Nov 30, 2017


You always think that it's hard that's why you can't make it. You always think that it's impossible that's why you never started. It's time to reverse engineer your mind, think that it's easy, think that it's doable. You have to trick your mind that it's easy, never think that it's impossible, never think that you can't do it.

Of course it is hard but if you will always think that it's hard then it will become harder. It will somehow become easier if you will think that it's easy. Find the thoughts that will make you push further. Sometimes it's all in the mind, even if a task is easy... it's getting harder because you complain from the very beginning. You judge that it is hard from the start.

You can think that it's easy, you're not just doing it. It is possible, it is possible to think that something hard is easy to do.

Something great is really hard to achieve but if you will learn to love it then things will be a lot easier.


1. Because they know that there are lot of work needed to be done.
2. They don't know how to do it or they haven't tried it for once.
3. Some people are telling them that it's hard and they believe those people, they easily get influenced.
4. They simply don't want to undergo the process. They are lazy and don't want to work.
5. They are always looking for some easier things and they think they can't find one that's why everything for them is hard.
6. They are expecting that it's easy and when they found out that it's hard... they don't want to continue anymore.
7. The are always looking for shortcuts and when they can't find one... they get frustrated, they wanted to quit.
8. They always wanted help and support from other people, they lose their confidence when nobody is there to give them a helping hand.
9. They don't have the experience yet, they don't know anything about it so they assume that it is hard.

Just let yourself fly, let it go. Never think that it's hard, never think about how long it takes to finish it. It's all about manipulating your mind and entering the right state to make something easier. It's all about how you feel, you should feel good about something to make it easier. But what if you don't feel good? just force yourself, do something, you will eventually feel good later especially if you're having a momentum. It's only hard in the beginning, it's only hard while you are still deciding if you're going to do it. Once you make up your mind and you decided that you're going to do it... strike right away, draw the first blood, begin the task and never think about something else.

Success will become easier to achieve if you will enjoy what is hard and never complain in life. Yeah, given that it is hard... what are you going to do about it? Just look at it and do nothing? you still need to do something even if it is hard. You have no choice but to take actions so start now and stop acting like a spoiled diva who needs to get pampered before taking actions.

Nov 29, 2017


Everyone gets tired, everybody gets tired. It's normal because you're just human. But there is one thing you should keep in mind... it's ok to get tired physically but not mentally.  You can still move even if you're tired physically but still strong mentally. It's your mind that controls everything, it's your mind that will become the barometer of your success. So if you have a strong mental game... you can push through pain even if you're so tired. Successful people have strong minds, they never quit during tough times, they never crumble during high pressure situations. They have a high belief in themselves and they don't care about anything else, in other words... they don't care about their situations and emotions, they don't care about physical pain. All they care about is winning and making it.

So never worry if you feel bad, don't worry about fatigue. If your mind is still in the right place then you can reach the finish line. Your thoughts is what will make you powerful, your thoughts is what will bring you to the top. So never worry about anything else, if you have a powerful mind then nothing can stop you, no one can bring you down. You will always prevail, you can conquer everything. There's no need to become defensive, there's no need to worry. You can embrace any stress, you can thrive in the most uncomfortable moments.

It's not in the body, it's all in the mind. A dying man can even extend his life for years if he have a strong mind. He can even cure himself and escape the most dangerous disease. That's how powerful your mind is so take care of it. Your mind is the capital, it is your ticket to success.


1. Avoid jealousy.
2. Avoid avoiding stress, if it's there face it because it will make you tougher.
3. Solve problems little by little.
4. Always push a little more. Your strength is unlimited, whenever you feel tired... push a little more.
5. Avoid news and negativity.
6. Avoid gossips it will poison your mind.
7. Associate yourself with positive people.
8. Forget the past, always put your mind in the moment.
9. Always be aware if you're worrying or entertaining fears, if so ask yourself why do you have to feel that way. You will begin to realize that all of those fears and worries are not real.
10. If an idea is not empowering you, disregard it. Never entertain an idea from people that is only making your belief weak. Always remember that all of your thoughts should be strong and positive so that your mind will become powerful.
11. Listen to the minds of successful and inspiring people who are willing to share their wisdom. Never listen to pretenders and wannabes who has no proof that they are successful.

Remember that your mental game is the most important ingredient for success. If you have a weak mindset then for sure you're going to fail. Make sure that you will feed your mind the right thoughts to make you mentally tougher.


Success is based on the level of your persistence. you can become super talented, skilled or gifted but it all goes down to your level of persistence. Challenges will come if you are chasing success. There are lot of talented people out there who could have make it but a little storm and disappointment makes them unhopeful so they quit.

It's not about how good you are or how rich you are. It doesn't matter if you are confident or not, if you are focused on your goals then good things will happen to you. Just do it anyway even if you are failing a lot, just fight anyway even if you almost looks like you're losing. You may look stupid for always trying, you may look crazy but things will get better in the end for sure. Just be persistent and do what you can do, do everything to make your situation better. If you are serious about it then you will never stop, you will do whatever it takes to win in life. There is no right or wrong here, you will just push yourself and enjoy the process.  

Increase the level of your persistence now, don't be a pussy, don't be a life waster, you are only wasting your life if you're not fighting. For once in your life be a fighter, be someone who will fight for what you want until the end.

Instead of complaining just keep on moving. Instead of thinking just keep on taking actions. It's all about processing the process. Never believe the people around you telling you that you can't do it. Never believe that it is not going to work. It will work if you will work. Focus on what you can control, keep on flowing like a river, keep on burning like a fire... be an arsonist, always keep the fire alive.

Success doesn't care if you are motivated or not. Success doesn't care if you feel bad or good. All it cares about is if you really deserve it. Persist until you win, never let that dream go away. It is what it is, it's hard but it's worth it. Treat your dream like your life depends on it. Take care of your dream and do something for it everyday, make it grow little by little. Just keep in mind that something good will happen to you if you keep on persisting.

Never think that you're just wasting time. It's not a waste of time if you are serious because all of those efforts will be rewarded in the end. You may not see the results now but if you really work hard and push yourself passionately then you will become successful.

Have faith in your work, believe in your run. The answers may not show up for now but it will in the end. Keep the focus stronger, keep the fire hotter. It's ok to become not super confident but never doubt your dreams. The stronger you persist the higher the chances of winning. It's ok to become angry sometimes, it's ok to get frustrated but always go back to the state of mind where you will push no matter what. Nobody can stop you, it's you that is stopping yourself. Step up your game and keep hustling. The hustle should never stop, you should never stop. Take it one step at a time and always increase the level of your persistence.


YOU WILL NEVER BECOME PERFECT. Just accept it, all you can do is be close to perfection. So don't make it a big deal if you have flaws in your looks or personality. No one is perfect and no one will. It is ok to make mistakes, it's ok to look a little bit ugly. But that doesn't mean that you will not give your best, of course you need to give your best but don't ever feel bad if you didn't meet the expectations of people.

Being perfect is just an illusion, it will never exist... ever. And let's say that you think you are perfect, let's say that you really believe that you don't have flaws... people will still criticize you, people will still say something bad at you. There is no perfect place, time, people, environment or situation. You have to accept that this world is not perfect and never will be.

So don't cry like a bitch if you're situation is not perfect. It is normal, imperfection is normal. And the truth is... a perfect world is so boring. There should be at least a little flaw to make the world more fun. The world is more exciting if there is a little danger, disturbance and stress. The imperfections will add spice into your life.

Life will not become beautiful without struggle, pain and challenges. Life will become very boring dull and pale without mistakes and accidents. So accept that your life will never become perfect no matter how hard you work and how you much you live as a good person. You can wish for your life to become perfect but you will only get disappointed in the end because you will still see imperfections and flaws. The more you wish you life to become perfect, the more you will get frustrated.

Strive for greatness but never feel bad if you can't see perfection, it's just an illusion. Push hard but never feel sorry for yourself if you fall short. Accept that the world is unfair. Accept that discomfort and judgement from other people will always be there, even you... you are also judging yourself.

Never mind if your life is not perfect, at least you are still alive. All you can do is give your best and never ever wish for a perfect life anymore because it doesn't exist. Life will become easier if you will just take it easy and accept what you can't control.

Aiming for perfection is for people who can't appreciate easily. It's hard for them to see the beauty in small things that's why they always see ugliness everywhere.

Look at those celebrities who underwent surgeries to make their faces even beautiful.. some of them failed that's why they became ugly. They thought that they can become perfect that's why their plan backfires at them. They can't accept what they have even if what they have is a treasure to many.

Appreciate everything you have and life will become easier for you. Accept that perfection is impossible to achieve, the best thing you can do is give your very best and never complain once you fall short.

Nov 28, 2017


It's not a fairy tale, it's not what you see in the movie or hear from different people. Success will make you cry, chasing it will make you go crazy. Especially if you're so passionate and wanted to become successful right away. You can work hard for a ling time and success will still not reward you, sometimes it takes more than hard work to become successful. A lot of people were working hard but they can't become successful in life. It is what it is, success is really hard... deal with it. Sometimes you need to kill yourself and show the universe how deserving you are, you need to do something that wasn't done before.

The more it gets harder the nearer you are from what you want. Sometimes you need to cry in pain, if you almost got crazy and wanted to give up... it means you're very near so keep working, keep climbing and never give up. You will be close to losing your mind, the frustrations, depression will rise. Sometimes you don't even know what to do anymore. You will begin to question yourself if what you're doing is still worth it or not. If you're not crying yet, it means you are not yet close, it means you're not working really hard.

Make yourself almost wanted to cry, it means stay with the difficulty, it means you need to put in a very strong effort that will make you wanted to quit every single day. But of course you will not quit because you want success so bad.

Look at yourself, if you're not crying yet then it means you need to work more, it means your effort is too low. The more it gets harder, the better your situation will become. So push more, never stop, you need to almost die before you succeed. It is what it is, you've been too soft for the past few years, did it help you? of course not. So go hard now and make yourself wanted to cry because of the tremendous hard work that you are putting in. 

HARD WORK WILL NEVER KILL YOU. It will only make you cry but it will never kill you. The harder you work the bigger you will become. So don't be afraid to work hard, don't be afraid to be the hardest worker, so what if you work hard today and didn't get anything? at least you are trying. And even if you didn't get anything, at least you are happy because you are using all of your strength. Not all people can exert an extreme effort, most people were too lazy, they think they are great but they can't even look at themselves and tell themselves that they do everything they can.

Keep working, keep grinding, keep repeating. Never stop until you become successful, it's ok to cry because of the pain and suffering, cry for a very short time and then go back and grind again. Just release your emotions and go back to work again.

Be proud if you're already crying because it means you're very serious, it means you really want it.

Nov 27, 2017


You don't need to be loud, you don't need to be so arrogant. You can become the richest man in your town while your mouth is completely shut. There is nothing wrong with being loud but of course you have to back up your words and noises.

It's better to be a low key guy while succeeding little by little so people won't notice you. If you're too loud... there will be a lot of distractions, people will pull you down, they will join the bandwagon but they are not true to you, you don't even know they are drilling some holes in your ship to make you sink. Just stay humble and let your success be the noise.

Don't get too excited and be proud once you succeeded a little bit, don't show off just to quiet your haters and frenemies. Just keep quiet and keep rising higher. It's better to stay silent because you will be able to focus more on your goal if you're not arrogant.

Because if you are too loud... there is a tendency that more people will hate you, more people will get jealous with you, they will wish for your failure.

Being quiet has a lot of advantages, you will become unpredictable, they have no idea what is going on with your life so you will become more free to move and do whatever you want. The pressure will be lesser, you don't need to prove yourself to anyone because you didn't do any huge announcement. It's like a normal day in your life, you do your thing without worrying if someone is watching you. This is a very effective technique because your journey will be at peace, nothing will bother you, you will have a tunnel vision pointed to your goals.

It doesn't matter if they hear, see or feel you. So what if you succeed? they don't need to know it. If you are really great then you don't need to tell them about it, they will learn about your greatness naturally.


1. Less people will get jealous at you.
2. They don't know that you're rich so they will not borrow money from you.
3. There will be less critics, that will give you enough room for breathing, you will not be distracted.
4. People will love you even more because you're humble.
5. Less enemies
6. People will allow you to do what you need to do, if you are too loud you will get a lot of advice from different people who pretends they know something.
7. Your journey will be peaceful

But it's ok to become loud too, there is nothing wrong with that if that's really your personality. But make sure that you will do what you say or else people will go back at you and call you a fake.

Success doesn't need to be told, if you are really happy with your life then you don't need to tell it to the world. There's no need to show off. The real successful and happy people stay quiet because they already knew how good they were.

Nov 26, 2017


A lot of people were complicating their lives, they think that their problems can kill them. They were so worried and stressed. They don't know that life is not all about succeeding feeling good and looking rich in front of a lot of people. It is simply living today, if you can survive today and simply work hard then you will become better tomorrow. Keep repeating the same process and you will become successful one day. Forget all of your problems and worries, just survive this day, as simple as that. Even if you are really feeling bad today... all of those emotions will soon go away. Just wait, be patient and keep working hard. The formula is very simple isn't it? Just breathe even if you're dying, just keep fighting even if you're losing. You need to be in the moment and trust the universe.

Forget about becoming rich so fast, forget about reaching the finish line so fast. You will only feel badder if you are trying to escape your situation. Life is just a game, the more you enjoy it... the more you will become successful. You can feel good even if you're on a bad situation. Live with the moment and just at least try to enjoy every second even if nothing good is happening to you. Because you have no choice but to enjoy it, you have no choice but to survive or else you will go crazy. It's all about learning how to appreciate your situation and believe that your situation is not forever if you persevere.

Just survive this day, simply live it. Give your best and forget about what will happen next, forget about if you are failing or succeeding. Keep the momentum of hard work alive and never stop until your situation changes. Again, there is no need to worry if you are living with the moment. What will happen will happen. Just try to make good decisions every time you have to, don't make your situation worse and just patient in waiting for your life to change. Life is only about breathing, if you can continue your life and doing something good then you're already successful. You don't need to complicate it, you can live being simple and doing something with a purpose.

So if you have a lot of problems now... don't worry about it anymore, just take positive actions everyday and your problems will go away. Don't try to solve your problems fast just deal with it and never try to run away from it. There is a solution to every problem, and the funny truth is... if you will not worry about it then it is not a problem. A lot of people have small problems but it becomes bigger and bigger because they are making it a big deal, they are so invested with it, they cannot live without thinking about it. Maybe people can't really live without their problems because they keep on dwelling abut it everyday. They keep on talking about it, they keep on worrying about it. What makes it even funny is once they solve their present problems, they will go and look for another problem tomorrow. People are the ones destroying their own lives.

Just live this day and that's it. Never get complacent, never think about anything else. Live this day and never think about the future but of course you still need to take the right actions, don't be a happy go lucky guy who has no direction in life. Make a plan if you want but if you don't have a plan then simply take the right actions and make small progress each day. Life is very simple if you will just live it and make the right decisions.

Nov 25, 2017


Sometimes you will be caught in a situation that you don't like. You will be in a party where you don't like the people around you, they don't catch your attention, all of them were show offs and you are not interested with their stories. Of course you can't escape the situation that fast, you can't just be going to the exit and leaving the party just like that. The host of the party will get mad at you.

Just get your cellphone and do business. Check your emails, update your social media accounts, update your products, contact some potential clients. In this way you will be entertained differently, you will not think that you are being out of place. You will feel better and you will find an activity that will avoid you from talking with them .

That's the good thing about having your own business, whether it is small or big... every time you feel bad, you can go to your business and feel something differently. It's like having a fall back, it's like having something that will make you feel better when you feel insecure.

The moral lesson of this article is... having your own empire will make you happier and secured. It will make you feel that you have a purpose in life and you can leave everything for your own empire. You can cut down bullshits, you can avoid people that are not contributing to you growth, you can become very busy and forget the negativity that surrounds you.

Your business will save you, it will give you something to do, it will give you something to become busy about. You will forget all of your problems, time will run so fast. You will not even notice that the party is over.

If you have your own idea, goals and ambitions and take it seriously... nothing can hurt you, nothing can bother you. It's like have a bulletproof force field surrounding you and making you protected. You will do well in life, even if people are disturbing you... they can do nothing because you are too busy making your own life better, you are too busy minding your own business. All of the noises, mockery and hate will not even hurt you for a second. And that's if you're really serious with your own business.

You don't need to worry about anything else anymore because you run your own energy and empire. Even if they do something bad to you... you will just keep moving forward and chase success, you don't compare your life to others, you are so in love with your work and making progress every single day.

You will forget the negative people, you will just focus on becoming successful and making your business grow. So start your business now if you want to forget all of your problems, build your own empire and focus all of your energies into it. You are the king there, you are in full control of your thoughts and emotions.


It's not the houses, cars, achievements, awards, being on top, money, appreciation from other people as the prize. The real prize is how you become as a person. If you already succeeded and got what you want in life... it's not those things that makes you happy, it's the person you become. Those challenges makes you tough, it makes you mentally tough, wiser, stronger and a better person. By pursuing those big dreams you become a better person than yesterday, you already knew what to do, you totally become a different person.

Even if those things are taken away from you... you can still get it back because you already knew how to get it. If you get it once you can get it twice or thrice. You already beaten your limitations, you already beaten your fears.

So if you want to become great... keep pursuing that dream and don't worry if you will get it fast or not, what matters is you evolve as a person and your work ethic becomes unbelievable. It is either you become better or worse, it depends on you. If you will take it seriously and do everything to get it then you will become a better person but if you will just get frustrated all the time and quit then you will become a quitter forever, as simple as that.

If you become a fighter and adapt the mentality of not quitting then you're a real winner in life but if you are always quitting and changing journey time and time again then that is bad for you.

So look at yourself, you know in yourself if you are getting better or not. If you think that you are getting better then good for you, be honest, admit if you are getting worse so you can make adjustments.

There are lot of people who became rich but at the same time they became worse. They became hot tempered, they don't have time for their families anymore, they were always mad and seeing money as the only thing that can make them happy.

But if you are simply loving what you're doing and you are enjoying the process then it already means that you're successful.

So forget about the prizes, forget about the money, cars, houses etc. Because at the end of the day, you can have those things but if you're not happy then you're still a loser.

So focus on yourself, be mindful if you are getting better or not, getting happier or worse. Your character is the real prize. Those material things are nothing if you're not evolving as a human being.

Just strive to become better each day, strive to become happier. Look for the things, process, people that really makes you happy. You can't fool yourself, you can't cheat... at the end of the day, when it's all said and done... you really know if you just wasted your time dwelling on things that really didn't matter into your life at all.

Become the best at what you do, don't compare yourself to anyone but strive to become the best at what you do. Be the judge of your own work, be the judge of your own feelings. You know what really makes you happy, you know what can make you a better person.

Nov 24, 2017


It's time to give yourself some time, it's time to own your life. You've been owned by the media, television, popular people, brands, sports etc. for a long time, they are eating a lot of your time and making you who you don't wanted to be. They are hypnotizing you, wasting your time and using you for their own good. You give a lot of your time to them, they don't give any second to you, was that fair?

It's time to become rich, powerful and great. It's time to make your dreams come true, you can only make it come true if you are willing to focus a lot on yourself. You've been wasting your life for a very long time, you don't know that you only have one life. Start acting now before it's too late. Cut all the bullshits in your life and start to create.

Give yourself some time, develop, grow, learn a lot of things. Enjoy yourself, enjoy your own life. This life is so short only to use it for things that doesn't contribute to your growth. Give yourself some time and make yourself the best version that you haven't seen before. Use every second, every minute, every hour of the day for your growth.

Find out what really makes you feel alive, not those media that is only entertaining you for a while but is not even making you grow. Develop a skill that you can use to make you happy, entertained and successful. There is a better place waiting for you, you only need to find it and go for it. Use your time to discover your hidden potential. It's time to be real, it's time to know who you really are.

It's time to change your life, I know you're so sick and tired of getting the same results over and over again, I know you want more, I know you want to see the greatness in you. So decide now if you will use your time wisely or not. A lot of people thinks that they have a lot of time so they do stupid things only to find out that they don't have enough time anymore.

Use all of your time for yourself, become the biggest that you can be. Never give it to others, never use it for useless thoughts, people or situations. You have the power to change your life, you have the strength to reverse the course only if you will use all of your time for yourself.

It's never too late, you are still alive, you can still turn things around, you better be wise in using your time. You've been too generous in the past and you're giving them so much of your time that you could have use to make yourself better than yesterday. Be selfish of your time, it's yours so never give it to others, it's the only thing you have, it's the most precious thing that you must use wisely. It's the most important resources that you have to change your life.


Don't trust motivation, it will never save you. Sometimes it's there, sometimes it's not. And even if you're motivated, are you moving? I know there are times when you feel good, courageous and brave but you still didn't act, you still procrastinate and forget the discipline in your body. Motivation is just a feeling, I know it is helpful but what if it is not there?  Forget it, it is overrated, what you need to do is just move even if you feel bad and tired. The truth is you will never feel alright, it will never feel right, your mind will always find excuses and if you don't act now... you will become a bum forever.

Motivation will start to show up once you're taking actions, it will show in the middle of the task, it will make you feel something once you wanted to give up. That is the only time when motivation will start to show up... during quitting period, if you wanted to give up but you still wanted to win... then motivation will motivate you. But... not all the time motivation will help you, sometimes it will not show up so be ready if you are feeling down.

The key here is to keep pushing, just keep pushing yourself. That is what greatness is all about... having the ability to push despite of feeling bad, having the ability to still act despite of feeling wrong. Push and push until you win, force yourself to take actions. Forget about the motivational quotes, motivational sayings that you learned from you tube, it will not show up once you are feeling down. You are the only one who can help yourself, you are the only one who can force yourself to take actions... not motivation.

STRIKE WHEN YOU FEEL BAD. Strike not when the iron is hot but when you feel bad. Take actions if you don't feel like taking it, that is the right timing. Because you will never feel good all the time, actually most of the time you will feel bad, you will feel very lazy and if you let your negative emotions get the best of you... you're in big trouble. Do it now, it doesn't matter if you're shy, scared, afraid, worried, hesitant, doubtful, lazy, lost, depressed or whatever stupid emotions you have... you have to do it or else you will not do it forever.

Keep going even if the road is full of rocks, keep pushing even if your heart is full of doubts and hesitation, there is no other way around to turn your life around, only massive actions and fast decisions can make you successful and happy. Never think that you're wrong, never think that they are judging you or people are belittling you, never believe in your emotions, never believe that you can't do it... you have to do it, you have to make things happen. There is no such thing as perfect timing, never believe in tomorrow, next week or next year... create the momentum now, learn to adapt, improvise and make adjustments if needed. Forget about motivation and start taking action.


You have to treat something like a baby if you want to let it stay in your life for a very long time. You have to pamper it, feed it, make it feel like it is important.

Just like a car. A lot of people, they just love their car while it's new but when it is already 2 or more years old... they will not even take care of it, they will not even wash it for a few weeks. They let it become older and older each day. They don't treat it like a baby that's why they can't love it for so long, they are comparing it to another new car and they want to buy a new car even though what they have is still good. If you want to always want your car then you have to treat it like a baby. Wash it everyday, treat it like it is so expensive, never compare it to other car. Dress it, put some accessories on it. Upgrade it... that is how to fall in love even more with your car. And sometimes, just cleaning it everyday will make it very beautiful in your eyes. You will love it even more if you are taking care of it.

Just like your woman, you have to treat her like a baby. Take care of her, touch her, kiss her, dress her and never hurt her. If you want her to stay forever then you must give her what she needs.

If you can treat something like a baby then it will grow, it will stay with you, you will grow with it. All you need is love for something to maintain its life. You have to give it attention, focus and enough energy to sustain its life. If you will not love it, if you will not take care of it then it will die, it will go away, it will be taken away from you.

IF YOU LOVE IT IN THE BEGINNING THEN YOU MUST LOVE IT UNTIL THE END. A lot of people were only good lovers in the beginning, they can't love until the end. Especially if it is getting uglier, older and weaker. The love is the only thing that can maintain the beauty of something. If someone or something is getting uglier then it means you don't love it anymore, it means you are not making it grow. Your love should be forever, it should be eternity. If you can't love forever then don't love at all, you are only hurting someone, you are only hurting yourself. Look at those people who always change partners... they can't become really happy. They think that their present partner is their forever love but after a few years they will change again. The repeat it again and again until they grow old and can't find the right one for them. Your partner now is your true love, it is the one for you, you just need to appreciate her, love her even if you don't love her anymore, force your heart to feel something special for her again... that is how to stay in love forever.


Forget about everything else, forget about how you feel, forget about what people say... just start. Start where you are, just do something, never waste any second... just start and forget about where you may end up. What matters is you are moving and you are doing something, you better start today and relentlessly pursue your dream.

You will just move, what's difficult about that? you will just try and give your very best. It's painful and hard, I know it but it's even harder if you will just think about your dreams all day long and doing nothing about it.

Starting is the start of becoming successful, once you start you're already on the path of success. Even if you feel lazy, even if you feel tired... just start. It's the only way to create a momentum, it's the only way to become the best.

AN UGLY START IS STILL A START. Even if you have a rough start, it's still ok. It's still a start, it still means that you're on the right direction. Sometimes it's hard, it's not perfect and you may want to quit because nothing good is going on but wait for a few moment and your situation will change. Once you started your journey... never stop, keep going, keep walking, crawl if you need to but don't ever look back.

Starting is the most difficult part so once you started then everything will flow, you still start to see things happening, opportunities will start to enter your life. So you better stop hesitating and just do what you are suppose to do.


1. Don't think, just do it. Thinking is only building fears in your system. If you keep on thinking about starting then you will not start, you are only making things worse, you are only making your life difficult. Your mind will go crazy because your body wants to move but your mind is stopping you. So stop thinking and just start, forget about anything else... just do it.

2. Forget about the difficulty. People don't want to start because they are afraid of the difficulty. They are afraid to get tired and stressed. Don't think about how difficult it can be... just start, if you will always think about the million steps that you need to do then you will only get overwhelmed, you will become scared, you're already tired before you even start.

3. Look for the easiest thing that you can do. Look for what you can do, if you're trying to build a blog or a website then just look for the niche that you are interested. Then after that just sign up to whatever platform that will make you publish your website, just do something, there is always something that you can do and you need to do it. Don't pretend that you don't know anything. It's always doing what you can do until the momentum builds up, until you finish what you've started.

4. Don't look to finish. Everybody wants to finish right away, they don't want to enjoy the process that's why they are having a difficulty starting. Don't look at the finish line, just look where you are right now and do something about it. Looking to finish will only make you impatient, don't rush the process enjoy the process.

5. Just make a lucky guess. If you are really doubting yourself and you don't have the confidence to start... just make a lucky guess, make a lucky move. Forget about making mistakes and just do something. It doesn't matter if it is correct or not, what matters is you act like a courageous warrior and you do something about your life.

6. Look for a little inspiration. If you can find an inspiration from others how they do it then you already have a layout on how you're going to do it. It will be easier, just follow someone else's successful steps and let the results come in.

7. Just fake it. Fake it till you make it, pretend that you'r already great, pretend that you're already successful. Do what successful people do, pretend that you're some kind of a super human being and live that kind of lifestyle. 

Nov 23, 2017


If you're pretending to be someone you are not and fooling people how great you are... keep doing it, be happy while you are still fooling people because it will catch up to you in the end. They will discover how fake you are and your fantasy will stop. A lot of people were talking about sacrifices, pain, grind hustle but they don't have the numbers to back it up, all they do is talk and keep pretending that they really work hard. If you can't produce results then you will still be considered as a fraud.

It will catch up to you in the end, you can intimidate people, fake people and make them believe you but once they discovered that you can't prove anything then you will only look like a clown. It's now what you know, it's what you can prove.

So do what you are saying, live what you are talking. If you keep on talking about hard work then really work hard, produce results and prove to them that you are for real. If you are talking about kindness and generosity then do it, be a saint, never talk about negativity and give your life to other people, be compassionate and have a really kind heart. If you are talking about success then pursue it, become the biggest that you can be. Don't even talk about something that you're not doing or applying into your life, if you talk about it then be ready to be about it.

All you are saying must be really attached to your life. It must be you, be real because people will find out how fake you are in the end. You will fail in the end and you know that it will happen because you are really not doing what you are saying.

The real people are the ones who are succeeding, not the fake ones. Look at the people who are using PEDs and steroids, they were busted in the end. They are succeeding in the beginning but once people discovered their cheating activities... they fail big time, they can't make a comeback anymore. Their careers were over, they can't deny their fakery.

All the cheating, all the faking... it will come back to you, you must be real and authentic. Do what you are talking about, talk is cheap and it will never give you anything, you are just looking like a powerless clown.

If you are talking about money then earn money, have money and save money. You can't be just looking arrogant but you don't have any money in your bank. Don't pretend to have a lot of money by looking rich and buying stuffs that just depreciates. If you're talking about money then make sure that you have the numbers to prove your talking or else you will look like dumb in the end.

It's really up to you, you know if you're a fake or not, you know if you are really serious or just trying to impress people so you will look great. It will catch up to you in the end so starting today you better be real.


If you are really serious about your dream... you will be magnetized towards it. You will not think about anything else, you will do anything for it. You will do everything you can to have it. Every action, every thought, every decision will be related to it. It's like an automatic thing, you will go towards it without even thinking about it.

Little by little you will move closer, you will do everything in your power to achieve it. Failures, disappointments, frustrations - these are nothing. Your focus and determination will be one of a kind, nothing bothers you, nothing can make you feel hopeless or unmotivated. You're always energized to make something happen.

You wake up early in the morning and do something for it right away, you're so excited to do something for it, you are so pumped up to take actions. You are thinking about it 24/7, nothing else can occupy your mind. That is because you are very serious about your dreams. You feel so unstoppable and invincible, you feel like everything you do is right.

So if you want to change your life, if you are so sick and tired of your present situation... just think about what you really want and take it seriously, make it as your life. Your actions will change, your habits will change, your thoughts will change, everything you do is related to your dreams and you don't want to waste anytime anymore, you can't wait to get it. You feel so hungry and you feel like you can't live without it.

You will be magnetized, you will be drawn towards it... it will be like an obsession, it's like a calling or whatever you want to call it. Everything will be easy because you love what you're doing and you feel like you can't fail. There is no right or wrong with your actions anymore, even if you made a mistake, even if it is a big mistake... you still keep moving forward and your determination never change.

Time will become very fast, you will not even notice it. It's like an everyday entertainment, you are really having fun a lot. Life is amazing even if money, success, fame is not coming yet to your life. You're in an auto pilot mode but in a very good and positive way. 

All you have to do is think about your dreams, think about it every second, do something for it even if the action is not that big. Breathe it, live it and never let it go. Protect it and make it grow like a plant, your belief will be the fertilizer, your actions will be the water and your perseverance will be the sun. It will be very easy if you are patient, just wait while working and never give up if big challenges hits you and disappoints you.

Little by little you will get there, you will progress everyday. Take your time and enjoy every second of your journey, you will be magnetized towards it.

Nov 22, 2017


You only have two options in life and that is to perform or watch them perform. Look where you at, are you just watching or are they watching you? because if you keep on watching them then it means you're not doing well in life, it means you're not doing anything, as simple as that. So always be aware where you at and try to choose the position that will give you a much better life.

You need to make them watch you, it means you are pursuing your goal and doing something great. Look at the popular people in you tube, instagram, facebook or corporate world.... they are the ones who are doing well in life, they are the ones who are doing something to talk about, in other words.. they are the ones who were taking actions and not just commenting on other people's actions. They are the ones who are successful and not minding about other people's business.

If you are just commenting, criticizing and hating then it means you're not successful. You're just jealous because other people are taking actions and you're not. The more you watch other people's success the more you will get jealous of them.

Stop watching and do your own thing too. You can do something in your life other than watching other people succeed and becoming jealous of them. The more you do something for your dream, the more you become a better person.

Stop getting interested with other people's lives and start getting interested with your own life. You are just wasting your time watching others while you are starting to fall little by little. You only have one life and you should remember that, if you can't use your life the right way then you better wake up because your time is running out.

Be so good that people will become very interested at your story, if you can give them something they haven't seen before then you will become very successful, you will enjoy your life even more. Make them watch you because you can do unbelievable things.

I know you are so sick and tired of being a spectator, I know you are thinking of doing something else, I know you want to become popular too. So instead of watching them, why not work super hard until you become successful? be mean, get nasty, do something special in your life.

If you keep on watching them then nothing will happen in your life, you will get the same results over and over again. Your frustrations will grow each and every day. You will have a lot of regrets.

So if you think that you're better than them then stop watching them and start doing your own thing, start now, be relentless and never hold yourself back. If you will push yourself to the limits then for sure you will become successful. Time is fast, if you keep working everyday then you will become great in a very short time span.

Once you become really good... people will watch you, you will have a lot of fans, it means you're already successful. It means you're already making it.

So stop hating, commenting and criticizing other people, you are the who should be criticized because of taking actions. You only have two options... be a spectator or a performer. I am telling you, the life of a performer is far way better than the life of a spectator so choose wisely, decide what you wanted to be.

Invent something, create something, pursue something. Please remember that you are free, you have the right to express yourself and become really very good at something. So stop being scared now and just perform... become the biggest that you can be. It will be very easy if you will move, just take it one step at a time and become better each day.

Watching other people is a complete waste of time, the time you use for watching them could have been used to make yourself richer, wiser or better. You better use your life the right way because it's too precious to waste. Don't be shy to express yourself, don't be conservative, you have the power to believe, you have the power to achieve something great.


If you want to be somebody, let's say you want to be a doctor, a successful businessman, an entrepreneur or an athlete... you have to make yourself by taking massive actions. It is the only way to fulfill your dreams. Actions alone will make you who you wanted to be. It's far way better than thinking all day and doing nothing, it's far way better than planning and ironing a detailed plan without execution.

You can only discover how great you can be my taking massive actions, it will become your life, it will become your identity. You have to take massive actions even if results were not showing. It is what it is, the ones who can take massive actions are the ones who will become successful. It is the only way, you can't find another way because it is proven time and time again that shortcuts won't work. Shortcuts will only give you a little and temporary success but it will never stay forever, it will only give you a false belief, it will only disappoint you in the end.

So choose massive actions instead, stay with the grind and you will find. You will be able to make a best version of yourself if you will keep on working hard everyday. A lot of people talks about hard work but it takes more than that. It is not a one day, one week, one month or one year of hard work. Sometimes it takes forever if you really want to become successful. Commitment is the key, you have to be committed of working hard every single day if you really want to become a winner.

You will know your strengths and weakness if you take massive actions, you will be able to dig deeper and find where you are good at. You will know who you really are, you will give yourself a true identity. You will be able to set standards and rules that you will follow everyday.

GREATNESS WILL START TO TAKE OVER IN YOUR LIFE BECAUSE OF MASSIVE ACTIONS. It's not about pursuing greatness anymore, it's about being great every single day and making greatness as your only focus. You will no longer exert a mediocre effort. You will be the judge if your work is ugly or not, lazy or not. Everything you see is greatness, you never entertain weak minds and actions. You will always push yourself to the limits because you know that there is something better waiting for you if you give your very best. You don't care about the results anymore, instead you only care about giving your very best until the day is over.

You always strive to reach another higher level, you never get stuck into one place. You always beat the boundaries and discover what is still possible. For you possibilities are endless and you are willing to do whatever it takes to reach the top of the mountain.

YOU ALWAYS KNOW WHAT TO DO. You just need to do it. People know what they need to do with their lives but they can't do it because they were too lazy, they were too impatient. Just be patient and keep working and you're already on the right path. Forget about temporary pleasures, forget about being happy because chasing success and creating yourself is not happy all the time. It's a lonely road. Accept that it will be hard and everything will be easy. If you always put yourself on uncomfortable moments then your life will become very comfortable one day, as simple as that.

So if you are experiencing too much comfort now it means you're not even trying, it means you're not making yourself better. Massive actions is really uncomfortable but it is very effective, it will never fail you, it will give you a very good life.

So if you're so sick and tired of your life now, if you're so sick and tired of getting the same results every year... take massive actions, go all out. Never stop until you're so big that you can't even measure how big you are. There is no right or wrong actions for as long as it is related to your dreams, keep moving... keep making yourself.

Nov 21, 2017


This year is not over yet, you still have plenty of days and weeks. Most people are celebrating now, they are partying now, they were too busy wrapping gifts but if you want to be different from them.. you need to make the one last push. One last push before the year ends, pursue your dreams relentlessly and never stop until you get it. Who knows? miracles happens, you need to test if hard work and sacrifice really pays off. There's no harm in trying, not trying is even harmful.

Don't be like others who will take it easy, they still have 30 or more days remaining before the year ends but they will not push anymore. They will rather celebrate the whole December and promise to themselves that they will work hard right after new year. But those promises are just myths, they will even become lazier when the new year starts because they don't have the developed habits to become successful.

If you don't want this year to be like the other early years of your life... you need to make a one last push, a push that is very strong and will make yourself blown away. There is no more turning back, if you want to become a legend then you must try to do the impossible this year.

If you're so sick and tired of getting the same results over and over again then you need to make a one last strong push, take this year seriously. Even if you fail on the early months of this year, you can still change your life, you can still make this year epic if you will push hard enough and do your best every single day.

So use all of your strength, surprise yourself at how big you become by simply pushing yourself to the limits.

If you will not do it now, if you will not start now then you will not do it forever, you will always wait for the right time, you will keep promising yourself that you will do better next year but that will never happen. Promises should be fulfilled now, not tomorrow, not next week or next year. It should all happen now or else it will not happen anymore.

Start now while you still have time, do something miraculous, miracles can happen anytime, it can happen anywhere. You can only force miracles if you will push yourself to the limits and discover what is possible.

And even if you don't become successful, at least you try, at least you know what will happen if you work until the end and give your very best. It's never too late to make a run, just make a run and finish this year strong. A lot of people were finishing this year weak that's why their next year is also weak. If you can finish this year strong then your next year will become very prosperous because you have a very strong momentum.

Always think that you still have time, never underestimate the power of belief, if you think it will happen then it will happen no matter how short the remaining time is.

So go hard now, be relentless and keep working even if it is Christmas New year's eve. You need to finish this year strong or else it will be considered as another wasted year. Do something different this time while you still have time.

Look at your dream and promise to yourself that you will do everything for it on last days of this year. It may look unrealistic to become successful this year because it's almost over. But keep in mind that it ain't over till it's over. If your hopes were still high... you're still going to make it.


People have different minds, they will contradict you they will disrespect your ideas. It is what it is, you cannot please everyone, you cannot make them believe in you. The more you try to prove yourself the more you put yourself in trouble. And even if you're right... they will not believe you because they don't have an open mind, they simply believe what they want to believe so it's just a waste of time trying to prove yourself to them. Its' none of your business to listen to what they say, even if their opinions where somewhat disrespectful... just go back to your work and never listen to them.

The reality is other people can't mind their own business, they even think that they were better than you even if you're the one who's taking actions and they're not. They will act like they know something, they will even disapprove your right actions which is so funny. It is your responsibility to not listen to what they say and keep yourself busy with your own project.

YOU ALSO HAVE YOUR OWN OPINIONS. Sometimes you also contradict the ideas of others, sometimes you also think that you're always right. You also have your own opinions and not all the time you're right. So if you don't have anything good to say, just shut your mouth and stop offending other people. You have your own opinion, they have theirs, it is better to just focus on your own work so that you will never have an altercation with anyone.

The more you give them attention, the more they will mock you and criticize you. They will never shut up for as long as you're fighting them. The best thing to do is become successful, become big so that all of your focus will go to the positive side. Focus on your own journey and never care if they are saying something or not. Become bigger and bigger each day, become unstoppable. Never care if they are getting jealous with you, that is your revenge... to make them feel bad by being successful while they are getting worse everyday. Greatness doesn't care about the opinions of others. No matter how big the stone they throw at you... you keep getting better and better each day, you just don't care. All you care about is success and making your life better.

Opinions are just words, it's an ego creator. If you will not care about it then it will never affect you even for just once. 

You need to develop your mind, develop your mental toughness to protect yourself from harmful words coming from different people. It's all in the mind, the more you make your mind stronger... the less punishment you will receive. An owner of a strong mind will become successful and happy.

Just deal with it, people will always say something to you, people will annoy you. If you're too sensitive then you will never have a peace of mind. This world is a war between strong and weak minded people, if you belong to the weak minded individuals then good luck to you, you will never last longer. But if you're mentally tough then you will survive any struggle and pain, you will be able to endure mockery, criticism and hatred from other people. Make your mind strong and you will control everything.

If you're too emotional and you always take things seriously then you will always be affected. Simple things, simple noise, simple offensive moves from people will make you feel bad. You will lose focus in what you're doing, you will give your power to them.


Just commit to hustle and you already have a good life. Even if it is hard at least you have a direction, at least you're independent and you are using your own power and implementing your will. Hustle for food, hustle for money, hustle for success... that is what life is all about. If you will commit to hustle then you already have a very good lifestyle, you will never make any bad decisions because all you want is for the improvement of your life. Yeah, there will be hard times, there will be touch challenges but those hardships in life will look and feel normal if you're use to hustling everyday.

Commit yourself to hustle and you will feel invincible, you will feel like you can do anything. A lot people thinks they are hustling but they are just talking about it, they don't even know the real meaning of it. It's a constant improvement everyday, it's going to the unknown and making the best out of it. It's appreciating the little wins in life and not complaining about any work that needs to be done.

If you're really a hustler then you will never stop until you become successful, you will do whatever it takes to become successful and victorious. That's going to be your lifestyle. Everyday you are hungry for progress, little success is what makes you feel alive. You don't care if the challenge in front of you is impossible to conquer... you will hustle no matter what. You will become mentally tough, nothing will bother you once you are working on your project.

It's not for everyone because most people loves to chill, relax and have an easy life. The hustling lifestyle is for people who really wants to have an amazing life. Hustling is like living your life to the fullest, you will know how good you are and how strong you can be. It is discovering your true strength and potential, it's redefining your limits and pushing yourself beyond boundaries.

So if you want to change, if you want to have a different result in life... commit to hustle. Chase something. It can be a money, goal, dream, house, car, success etc. Just keep grinding and take it one step at a time. Everything you do must bring you one step closer to winning. Every thought you entertain must make you believe in yourself and make you mentally strong.

Hustling will give you a different energy, it will make you feel undeniable and unstoppable. You will become very independent, reliable and likable. Some people will become your fans because they know you are for real and they will see a work ethic that they are wishing of for a very long time. They will idolized you and make you as their own inspiration.

Even if you're not winning yet... still hustle, still do whatever it takes because time will come and you will have your time, you will become a winner. Hustling will pay the price of being great.

PUSH FOR SOMETHING AND DON' TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER. There will always be an opportunity for you, there will always be someone who will say yes. You will get your own slice of cake. It's all about moving, failing and trying again. Try and try until you succeed, it's an old saying but still work nowadays.

Hustling is the best thing to do. Hustle for a job, hustle for an opportunity, hustle to make your life better. It is better than complaining, participating a rally or procrastinating all day gossiping and watching TV. You will become a different person if you hustle, you will be able to see the best version of you. All you gotta do is move your ass and find something that will give you a better life, commit to it and never leave it until you're done.

It's just pushing no matter what, hoping for the best and never giving up... that's how simple it was. Don't care about anything else other than hustle. Make hustling as your way of living and you're on your way to winning.

Always remember that hustling is not all about winning and having a good life. You need to persevere each and every day, you need to make yourself uncomfortable and seek for the moments that will make you victorious.

Nov 20, 2017


The answer is very simple... don't think anymore. Just move and don't think. All of your problems will be solved if you will not move and simply take actions. Because the truth is... your problems become real problems because you're not doing something about it. You worry about it, you think you can't solve it and the list of negativity goes on and on.

Take it one step at a time and never think about your problems anymore, it will be solved naturally if you keep moving forward. It's just a problem, it can never kill you, it will turn into nothing if you don't think about it.

All of your problems will go away, trust me. Not thinking and simply moving is the best solution to any problem that you have. Try this for once and tell me if I am lying. Problems becomes bigger and bigger the more you think of it and do nothing. If you want to solve your problems don't think about solving it, do something to solve it. If you will think how to solve it the chances are you will just think about it the whole day and do nothing about it.

Move now while you still have time, move now while your situation is not worse and you can still do something about it. If you will always make a delay, your problems will become worse, it will become bigger and bigger until you go crazy thinking how to solve it. You can solve all of your problems even if you're slow, always make a move everyday, make small actions until you build a very strong momentum. If you will start now and never stop, you will not even notice that all of your problems were gone.

ALL PROBLEMS ARE VERY EASY TO SOLVE. Just stop thinking about it and do something for it. Even if the actions you take seems less impactful... do it. You have no other way to solve it but to do something for it. Your time is running, you need to be in a sense of urgency or else your problems will eat you. Never try to escape from it, just face it and take small actions. You can free your mind from worries by simply taking small steps one day at a time.

No problem is unsolvable, everything will be easy if you will trust yourself, trust that what you're doing is right and can make your life better.

A lot of people can't solve their problems because they were thinking too much, they were so focused on thinking, worrying that is why their fears becomes bigger each day. Don't think just do, don't worry just begin doing something that will make you feel a little bit better, you can only feel good by taking small actions and nothing else other than that. You will only go crazy if you will spend the whole day worrying about something that is not even a problem at all. There is no problem if you will focus on actions. Taking actions alone is already a solution even if it will not solve the whole problem.

LACK OF ACTIONS IS THE REAL PROBLEM. The problem itself is not the real problem, lack of action is. If you're not moving then your mind will go crazy, it will entertain a lot of negativity which is bad for your health and life. Your mind will begin to invent stories, it will begin to create out of this world excuses why your problems cannot be solve. So it is better to take actions instead of thinking the whole day about your problem. Movement is a good entertainer, if you're always on the move then your mind will be free from worries and fears. So look at yourself and judge yourself if you're moving or not, if not then move, if yes then keep making the momentum running until all of your problems were solved.


Sometimes you think that by simply working hard and giving your best will make you successful. A lot of people think that way, yeah hard work will make you successful but sometimes it takes more than that. Sometimes you will even work hard to make yourself work hard, sometimes it's hard to force yourself to work hard for whatever reasons.

Sometimes you thought that you are working hard but the reality is not, you just feel that it is hard because you don't like what is going on, you feel heavy, you feel that someone or something is just forcing you to do the work for some other reasons. It is not hard work, it is forced work. So it is your duty to work hard to make yourself feel good about working hard.

It's not all about hard work because if it is then any journey will be very easy, all you need to do is set a goal and work hard and that's it. But not all hard working people are successful, why is that? it's because you also need to pair it with unparalleled belief. Sometimes if you're working hard too much and you can't see a little success... your belief will start to deteriorate, your confidence level will go down. You will ask yourself if it is still worth it to work hard because you're just tiring yourself and nothing is happening. It's really frustrating, your patient will start to run out, you will think that you're just wasting your time.

That's why it's not purely hard work, it's mental toughness and overcoming any negative emotion. It's making your belief stay in your system forever. Working hard is good but you also need to pair it with indomitable spirit, you need to fully trust the process. Challenges will come, adversities will pull you down and break you. It takes more than hard work to become successful, sometimes you also need to look bad and invincible, you need to impose your will. Sometimes you will hurt other people 's feeling unintentionally, sometimes you will offend someone because of your belief in yourself but it is what it is, if you will not stand for what you believe in then nothing will happen to you.

It's not all about hard work, you need to build your character and self identity too. A lot of people were working hard but there is a missing ingredient in their process that's why they can't become successful, I don't know what it is but it is their duty to find it out.

So don't ever think that once you work hard then you will become successful instantly, it takes more than that. It is good to build a habit of working hard but don't expect too much, don't think that the universe will reward you right away once you work hard. Sometimes you need to die for it, sometimes you need to be out of your mind in order to become successful.

Because if hard work alone can make you successful then it is not a challenge anymore, you will just work hard and results will come but that doesn't happen all the time. You need to become more of a man to become successful, you need to do something that wasn't done before.

There will be times when you don't want to continue anymore because you think that you already did everything in your power but you haven't become successful yet. That's what I'm talking about, it takes more than hard work to become successful, there is still something else that you need to do and it's your duty to find it out yourself.

Hard work hard work, we heard this all time .We've seen time and time again people that are working hard but can't become successful in life, it seems like they are working hard forever. There is always a missing piece, there is something else that you need to do, what do you think it is?

Nov 19, 2017


A very good entertainment is yourself, make yourself entertained by yourself, with your own life and works. Watch your story grow, watch yourself grow with consistent work, hold that vision of yours for so long until it come into reality.

You've been watching a lot of story on the internet about winners, celebrities, gossips, epic fails etc. All you want is to be entertained by some information that will not even help you in your life. But I am pretty sure are also getting tired of those stories. You're looking for something original, something that you haven't heard before. If you feel that way then it's time to make your own story, entertain yourself with your own story, make yourself as your own entertainment. You are the star, you are watching yourself, you are having fun with your life.

Be entertained making yourself better each day, watch yourself working hard, fall in love with working hard. Watch yourself evolve, struggle and make it in life. Stop being entertained by other people because that will never make you successful. You will only become a winner if you will focus on yourself a lot.

It is much fun if you will focus on your life and not with other people's lives. Don't be a watcher, be a performer. You only have one life, are you going to waste it watching other people's lives? you better watch your own life and be entertained with your own journey. Watch your own actions rather than other people's actions. Focus on your progress and not other people's progress. You will enjoy your life even more if you will treat it like a movie, you're the star and the director.

Look for what you can do and become very good at it, make it your life, grow with it and become successful with it.

I know at this stage of your life you're so bored. The internet, television and video games are not entertaining you anymore. Even the gossips in social media is boring you so you better step up your game and make your own life your entertainment so that you will experience a different feeling. You will become more excited if you will treat your life like a movie because you will be forced to make it epic, you will give it a better experience. You will make it magnificent because it is your own creation.

Some people are not creating their lives, they are bored with their own life because they keep on watching other people's lives. They are not interested with their own life because it is not growing.

You must do everything to make your life grow, that is the best way to achieve true happiness. Be mindful of what's going on, forget about the critics and haters. Remember that you are making yourself as your entertainment so you need to trim down the negativity.

If you will be entertained by your own life then you will not become bored anymore. You will have more adventure, you will feel happier, you will have more energy to do things.

How to make yourself as your own entertainment?

1. Pursue a goal and focus on it.
2. Strive to grow everyday.
3. Face a difficult challenge and watch yourself conquer it.
4. Focus of self development and be serious with it.
5. Never look at other people's lives because that will only make you less interested with yourself.
6. Love yourself and invest in yourself, watch how you evolve as a human being.
7. Believe in something and give your life to it.

Because in the end, you will also got bored with other people's lives, you will even regret that you follow other people instead of following your own dreams. You will learn that you only wasted your time being entertained by other people because their lives has nothing to do with your life.

Nov 18, 2017


After all, it's all about how you feel that will make something magical, if you can appreciate it to the fullest then it's magical, but if you're too worried about what people are trying to say and your reactions is based on their reactions then you will never treat something as magical no matter hot beautiful it is.

The reality is... someone is praying for what you have, someone is dying to have the life that you have. So if you feel like you have less then you're crazy, you're unappreciative and you take your life for granted.

1. If you want to make something magical then use all of your energy to make it better. Simply giving your best and doing whatever it takes to make something epic will make it magical. People will appreciate it, people will see the effort behind it. You will feel if something was done for a very long time, you will feel if something is done in rush. If you give your full effort into something then people will see it as magical, even you will appreciate your own work because you know that you sweat for it. Don't be shy to waste all of your energy into something because you can have it back, any kind of energy is renewable. Whether it is a physical or mental energy... it will come back to you.

2. Live with the moment. Be spontaneous, don't think about the next thing that will happen. You can make something magical if you will enjoy every second of your life. For example, if you're performing on stage, just enjoy what is going on, forget about what people are thinking. Just focus on your feelings, enjoy all of your actions, feel happy expressing yourself. And even if you're making a lot of mistakes... still enjoy it, it's ok because it is normal and it's just an evidence that you're just a human being.

3. Treat everything as perfect. If you can treat something that is imperfect as perfect then your life will become amazing, remember that it's all about how you feel. If you can feel good about the ugliness of the situation then you will not worry about anything anymore, you will enjoy what is going on, you will love hat you have. Because life is perfect, everything is perfect if you are very good in appreciation. Always remember that a lot of people were dying to have your life, they want your life style so you need to be appreciative of what you have and never compare your life to anyone.

4. Learn to detach from expectations. This will lessen the pressure, this will make you more loose and creative, this will make you experience freedom even more. Try to become great but don't expect greatness, don't expect people to like you, don't expect big time success, don't expect appreciation. Just live your life, do what you can and never hold back. You can make something magical if your mind is so free from the external things. Showing your true colors will make you feel very good about yourself, you will feel more confident, you will be amazed at how big of a freedom you have.

5. Show your true colors. Show the real you, show what you can do, show what you are made of. Magical things will happen if you can show who you really are, people will be amazed, people will see your uniqueness. You can do amazing things if you will be very true of yourself. A lot of people can't show who they truly are because they were so afraid of critics, they were so afraid of negative feedback. They were holding themselves back that's why they can't present themselves in a very outstanding way. If you can be yourself anytime you want then you will become very successful in anything that you do.

Always remember that if you feel good about something then you can make it magical, find the appreciation, find the good feelings and pair it with your creativity and you will make something magical. So you need to enjoy the moment, you need to appreciate that you can do something about it, unleash your creative side, always feel the love. Combine freedom, appreciation and creativity.

Nov 17, 2017


Find the next step, find the next positive step... that is your goal and nothing else other than that. You can think about success all day long, you can create the most detailed plan, you can dream about it, talk about it but if you're not willing to take the next step then you're just setting yourself up for failure, an epic FAIL!.

THE NEXT STEP IS THE ONLY GOAL. Focus on the next step and the next one and the next one. That is what it is all about. The goal is to keep the process running and running, even if there are no results, even if there is no money entering in your pocket yet... the goal is to keep the fire burning and the river flowing. It is an endless cycle or recycling the process, processing the process. Because even if you're already successful... you still need to focus on the next step or else you will lose all of your money and status.

Because if you focus on becoming successful... what will happen is this... you will think about it, do a little effort or maybe work hard for a few days then you will immediately ask for success right away. And if you see that nothing right is happening or you can't see any significant improvement... you will become depressed, you will be unmotivated and the there is a big chance that you will quit. That's what happen to most people who are trying to become successful... they always focus on the success and when they can't get it on their desired time frame... they will feel bad and just quit.

Focus on the next step and the next one and the next one. Success will come to you little by little. Just try to improve one day at a time. After all, you need to take massive actions in order to become successful. So if you're just focused on becoming successful... you will just think about having money, houses, fame or recognition. You will never think about taking actions anymore, and if you can't have those things that you want... you will feel bad, you will even make excuses why you can't get those things, the work ethic for becoming successful is not developing in your system.

DON'T EXPECT FOR RESULTS. It will come, the results will come in the right time if you keep working and working again and again. It sounds frustrating, it sounds boring and hard but you have to deal with it if you really want to become successful. You can look for the results but just for a few times, look for it if you really work hard for so long, let's say one month or more... once you work with that kind of time frame then look for the results but don't expect too much. If you don't see any improvement... go back to you work right away and work harder. That is the best way to become successful in life... work hard, look for the results then go back working again. Even if the results and improvement were big... forget it and keep working right away, remember that the goal is to execute the next step again and again.

Expecting for the results creates disappointments, it is better to just focus on the progress and keep making small momentum every now and then.

Focusing on the next step and making it as your only goal will make life easier for you. You will enjoy the process even more because you feel successful already while take small steps one day at a time. And the truth is you're already successful, you will just keep taking actions and wait for the right time, wait for the harvesting time when you will get the fruits of your labor.

You have to realize that reaching the finish line is not something that will give you a fixed happiness. You will still face a lot of challenges once you become successful, you still need to do a lot of work or else you will be out of balance. You still need to keep moving to avoid being bored and rusty. Work is part of our lives, we need to work everyday to avoid going crazy. People who just want to party everyday, do vacation and live like a king are the people who are lost, they are looking for something but they don't know what it is.

Once you experience a lavish lifestyle, once you have a lot of money... you still need a little pain, you still need to challenge yourself a little bit so you will avoid boredom.

PROCESSING A PROCESS IS HAPPINESS. Life is a process, life is a journey. I am not a big fan of this quote before because I want fast results, I want overnight success but then I realize that it is really not the destination that will give you happiness, it is the journey. I become successful at one point in my life when I bought my first car, I thought I was the man back then but then I found out that even if you have a lot of money, even if you become successful... problems will still visit you in your house, it will knock on your door and if you don't think that it's part of your life... you will freak out.

Just focus on the next step and that's it. If you have a problem, don't focus on solving it fast rather focus on the first step of solving it then focus on the next one and the next one. You can't erase a single problem in just a matter of seconds, you have to deal with it and do the necessary steps until it is gone.

So what is the next step that you have to do? what is it? is it saying sorry to your wife? is it looking for a job? is it building a resume? is it just walking outside? focus on it and do it, you will feel a little successful after doing it, your worries will diminish a little bit, you will have a little fun. Do it over and over again and you will experience a real happiness.

Nov 16, 2017


Sometimes you need to go hard, really really hard. Sometimes you need to be hard on yourself because being soft, being gentle will never get the job done. You are only developing a lazy habit by always doing that. If you need to slap yourself if you need to wake up at 3 AM then do it, go ahead, slap your lazy ass and once you're up... never go back to bed again.

Most people nowadays were too soft, they want everything to be handed to them. They were too dependent, they can't make themselves successful by their own efforts and decisions, they want someone who will pamper them. They need a mama or a protector, they need a hero to save their lazy asses.

Force yourself if you can't decide about something, force yourself to make decisions and start the first action. Because if you will keep waiting then nothing good will happen to your life, you will remain as a failure forever.

Because in reality you can get more and be more but you are so soft that's why you are getting less. It's time to enforce your will and be the person you wanted to be. Go hard, be tough and never settle for anything lesser than what you want.

Success is all about getting the job done and being soft and weak willed person will never give you something, you will just take what life is giving you even the worst options... you will take it because you feel like you don't have a choice anymore. You feel weak because you're not forcing yourself to take actions and take full responsibility of your life.

But you always have the choice to go hard, you always have the choice to force yourself and move faster, earlier and harder. You have the strength to do it, your energy is enough, you just think that you can't do it because you don't even want to try. 

THE FEELING OF WEAKNESS IS CAUSED BY... Inaction, as simple as that. If you will not move if you need to take actions then you will feel weak, you will feel little and powerless. All you gotta do is move and that's it, you're on your way to greatness or whatever it is that you are trying to achieve. Just try using a brute force if you can't move, be ashamed of yourself if you're not moving. Feel bad about yourself if you can do something but you are pretending that you can't do it because you are lacking something. Nothing is lacking in you, if your mind and body is operating normally then nothing is lacking in you. You just feel it that way because you're too lazy, you love making excuses instead of making a little progress.

If you feel lazy to day, it means you're not forcing yourself to do the right thing, it means you love getting zero results rather than forging a momentum. It means you need to rest more even if you already rested for 8 or more hours. You will only get energy by moving, you will never get it by resting.Resting a lot will make you weak even more. It will develop a lazy attitude in the long run. You can take a rest, 5-7 hours is enough. Once you feel that your energy is back... go back hustling and grinding, that is what it is all about.

Using force is only hard in the beginning once you fall in love with it, once you see the progress... you will never have a hard time forcing yourself again to take actions.


If you can find something that you will enjoy doing then you're already successful, but... you still need to think about your obligations, you still need to think about your financial status and the family that you have to feed. If you love skate boarding then go ahead and do it for the whole day but if you have children to feed and they are waiting for your support... you can't be doing that because you will have bigger problems in the end.

That is why if you are serious in something and you really believe in it... never have children yet, you have to focus in just one thing, is it building your family or pursuing our hobby? you can't pick both because you can't serve two masters at the same time, one has to go and the other one will remain. 

But if you will choose to just work and feed your family... you need to find a work that you truly love, it can be about selling skateboards or teaching children how to skateboard, pick something that is related to your hobby and at the same time will give you some money. It will be easier for you to work if you love your work because it will never feel like work, it is like playing and letting the time pass by. It is the right direction if it doesn't feel like work. 

A lot of people were so stressed because they were just forced to do something that they don't love just to earn some money, they will work at the office or maybe some kind of a blue collar job. There is nothing wrong with blue collar job or working at the office, what matters is you love your job and you're not forced to do it. Because an 8 hour work will feel like 16 if you're just forced to do it. It is a wrong direction because you really feel like you're working, your mind and body gets tired so fast. 

Yeah it is true that sometimes you don't have a choice, sometimes you need to stop your real dream because of money. If you're an aspiring singer and you don't have gigs but children to feed... you need to do something else that will give you some money. You need to work on a grocery store, be a clerk or something. Again, there is nothing wrong with that, any work that is legal is ok. What matters is how you feel about it, if you don't feel good about it and you still have some other choice then stop doing it. But if it is the only choice available at the moment then you need to bite it, do it for the moment, think about your family and when you already find another better option then choose what you think is best for you. Sometimes it is not all about doing what you love and getting successful right away, sometimes you need to do what is the best for you and the people behind you. 

But it doesn't also mean that you need to sacrifice your dream forever. If you really want it then you just need to let it go for a moment and then come back to it when you already have the power to pursue it. When everything is ok and you think that no one will be affected then go back to your dreams and pursue it relentlessly. 

Because doing something for your dream and doing something that you really love will never feel like work, it is like playing something, it is like being a child again and figuring out how to win. It will b easier for you to become successful because everything feels like effortless. 


You can fool yourself, you can tell everyone that you work hard yet you fail, you can make lies, you can lie to yourself but the universe really knows if you really work hard, you can't lie to it. You can't fool it, you can't make a fake story and ask for a reward.

The universe will only reward the people who are really working hard. So if you can't become successful it only means that your hard work is not a real hard work, it means you're fake so you need to be real.

THE UNIVERSE SEES EVERYTHING. It sees your shortcuts, it sees your laziness, it sees all the wrong doings that you did from the past. So if your progress is very slow... it only means that the hard work you've been telling to everyone is not enough. You need to work more and prove the universe that you deserve something big. You can't ask for something big if your sacrifice is very small. You need to be really deserving of something.

Stop being a fake and work hard now, don't talk about it, don't complain about it... just do it. HARD WORK PAYS OFF - this quote works before, still working now and will work forever. Never doubt hard work because it only means you want to become lazy and short cut your work. Just believe it and use it, see where it can bring you, find out what can it give you.

So stop thinking and just work super hard, make it a habit, make it a lifestyle. Never worry if you are making a result or not just work hard and never stop working... that is how to impress the universe and make it give you what you want.

The playtime is over, the pretending games is over. You need to be very super serious in your work if you really want to win in life. Life is unfair but you will get what you deserve. So quit making a lot of dramas now and do your work. Do the real work, do the real hard work. Don't pretend that you're working hard if you're just working a little, what your life now is the result of your work.

Opportunities will be attracted to you if you really work hard, you will have something. You will be rewarded, sometimes you will get less but at least you are getting something. Just appreciate every blessings that you are getting and keep working hard. Repeat and repeat until you become super big.

ALL WORK IS EASY WORK. If you already have the habits of working hard then all work will be easy work. Nothing will become hard anymore because you will fall in love with what you're doing. It will be a normal day to you, you will never complain, you will just do it and finish it. The truth is... even if you relax and do nothing your time will still run, the world will still revolve, it has no difference from working hard... you are dying little by little, you just don't feel it yet because you're still young and capable of wasting your time.

BE HAPPY IF YOU'RE WORKING HARD. Even if you're not getting any results yet... be happy if you can work hard because it means you're on the right direction in life, it means you will become successful one day. Just be patient waiting and your time will come, you will become successful one day. Be appreciative if you can move because not all people can take actions, some were already on their death bed while some can't move for some kind of reason. Don't take your time for granted because not all the time you will have time.

1. Cut all the bull crap in your life. Select the things that will give you a good life and be totally focus on them. Never do something that will only make you poorer and slower. Remember that easy work and hard work are the same because your time is running, it is up to you what to choose. Are you going to choose an activity that has a benefit in the future? or are you going to choose something that will only make you poorer in the end. If you can remove all the activities that is giving you temporary pleasure but long term pain then you will become more focused on success.

2. Just simply do it. Thinking is a sin, it will make you worry, it will make your fears go stronger. Just do it, have no time for thinking and start moving. Do it and do it and do it until the job gets done. Have faith that everything will work in the end, just keep taking actions and never mind if you are making results or not. Just keep moving, be relentless and  entertain your mind by working a lot. Once you develop a habit of simply doing it... I am telling you, you will love yourself even more, you will even idolize yourself, you will be surprised at how fast you can do something and making progress every now and then. Simply doing it is freedom because you feel bad because you can't make the first move, you feel weak if you need to start something and you can't even take the first step. The habit of simply doing it will make you a better person, you will become faster, smarter and you will be able to get more results. To make the long story short... you're already an improved human being.

3. Don't ever think that you're wasting time for working too hard. Don't ever think that you are completely losing your life because you can't watch TV anymore, bond with your friends, go shopping or even take a short nap. Working hard is a lifestyle, if you can choose it then your life is already in the right direction, your life is already good.

Don't ever talk about hard work if you don't know the real meaning of it. It's not difficult because it's a lifestyle, it becomes you, you become it do it forever and everything will become easy.

Nov 15, 2017


Don't be scared to pursue your dreams, don't be a coward. You only have one life, are you just going to waste it for nothing?

All you need to do is take a small action every single day, it can be anything. It can be the smallest action that you can ever think of and then repeat it over and over again. That small action if taken consistently will soon become big. It will make a huge impact one day. Once you fall in love with the consistency, once you don't feel right if you're not taking actions then you're on the right path, that is the start of your success.

You're not scared of your dreams, you're just scared to take actions, that is the truth.


1. You don't want to get tired. You're simply lazy, you don't want to get tired because all you want to do is relax and do nothing all day. You feel like a king but you don't have the crown yet. You feel like you can become successful without doing anything, you already think you're something even if you're not achieving anything. You're lazy because you don't have the work history from the past, you don't force yourself to work hard. You need to at least go hard for 21 days straight for the habit to remain in your system. Once you have the habit fully developed... you can become very successful one day. It's the one who can work everyday and not get tired of it that will become successful.

2. You want instant success after taking actions. You want to be sure that you will get something after working that is why you are afraid of taking actions. You don't want to waste your energy for nothing, you're always thinking about guaranteed success which will never happen. If you will just think about taking actions and not success then it will be easier for you to move.

3. You feel like Mr. Perfect. You want everything to be flawless, you want an easy work, you don't want to face challenges. You think that there is an easy route, once you see that the task ahead of you is hard... you will never start something. You are always wishing for a perfect life.

3. You want to match the success of other people. You wanted to be successful like your idols in you tube, you want to have a lot of money like celebrities and star players and when you found out that the  work needed to get that kind of life is hard... you will never move again, you will go back complaining that life is hard again. Don't try to match the success of other people, you will have your own kind of success. It will be a unique one that has no duplicate.

5. You wanted to become great before you start something.  You want to dominate right away, you wanted to become great like other people, you don't know that it takes a lot of work to become great. When you see yourself as not being great like others... you will make excuses and stop taking actions. Stop looking to become great right away, it is a step by step process, greatness is hard to achieve but it is for anyone. It is for people who are willing to work everyday and make sacrifices that not all people can bear. Greatness is to be pursued and not something to wish for.

JUST TRY IT EVEN IF THE SUCCESS IS NOT GUARANTEED. There is no harm in trying, you will even become a better person if you try because you get a lot of experience. Try and try, pound it, never stop until you get what you want. You've been a failure for years because of inaction, it's time now to take massive actions and do what is needed to go to the top. Cowardice is the result of not moving, you need to force yourself because if you will not move then you will get the same ugly results for the rest of your life.

What matters is you try, try even if you feel like you can't do it. Your confidence will go higher and higher as you keep on taking actions.


There is a bravery in you, no matter what happens in the past... it will remain in the past. You can act now, you can change right away. Just stay with your dreams, never let it go and never do something else other than it. Make your dream your life, do something for it every second. It's like putting a a single buck on your piggy bank every now and then. And even if you're scared... just pretend that you're tough, just pretend that you are courageous and you will become really like it in the long run. Show your bravery just for once and never change that sate of mind.

A lot of people were looking brave but deep inside they were scared too. Successful people move despite of being scared, they were good in acting like tough and showing no fears. That is why they become really brave in the long run, they fake it until they make it. You too can fake your bravery, just be brave enough to pursue your dreams and never let it go no matter what.


Move even if you are scared, try again once you got rejected. Stand up again every time yo fail, the game plan is very simple... keep trying and trying again. It will never be over until you win. Keep the motion alive, keep the fire burning. There is no harm in moving, you will never die if you take actions, you will even see that is possible. So never stop trying so hard, be crazy for it and go hard every single day.  Moving is so simple, you will just do what you know and always think positive, think that it will give you results in the end.

Always consider every movement as something that is making an impact because it really is. Even if you can't see any result from that movement... at least your work ethic of doing something is continuing to develop, your courage is getting stronger and your momentum keeps going.

A lot of people can't move even if they have the skills, support and knowledge. They were so scared to do their own thing, they have ideas but they can't execute it... what a poor life. If you can build your own empire and execute your own ideas... you're life will become amazing. Just stick with the process and never quit no matter what.