simple as that. Life coach is for pussies, it is for people pretending that they need someone who will change their lives.

If you will just be committed that you will do whatever it takes to make your life better then your life will become better.

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