Nov 1, 2017


This process is fun, this is for the experts, the big boys, the professionals, the champions and the greats.

If you can still work while feeling lazy then you're a different human being. That's what separates the greats and the weaks. Great  people can still move and work despite of feeling lazy. They can still make themselves working and producing a little bit of a momentum. Because they always knew that time is gold and they can't afford to waste it. They always knew that being lazy and tired is normal, everyone experiences it, everyone is not immune to it. It is just a feeling, it's not a big deal.

But they take it as an advantage. They knew that their competitors will just rest when they are tired. So even when they are tired... they keep going and pushing because they are expecting to get something.

Feeling lazy but still moving anyway is funny, you will look like a zombie, you will look like a powerless robot but you are still forcing yourself to move. You are slow but you feel that you have to move, it's a weird feeling in the beginning but once you have that second wind... BOOM! you become a monster again. You feel like a workhorse again. You feel energetic and motivated again. So it only means that the key to beat laziness is moving even if you are so slow.

Just go through the motions if you are tired, just do something even if it is just a small step. You will make it, just one step at a time, one move at a time. You don't even need to rush. Just take consistent actions and you will be able to finish it.

Laziness is just an illusion, it is just an excuse to avoid yourself from working. You should not believe that shit because it will hypnotize you, it will freeze you and sometimes you will fall in love with it. And that will be the start of your falter.

Work while feeling lazy, it is possible. Just force yourself, that is what it is all about.

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