Aug 31, 2024


You've been feeding your mind a lot of garbage lately that's why you can't focus. You're thinking too much, you're consuming a lot of information on the internet that's why you're always stressed, depressed, unable to focus and don't know what to do. Your mind is processing a lot of information that doesn't need to be processed that's why you're always anxious and cannot function to your very best. You don't need to open the trending link, you don't need to engage with the problem of a stupid celebrity, you don't need to know everything. Tale care of your mind, strengthen your mentality and just focus on the things that will make you better. You will have more peace if you stop feeding your mind with garbage that will poison it. Your mind is everything, stop programming it with different topics, problems, gossips etc. that will only give you headaches and negative emotion. You need to be disciplined, you need to be mindful of what you're doing and thinking or else it will backfire at you in the end. Your mind is a tool for development, don't use it to make your life worse. You can have a much better, richer and healthier life if you will just use your mind the right way. Stop being tempted everyday to click something that doesn't serve you at all. Use your mind to do something great, you need to stay disciplined, committed and strict. Stop being a bum like others, practice delayed gratification, stop yourself all the time, you are the one who is either making or breaking your life with the thoughts that you feed on your mind. Be great, be strong, be mindful and it will only happen if you can select the information that will enter your mind. Teach your mind how to think, train your mind to filter the information that you are about to feed your mind. It takes a lot of effort but you you will get better once you mastered it. any garbage information should be stopped, it should be banned. 

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Aug 30, 2024


You need to force yourself to work as hard as you can and see what is possible for your life, you need to create your own opportunities and never wait for something if you really wanted to change your life, your hope is useless, you can never wait for luck, nothing will change if you don't force anything. You will only attract better opportunities if you're taking massive actions and doing whatever it takes to win, a progress will never happen if you keep on giving the same weak efforts everyday. Just because you worked hard for 5 straight hours doesn't mean you already deserve to get more, you need to try harder than that, it is what it is, you want this right? you want to change your life right? you want want to make a breakthrough then take matters into your own hands and never let fate decide where your destiny end up. Be assertive, be forceful and use aggression, it is what it is, it's going to be really hard and uncomfortable but you need to focus on winning if you really wanted to make a difference in your life. Stop being a punk, stop being slow and weak and do what you can do at the moment, take small steps, inch by inch.. do it and never stop until you finally made it. If you really want it then you will find a way, if there is a will there is a way. Focus is the only thing you need to master, focus on getting it and never give up even if it looks to impossible. Push yourself to the limits and give everything you've got, the power is in your hands, make it happen now, do it now and never hold back, time is ticking, time is running, you need to go all in now and see what is possible if you keep going further as much as you can. Breakthrough will only happen to those who are willing to make a breakthrough, it will never happen to people who are just wishing for it. So keep grinding and do the impossible, use all of your strength and tenacity to create a miracle, greatness happens to those who are willing to give their all. And when you fail... try again, never give up, this is your path now, you have no choice but to keep going because you're so sick and tired of living the same life over and over again. Do something, don't waste your time and energy, don't waste another day hoping for something to happen, take it seriously, push yourself to take actions and go all the way. Drop everything that is thing you down, get rid of every activity that is useless and time consuming. Man up and become powerful as you can be, do it now, start now and focus on being relentless and fast. You don't need to become perfect here you just need to become faster than everyone else, while they are waiting... you are working, while they are sleeping you are working. 

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Aug 29, 2024


Every time you force yourself to take actions and do something that is hard and makes you feel lazier... you're already winning. Every time you take a risk and do it anyway you're already progressing. Success isn't about getting the money or prize, it is controlling yourself and forcing yourself to do the right thing even if it is scary and uncomfortable. It's getting better everyday internally, it's doing what most people can't do, it's committing to the process and not giving up even if it is hard and impossible. You just do it no matter what, you just take the next step even if you don't have any idea if you're right. You just believe even if it is impossible to believe, you celebrate the small improvements and you never stop taking actions. You continue to move forward even if the world is against you, you still bet on yourself even if you're doubting yourself, you keep chasing your dreams and goals even if it is so hard and that you can't move anymore. You keep doing it again and again, you don't care about what people say, you don't care about your feelings, you only care about taking actions and that's it. Because hat is the only way to get better, that is the only way to victory... keep taking risks, keep moving even if you don't want to move anymore. Even if you failed a thousand times already, you still don't give up and you keep fighting until the end. Every scary step you take is victory, it is making you closer and closer to success, you may not see the results yet but you will see it on the right time. For now keep taking steps and never stop moving forward, you got this, all you need to do is don't quit and that's it, you will win, it's only just a matter of time before a breakthrough happens, don't stop, don't listen to what people say and keep believing in yourself no matter what. 

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Aug 28, 2024


When you're doing something that is hard and you can't see any progress or reward from it... don't worry because you already have the reward, the real prize is he development of your character, it is your evolution, it is you changing from lazy to hard working, it is you being a bum to great. If you're consistent about your goals then you will become a different beast. The money, success, opportunities will come naturally because you're becoming great and luck will come after you, people will look after you because you have this skill and reputation of doing the work. There is no need to worry if you're life is at the right path, for as long as you stay positive and doing the work everyday... you will be alright. Because money is nothing, it will come and go but the character you built will stay with you forever, they can never take it away from you, it is your pride, it is your trophy, it is the one thing that separates you from the pack. You don't need to be scared anymore, once you have developed a habit of not quitting and the ability to work for so long for a particular task or project then you're already on a different level. No challenges, no adversity can break you, you will just keep moving forward no matter what, you have the ability to fight and make something happen, you can weather any kind of storm and no problem or test can ever rattle you. 

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Aug 27, 2024


You're so full of garbage, you're so addicted with vices that's why you are so weak now and can't do something with your life, that's why you are so slow and cannot make a progress. You are so weak, you can't apply delayed gratification into your life, you easily get tempted with something that is useless and will never even  help you to get to the next level. You are so fragile, your mental game is not one of a kind, you just do what you want to do without the consciousness if it will put you on a worse position or not. If you want a different life then stop being weak now, what does a strong person do? he focuses on his own life, he doesn't do anything that will put him on a worse position, he is always on the go, he is always busy and he doesn't care about what other people are doing. If you want to become strong then focus on your ideas, focus on your goals and never mind what other people are doing. Keep making yourself better through discipline and commitment. Time is fast, life is fast, you never know when it is going to end, why will you hold back and create your own resistance? why will you stop yourself from becoming successful? you better think the right way, focus on the right actions and never stop pushing yourself to the limits until you win. Weakness is a choice, you get weaker and weaker each day because of your bad choices. Usually an easy option is a wrong option, if you always choose the easier path then it is the wrong path. When did watching TV become right if you have an exam tomorrow? when did eating unhealthy foods become right when you're obese and ill? when did entertaining the negative thoughts made you take the right actions? you are only sabotaging yourself every time you pick an easier path. 

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Aug 25, 2024

if there is an idea execute it now

If there is an IDEA... EXECUTE it  right now and never hesitate, the idea here is to become fast and fearless, never care about the future because what you desire will happen in just a matter of time. You just need to persist and be patient, you need to work hard and enjoy the process even if you're struggling. A struggle will never feel like a struggle if you're enjoying every second of it and not complaining about the situation. Something gets harder because most people are complaining and always looking for an easy way out. They are rushing the process, they don't give time for the development of the project. Patience is essentials, learn to wait while working hard, you can't force a seed to grow, all you can do is work on it and trust that it will grown on the right time. 

EVERY WAY IS THE RIGHT WAY So stop doubting yourself if your idea was right or wrong, stop questioning the process because if your intention is right then it is right, as simple as it sounds. Stop overthinking, stop worrying that it might not work, it will work if you will try to make it work, as simple as that. Every way is the right way, you have to trust the process, believe in your journey and never give up. Something will work, something will click if you are serious with it, you just need to keep going no matter what and never lose the belief in yourself. You have to become a little bit crazy and delusional here, you have to ignore all the naysayers and critics, you have to have the strongest mental state that you can ever have and you will achieve it if you just act like unbothered and just do what you need to do no matter what. Don't be afraid to have a hard time because it is normal, you will really have to face adversities and different types of challenges if you wanted to grow and become something else. Stop being to technical, stop asking how are you going to do it and just do it, whatever idea you have in your mind... execute it and never wait for the right time, the right time is always now, not tomorrow, not later, start now and finish strong. 


Your thoughts alone is a distraction. Every time you think about something that is not even connected to your goal... you already got distracted. Every time you got scared because of the information that you consumed from news, gossips or random post in social media... you already lost your focused. There are only two types of people in the world... one is successful and the other one is distracted. Life gets harder when you're allowing distractions to control you, you have to be mindful of what you're doing and thinking. Distractions starts in your head, every time you think about pleasures that are not irrelevant you already got distracted. It's also outside, you have to stay away from things, activities and people that are of no use to you. Be selective where your time and energy goes. Become a finisher, never let anything stop you from doing what you've been doing, once you start... always go for the kill, have that killer mindset, never delay something, never make excuses, never postpone the most important task infront of you. Once you become a doer and not a thinker... you will become unstoppable, you will be able to create something great, you can become something you've never been before. 

Don't resist discomfort, face it and you will make it easier. Because you will grow from it, it will make you a better person, it will take your mentality to another level. 

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Aug 24, 2024


If you want to make a progress, if you want to change, if you want to improve something then stop looking for perfection and start taking action, as simple as that. The reason why you can't make something better is because you're always aiming for a flawless journey without any stain of mistakes. You want to look perfect, you want to look great and that's why you couldn't even take the first step, that's why you're always procrastinating and hating yourself because you can't move. And you won't move because you're so afraid of the future, you're so afraid of failure, you don't want to make your hands dirty. You don't want to take the blame, you want to be liked all the time, you want to win without taking any risk, and that's why you're stuck in a mud, that's why there's no excitement in your life. There's no good thin going on, there's no sign of going to the next level. If you want to change, if you want to develop then stop looking for perfection, never care about what they say, never care if they blame you or laugh at you, never care if you made a terrible decision, at the end of the day the only thing that matters is you try, the most important thing is you gave yourself a chance to win. It doesn't matter if you're failing, it doesn't matter if you're struggling, what matters is the fight left in you, the actions that you take and the intention to win and finish it as fast as possible. You will never be able to finish something if you're always hesitating and trying to make it right fast, you need time to flourish, you need mistakes to uncover the clues. You need to start taking actions now and do whatever it takes to win. Keep pushing, keep going and never give up no matter what, you have what it takes to make it right, you can win if you will just try and never give up. So what if you have to try a million times? so what if you're looking like a fool? at least you are doing it your way and you believe in yourself. Speaking of confidence, the real definition if it is not knowing everything to do, it's not being great on the first try, it's not having the good emotions to do the task, real confidence means everything is against you you still feel ok, it means you keep on making mistakes but you're not giving up. Confidence means struggling but not feeling the struggle, it means failing but not looking yourself as a failure. So just start and see where your belief and tenacity takes you, just keep going even if it is really hard, never lose your grit after failure after failure, you have to believe in your own philosophy even if the whole world is mocking you. 

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Aug 23, 2024


The truth is nothing can stop you, you are unstoppable. You can do anything you want, you can chase any dreams, you can go for any goal. The only thing that stopping you is the results, you get frustrated when you can't see results, you quit when you feel that nothing is progressing. But the truth is you can try as much as you can, you can attack your dreams again and again, nothing can stop you. You are quitting because you are comparing yourself to others, you think that nothing is working, you think that it is not for you because your expectations were not met. But if you will just come to think of it... you can make a small progress everyday, you can move everyday, you can take as many steps as you can and not be jailed for it. You can push yourself to the limits, the only thing that is stopping you is your desire to win right away, you want the fast route, you will try for a few times or for a few years and when you can't get it... you will quit, you are the only one who is stopping yourself and nobody else. It's your fault, it's your decision, nobody can decide for you. You can keep going even if you're badly losing, you can still advance even if the whole world is against you. You are unstoppable if you can fix a mindset of not quitting. Whatever it takes go for it, even if it will take a million years to get it... go and get it, make it your path, make it your journey, don't ever stop until you win because it will never be over until you win. Stop being a quitter and try again, try again and again until the universe can't deny you anymore. You can't get it because you don't want it bad, you're not doing something exceptional, you're simply an ordinary statistic. But if you will make yourself extraordinary and exert a very strong effort, if you will just use your willpower and force fate then you will get a different result. But the problem is you're too mediocre, you're not making an impact because your actions has no impact at all. You're weak everyday, your numbers were very low, your energy was very weak... you're not doing something that will shake the world. If you really want it then your focus will be different, your actions will be very different, you will raise eyebrows, you will become a force. The reason why you keep on losing is because you allow it, you are happy getting leftovers and peanuts, you are satisfied surviving. What you do not know is you can thrive too, you can become powerful too, it's just a matter of forcing yourself to work even if you don't want to work, it's just a matter of going all in and not limiting yourself. Go all the way, if you're going to try... go all the way and never care if it is hard or impossible. Never care if luck is not on your side and just go for it every single day. You can do it if you want it so bad, you will never feel any difficulty if you're really decided that you're going to get it no matter what. Extra effort is what you need, focus and never let any distraction waste your time, you have to stay lock in no matter what. Never let temptations stop you, never let pleasures make you weak and slow, you have to be fast here, you have to have a heart of a lion, you have to stay hungry all the time and never slack off when the situation is comfortable. You have to make yourself uncomfortable all the time... that's the only way to make a progress. 

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Aug 22, 2024


You are hurt because you keep on thinking about it, you talk about it and you make dramas about it. You are hurt because you want to get hurt, you are not controlling your emotions, you are not trying to heal yourself. You want sympathy, you're making excuses, you're not training your mind to get stronger to endure the pain you're experiencing. Ignore the pain and move forward, stop the dramas, stop being a diva, stop trying to look weak so that people will understand you or will be on your side. Just use the strength that you have and endure the pain. What else can you do? you have no choice but to keep on fighting if you wanted to win. There is no other way but to keep on fighting and persevering, the choice is yours, do you want to look like a victim or not? Sometimes it's not so painful at all but you're making it a big deal, you want sympathy from other people, you want to look hurt so they will give you attention and special treatment. You're making a lot of dramas, you're simply want to look like a victim. And that is why you feel weak all the time, if you constantly look for sympathy and concern from other people then you will feel weak, it's because your strength is not from within, it's coming form outside, it's coming from what you can't control. Focus on what you can control and you will feel powerful. Focus on your thoughts and actions. 


Cancel every thought that is not helping you to become a fighter. This is a mind game. Every time you give attention to negativity you are hurting yourself even more, the pain gets stronger and stronger, focus on what you want and imagine it happening, visualize it and take actions to make it real. Always stay positive all the time, stop reacting, stop thinking about negative, stop thinking about the worse things that may happen. What will happen will happen, if you have to live why not live fearlessly. You can live without worries and fear if you will just condition your mind to think the right way. You're in control here you just need to be mindful and aware of your consciousness. The journey starts now, ignore the pain, ignore the problems, ignore what bothers you and it will go away. 

You can feel invincible, you can feel strong if you will just think that way. Do what powerful people do, stop complaining and just keep moving forward all the time. Take actions instead of making dramas and scenes just to attract people's attention. You are not helping yourself every time you're acting like a weak puppy. You need to act like a lion... get stronger when you're wounded, challenge yourself to feel powerful even if you're feeling a lot of pain. At the end of the day you are in control of how you react with your situation. You can act like a warrior or act like slave, which one are you? Focus on things that are worth focusing on. Put your attention on something that will make you forget your pain, at the end of the day what you're focusing on will be your reality. Focus on trying to get stronger instead of trying to look weaker. 

Ignore what is hurting you,  ignore the pain, never complain about it, never cry about it and it will go away anytime soon. You can endure anything, you can survive anything and that is your greatest asset, that is your greatest power. 

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Aug 17, 2024


Fear is the compass, go towards what scares you because it will make you grow, it will make you evolve, it will strengthen your mentality and will give you a different kind of experience. Has it happen to you where you're so scared to do something but you do it anyway? it feels so good right? you feel happy and your confidence increases. Once you face your fears... your mentality go to another level, you're braver now, you're stronger now and you have a very strong momentum to face another challenge, you knew you can survive anything. Don't be scared because everything will be alright. Face your fears now before it get stronger, the more you delay something the stronger your fear gets, you have to control your thoughts and think of something that scares you as something that will make you better for the rest of your life if you face it and own it. Feel your fear, don't be scared to get scared, you just need to feel it and you will be able to neutralize it. Being scared is normal, feeling the discomfort is normal, there is nothing bad about it. Don't resist it... embrace it. It's ok to become scared, it's ok to feel something uncomfortable, don't panic, don't judge it as something bad. What doesn't kill you will only make you stronger so if something you don't like id disturbing you then just let it be, let it hurt you, let it make you feel something but don't react about it... just stay calm and breathe, it's a journey, it's a wonderful journey that you must accept. Understand that fear is a normal thing and it is part of your daily life, life will become very boring without fear, go towards your fear, stop backing down, stop hiding and face it with all your heart. Once you're scared... always think that it's time to do something, move and your fears will go away, learn to fight, learn to focus on what you want to happen and never focus on the future... just be still and be in the moment. At the end of the day nothing will happen to you id you don't face you fears, you will never grow if you don't embrace what you are frightened of. All the hiding and making excuses not to face it will make you scared even more, it will develop a chicken mentality and you will always be afraid if something is threatening you. 

Just go and see where your feet takes you. You don't need to become perfect here, you don't need to feel good all the time, you just need to move and keep going further as much as you can. If you are lazy then it means you're scared of taking actions too, you don't want to get tired, you don't want to feel uncomfortable, you don't want to fail. That is making you a loser, that is making you weak so you need to work as soon as you're feeling lazy, whatever it is that you need to do... do it without thinking about the future. You're so worried about what's going to happen next that's why you're stuck in a mud. But if you will just let go, if you will just free yourself from thinking then you will be able to make a progress. Look at yourself, are you slowing down right now? are you always hesitating? are you always thinking that you can just do it later or tomorrow? if the answer is yes then it means you're not growing, you're not getting better instead you are getting worse. You better man up, you better force yourself to move now or else you will become stuck forever, stagnancy is the enemy of progress. Complacency will kill you, stop being too comfortable because it's making you weak and dumb, you have to feel uncomfortable most of the time if you want to become a different animal. It's simply taking actions and showing up, what's so difficult about that? nothing will kill you if you move, you can always start now. Never hesitate and just move. You can get better all the time, you just need to force yourself. 

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Aug 16, 2024

follow the simplest plan

You always know the next step, you know what to do but you're not doing it. It's because you don't have a philosophy, it's because you're not following the simplest plan, it's not in your system, it's not programmed in your mind. Follow your simplest plan, follow your simplest principle and never break it, as simple as that. That's how to have a direction in life. It doesn't matter if you're making progress or not, it doesn't matter if the rewards were very little and not making an impact, just follow the simplest plan form the very beginning to the end and see where it takes you. You are not trying, you don't believe it that is why you don't have a direction in life. If your plan is to work hard then follow that plan, if your plan is to stay disciplined and stop watching TV or wasting a single second then follow that plan. That's a simple plan but it will make an impact for sure, a simple plan will work if you will take it seriously, it will create a massive change if you don't break it everyday. 

A poor man's plan to stay away from being broke is simply not spending his money, that's it. If he follow this for months or years then he will be able to pay all of his debt and change his life. It's a very simple plan but very effective. Just like a drug addict who wants to change his bum life, all he need to do is follow the simplest plan... stay away from addicts too and don't do drugs, too simple but he can't follow because he was addicted to his bad habits. But if he will force himself to change and follow the simplest plan then for sure he will have a better life. Just like a boxer whose simple plan is to shadow box everyday, it will make a difference, it will improve his skill. You too can create a simple plan and follow it for months or a year, see how it goes, see what difference can it do to your life. Just make sure to follow it and take it seriously, commitment is the key, you have to follow it no matter what if you want to change your ugly life. Create a simple philosophy and follow it, create your own personal philosophy and make it work, as simple as that. If you're an aspiring athlete and you don't have a coach or something, let's say you don't have enough resources all you have to do is create your own plan and live and die with it, make it work, don't stop until you make something click. Let's say you're a basketball player but you don't have your own basketball ring, all you have to do is make your body strong, run everyday, do the shadow basketball, practice good diet and do the mind work, do this everyday and for sure you will get to the next level. All you have to do is make a plan and repeat it until it works, don't quit on it, push yourself to make it successful. You can create a simple plan, all it takes is sacrifice and belief, believe that it will work no matter what, you have to be patient because it will take time, any plan will work if you believe in it and give it a time to develop. Don't quit, don't stop, all you have to do is keep persevering. Believe in yourself, trust the process and focus on getting better everyday. 

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Aug 15, 2024


Nothing is hard if you will just relax, live in the moment, embrace everything and give your very best. It is hard because you ae resisting, you are hiding, you are not working. Just breathe, stay still and be present. Do what you need to do and never think about the future. What will happen will happen, focus on what you can control and that is taking actions and conditioning your mind to believe in yourself. If you really believe in yourself then you will work as hard as you can, you will believe in every step you take and you will never back down to any challenge, you will believe that you can finish anything and face any kind of adversity. Because life will never get easier, it will always be hard, it will always test you. You have to push yourself to just do it and give everything you've got. Stop pampering your emotions because it will never help you. You will only have a herder time every time you make dramas and focus on what is hard. If it is hard do it, if it's easy do it, you should never know the difference between what is easy and hard, you should focus on forcing yourself to take actions only and never complain, never make excuses. It will be a lot easier if you are not rushing it, take your time but stop pretending to be slow, you need to give your best every single second but don't rush the process and just do it. 


If there is a work... just do it and never complain about the situation, always be ready, always feel ready. The truth is you will not be ready all the time but you have to force yourself to take actions whenever you need to, force your body to move, just take the first step and that's it. Once it becomes your habit to force yourself to take actions whenever you feel lazy... you're already a different animal, you are one of a kind, it means you're disciplined enough to succeed. You can move anytime you want, it's just a matter of willpower. Train your willpower to just d it even if you don't feel like it. be ready even if you're not ready, take actions even if you don't like it. 


You are making yourself a joke by being slow, lazy, hesitant and coward. You need to be good in forcing yourself to take the first step even if you don't like it... that's the only way to make a progress in life. You will only make yourself a high value person if you're going hard every single day and not wasting any single second, you will be very proud of yourself if you're doing whatever it takes even if you're not getting any result. You will feel more confident if you stay disciplined and doing the important tasks even if it's uncomfortable. It is a skill, it will become a talent if you practice it everyday... just move, be fast in taking the first step and follow through as much as you can. Stop making excuses, stop looking for an easy way out and just do what you need to do. Pull the trigger now, stop thinking and just do it no matter what. You will finish it, you will be able to survive any difficult challenge, just condition your mind that everything is easy, everything is doable, nothing is impossible. 

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Aug 14, 2024


It is very simple, you are procrastinating because you want perfection, you want comfort and assurance, you want to finish a task right away, you don't know that it is a journey. You want shortcuts, you want a magic pill to get everything done without suffering, you simply wanted an easy life that has no challenge, you feel that you are entitled of something that you don't deserve. You think you can do it but you don't even want to take the first step and that is why you are so lazy, that is why you get weaker and weaker everyday. You are always looking for something before you take actions. You're looking for food, coach, new shoes, new topic, new technique, new hope or new motivation before you start. You think you need something before you start, you want a perfect start, you want everything to be easy that is why you're always waiting for something before you pull the trigger. You feel like a star, you feel like a special person, you feel like a chosen one, you think you're smart that's why you don't want to take actions. But if you will just do it, if you will just force yourself to start a task and finish it then your confidence will grow, repeat the process again and again and you will improve very fast, your life will change dramatically. Always think that the time to take actions is now, not later not next week. If you can master this habit then you will become unstoppable. The truth is you're the only one who is stopping yourself because of your diva like attitude, you're always acting like you deserve something you didn't work for. You don't deserve anything if you didn't work hard for it. 

Focus on being fast. This is not about results, this is not about being the number one, this is not about success... this is about being a doer. Start fast, even if it is too uncomfortable, even if you hate doing it... start it, do it and never stop. At the end of the day the only question is if you did it, if you did whatever it takes to become a winner, that's the only question. It's not about being perfect or great, it's not about being flawless and exceptional... it's about you making your hands dirty and not backing down to any challenge of life. Stop looking for perfection and focus on the execution. Start looking for the little things that you can do that will improve your life. Just give yourself a chance to win, it doesn't matter if you succeed, success is only in the mind, you may become successful but still feel like a failure. Success is just a feeling and you will feel so much better if you will give your all and never hold back just for a second. Kill laziness by being fast, do the first step and never stop until you're done. Time is ticking, it will never wait for you. So go hard now and never stop, always look for the next step. Whatever you think is right is right, try it and make it work. Something will click if you keep on trying again and again, you will master something, you will find a way. believe in the power of actions, stop overthinking now and just force fate. Climb the mountain little by little, never give up, always push yourself to the limits and never think about quitting. If you really want it then you will do it but if you just want it for the sake of looking cute then you will never go out of your comfort zone, you have to want it bad like the air that you breathe and water that you drink whenever you are thirsty. 

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Aug 13, 2024


It's very easy to grow, just don't do stupid things that will make you worse and that's it. Most of the time and actually all the time all of your habits and actions were composed of nonsense activities that ARE MAKING YOU WORSE  and not better. You are very good in sabotaging yourself, you already mastered the art of stupidity and you're not doing something about it. Identify your bad habits and totally get rid of them, it's a fight between you and you, discipline is the key here, if you want a new life then stop wasting time, as simple as that. The more time you waste, the uglier your life gets. 



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Aug 12, 2024


If you will just enjoy it, if you will just do the work, if you will stop complaining and just working then everything will get easy. It is hard because you think that it is hard. Condition your mind that it is easy and it will be easy, it's all in the mind. What you think is what you will feel, what you feel will manifest its equivalent. Even if something is really hard... never get intimidated by it, face it and work on it. Never get scared of working hard, push yourself to the limits and go all the way. 


if you are working hard, if you are giving your all then that is enough because you become a better person by doing that. That is a huge prize already everything else was just a bonus. If you become a legit hard worker everyday and your consistency is top of the line then you will become part of the 1%, you will get on top, you will become unstoppable. hard work will make you a different human being, it will make you a manifestor of success, opportunities will come to you, people will like you because people like a workhorse that they can rely on, they want to be carried, they want someone who will do the work and make their lives easier. 


just try and never stop, it is better than crying, it is better than complaining and making excuses. So instead of complaining and talking about your problems... just do the work and never stop, go further as much as you can, try to win, execute every idea that you have in your head, take risks and never give up. Failing is just a normal thing, it is nothing, this is your journey, you have to believe in yourself and have fun with the process. At the end of the day this is just a game, you have nothing to lose here if you're having so much fun. Never pressure yourself to win, pressure yourself to do the work and show up every single day. Just try, it is a privilege, nothing can stop you, nothing can limit you, you just need to face failures every now and then, you just need to feel nothing about failing because it is a normal thing, enjoy it and don't be afraid of it. Once you're no longer scared of failing... you will be free and next is success. People fail because they're afraid of losing, that is the reality, if they're not scared of failing then they will work harder, they will take risks and get more creative. But they're so afraid to fail for whatever reason, maybe they thought they were so special and not allowed to fail. 


If your style is all about working, if it's all about attaching then your life will get easier. Attack your goals, attack your tasks and never hold back, this will make your life easier, don't refuse to work and always keep moving forward no matter what. All you have to do when you're not making money is look for a job or find a way how to make money, as simple as that. Attack now, what are you waiting for? you have to stop overthinking and just try. There is no harm in trying, you may fail but at least you tried, once you fail... you already leveled up because you already have an experience, you know what to do next time. 

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Aug 9, 2024


Stop doing what they're doing and you will get a different result, as simple as that. Majority of the people are watching TV, gossiping online, scrolling on facebook, playing video games, not exercising, not building their own brand. Use your time wisely, don't squander it for useless activities that will not even make you grow. You will only expand if you will use your time wisely. Try to get a little bit better every single day, stop being lazy, stop being a chicken, pull the trigger and carry on, as simple as that. All you need to do is move and you will get better, you will make a progress if you are moving all the time. You have to go all in, you have to have a sense of urgency, time is running and it will never wait for you. It's time to live like a lion, choose what you are going to be... a predator or a prey? Define what do you want to be, the choice is always yours. It's your life you can be anything you wanted to be, all it takes is effort and commitment. Doing something positive like exercising, studying, meditating or even sleeping is much better than scrolling on facebook. You have to take actions fast, never wait because the right time will never come, it's always now, you have to grind now and try to make things happen. Pleasures are overrated, entertainment that is too much is poisonous, you have to know where you are headed to with your actions. You know if you're doing something stupid or not, be mindful of your actions and thoughts. Separate yourself from the pack, if they don't believe that they can't win then believe that you can win. If they are so lazy work as hard as you can. If they're following the trend stop following it. Because the idea here is to be different and think different. They are getting the same and weak results so if you are thinking and acting like them then you will get poor results too. If you will go the other way then you will have a better chance of winning, as simple as that. Your path maybe different and harder but you will never end up on the same place as them. 

Find a way how to say no. Say no to clickbaits, posts, temptations, pleasures and anything that is eating your time without getting anything from it. If you can build discipline day by day then sky is the limit for you. It's not skill, talent or luck that will make you successful... it's discipline and willpower. This is too simple yet most people can't do it because they're too addicted to pleasures and comfort. Easy times creates weak men and hard times creates strong men. You have to know what are you doing now, be mindful, be strict on yourself because it is for yourself. making sacrifices is evolution, you are doing yourself a favor by doing it so never think that you are punishing yourself because the truth is you are strengthening and blessing yourself.  If you have an important thing to do... do it now, do it early do it fast and never wait for the perfect feelings or motivation before you do it, the best time todo it is when you feel uncomfortable. Most people want to feel great first before they take action and that's why they can't make a small progress, progress will happen when you feel lazy but you still push yourself to take the next step. 

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Aug 8, 2024

make a small action

Make a move, make a small action and do whatever it takes to succeed, as simple as that. Face what is hard, face the pressure, face the difficulty. You have the power to move, that is your best asset, that is your best talent, you can do anything you need to, you can do anything you want, it all depends on how fast you decide. Time is running, it is ticking all the time, it will never wait for you so if I were you you must pull the trigger now and stop thinking too much. Stop wasting time because it will never help, stop wasting energy on things that will never make you better because it will only make you weak, you need to do whatever it takes to get to the next level. Taking action is the best thing to do rather than being so lazy and thinking negatively... just move. Being lazy will make you a negative person, you will over think and you will become scared, your confidence will go down. Make a move and you will feel much better, stronger and your confidence will go up, as simple as that. If you're not moving then you're declining, you have to force yourself to stay busy all the time and do whatever it takes to get to the next level or improve your life a little bit. Make small progress everyday and stay consistent, if you are moving then you're already progressing. So if you want to feel much better and stronger... make a small move, you don't need to become powerful to move, you just need to force your lazy ass. It is what it is, it's going to be hard especially if you have a habit of being lazy all the time, you need to use brute force and willpower in order to change your life. If you will not go hard then you will never change, you will stay the same weak person that couldn't even finish a small task. Embrace the stress if you wanted to change, take it one step at a time and be patient. Patience is a virtue, it will take you further, it will make you better without noticing it. The best time to do it is now, what the hell are you waiting for? you will never get lucky if you keep on acting the same way. Do it even if you don't want to do it. 


What will you do if you are fearless? fearless doesn't mean you no longer feel the fear, it means you are willing to get scared and do what you need to do anyway, it means you are willing to embrace what life throws at you, you have this philosophy of just doing it no matter what. Failures doesn't matter at all, what matters is your belief in yourself, it should never change, it should never be affected by anything or anyone, you must become a delusional, you must work as hard as you can and never give up when things are tough. Take more risk and face challenges, face adversity because it will make you grow, you have nothing to lose if you take actions. 

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Aug 7, 2024


It is very simple and easy... just avoid perfection, don't be afraid of what people say and that's it. It's not that you will never follow rules and become an untamed animal, you will just express yourself the right way and just do what you need to do without hurting anybody. Avoid trying to look cute, avoid trying to please people, avoid trying to fake greatness and just be yourself. Do what you can do and never feel ashamed of it even just for a second. Accept yourself, accept your weaknesses and always give your very best no matter what. To feel free you need to force yourself to try, take risk and never care about the outcome. Never care about success and just focus on your philosophy and that is to welcome every experience and embrace the unknown. 


Choose speed over anything else, choose hard work, choose discipline. That is how to become free, you're always chained by your thoughts, limitations and boundaries you place upon yourself. Be fast when taking actions, always prioritize a neutral mind. Speed will make you see your full potential. Speed will make you forget your problems, it will power you up, it will make you do more, it will erase your fears. Choose to be fast, forget about how you feel and choose speed instead. Speed will make you a different animal, if you're fast then you will get stronger, you will accomplish more and get more. Speed is a skill that is easy to develop, there is no training needed, all you have to do is force yourself to take actions and never stop. Push as far as you can go, keep going further no matter what. Anyone can become faster but not everyone will choose it because they don't want to get tired, going further is very tiring but it is the place where greatness stays, you will never witness greatness if you are so scared of failing and being tired. Face your fears, embrace the pain, be faster, decide fast and act fast, never wait for the right timing because it will never come. 


Don't look for attention from other people, just be yourself. Detach from what they think or feel towards you. Looking for attention means you are not expressing yourself honestly, it means you are doing it for other people, you are doing something to gain attention and appreciation which is bad. It means you cannot live without them and they are controlling you. At the end of the day you don't need their attention, looking for it will only make you stiff and conservative. If you want to feel loose, free and creative then you need to master not giving a damn about what they say or think. You can never control their thoughts and emotions. It's their fault if they are insecure, they are weak if they are letting anybody control their feelings. If you keep on focusing on the attention of others then you will get weaker, slower and frightened, you will never be yourself anymore, you will never feel how it feels to become great. 

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Aug 4, 2024


They were lazy the whole day, they overthink, they think about the past and waste a lot of their time. If you want to get better then stay away from comfort all the time. Everything that is not making you grow is useless and that is the truth. If you want to get better then be better, get rid of the bad habits. It's what you are doing now so forgive yourself and forget the past. What matters is the moment, if you decide to get better now then make a stand and do it, as simple as that. Stupid people doesn't know that they have a potential. All they do is squander their time and give a mediocre effort. They don't strive to improve, they don't push themselves to get better, all they do is become coward of taking actions. They stop all the time, they can't focus, they always look for an easy way out... this is what stupid people do. They never see themselves winning, they don't want to get disciplined, they were slow and always looking for something to get or consume without having to work for it. Stupid people think they can win without having to work really hard, they think they are entitled of something they don't even deserve.  They can't focus for a minute, they want to do something that they don't even know, they feel so comfortable being at the bottom, they feel so proud being a bum, it's ok to look like a clown they say. They will set a goal but has no intention of accomplishing it, they simply want it without having to work hard for it. They will start something and will never finish it, they will spend all their money and will borrow money from others in the future. They simply can't resist temptation. Stupid people always complain, they act like a victim, they always feel that the world is unfair. They can't finish a simple task because they're always distracted and looking for something to scroll or eat. Stupid people never learn, they thought they were smart but they're all about talk, they're all about arrogance and false stories. They will trick everyone that they're something but they're really nothing. Their minds were like a garbage full of useless thoughts, they don't have a good habit at all and they're avoiding consistency, they don't want to build a good habit they don't trust the process. This is what stupid people do... they waste their lives. They don't even try because they're too afraid of failing. They wanted to win but they're not taking risks and exerting a very strong effort. They're inventing problems, they're inventing stupidity and useless stories. They're acting like a loser all the time, they wanted something but all they do is wish and daydream. They don't have a lion's mentality, they will quit whenever things gets harder. They want to become a star but they don't know how to glow. 

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Aug 2, 2024


If someone can make a terrible mistake then you are allowed to commit that too. If a start player can shoot 1/20 and play bad the whole game then you are allowed to miss a lot of shots too. The problem with you is you're always looking for a validation. You are allowed to fail, the reason why you can't succeed is because you're not allowing yourself to fail. Your coach, teacher, parents, friends and any other people that you don't even know can never stop you. You are the only one who is stopping yourself from becoming successful. You're just a human, you can make mistakes too, you need to stop being afraid of failure now and start doing your thing. You are allowed to fail big time, you are allowed to commit errors because that is where you grow and learn something, that is when you will feel free. So create a mindset of just doing it no matter what, take risks and never care if you fail or succeed. Those successful people were winners because they're not afraid to fail and try something, they're not afraid of critics, they're not afraid of pain. Make yourself vulnerable to failure and you will feel powerful, ever time you resist failure and mistakes you get weaker and scarier. You will feel courageous every time you open yourself up to failures and defeats.  


it doesn't matter how weak you are, how dumb or old you are, it doesn't matter how slow you are... what matters is you are doing the process. You may already past your prime, you may already past your peak but the process can't be underestimated, there's a peak of the process and anyone can reach it. Meaning you have to work hard, stay focused, stay serious and always believe that you can improve and change your situation if you take the process seriously, put it in your heart, never stop believing and working. If you're really working hard on yourself then there is nothing to be afraid of, as simple as that. It's all about you and not the difficulty of the situation, if you are doing your best then you will attract the best as simple as that. You can peak anytime you want if you're really serious with the process, your preparation will make you unstoppable. 


If you want to gain your confidence back... take actions, prepare, study, make sacrifices and do something that is hard. You will never become confident if you're always looking at the past and wishing things would be different. So work hard, if you have an opportunity now to become better... do it, start and keep following through. It's simply about taking massive massive actions and nothing else, it is so simple, it maybe hard but you know what to do and the reward is amazing. So start working on yourself, whatever you can do to advance and make yourself a little bit better... do it instead of squandering your time and burning your energy for nonsense activities. Be mindful of your thoughts and actions and just do what will make yourself improve. You will become more and more confident every time you make sacrifices and do the harder activities. 

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Aug 1, 2024


Be proud of yourself silently. You're still here, you're still alive and giving your best even if you're not winning. You're still in the game, you're still fighting and working your way to the top. Maybe you didn't achieve your expectations but you're still moving inch by inch and not stopping at all. Be proud even if you have zero accomplishments because you're still chasing your goals and you still believe in yourself. You are still working hard and giving your all, you're still finding a way how to win and you don't give a damn if you win or fail. Be happy with your small actions, with those actions you're already improving even if you can't see it. Push a little further everyday and stay consistent, consistency is the name of the game, with that mindset you will remain confident and competitive. It's hard to be consistent that is why people are not getting the results that they want, they want it fast, they want it right away without being patient. You are improving every time you do what is hard but needed, you are evolving, you may not feel it yet, you may not see the results but you are really evolving. It's a process, you're still doing what you can, you're still loving the struggle, you're still grinding everyday and in your heart you will win no matter what, it's just a matter of time before you see the fruits of your labor. 

So don't ever quit, don't stop, just keep moving forward and give everything you've got. You have a chance, never care about what's going on around you and just force yourself to take actions. It doesn't matter if you win or lose, just keep fighting and believe in yourself all the time. Your belief is the barometer of success, your hard work is what keeps you in the game, you will never lose if you keep on working hard. Hard work is easy if you will get use to it, so train your body and mind to keep working harder each day, stay committed and never give up, you have what it takes to win in life. So focus on what you want, focus on what you need to do in order to get a little bit better. Be patient, this is a game of being patient and committed. Never care if you're struggling so bad right now, never care if you're not winning, just keep fighting and give everything you've got. 


It doesn't matter what happened in the past, your failures, mistakes are nothing. What matters is what you're doing today, that's what you need to be focusing on because your life can change in a blink of an eye. If you decided to take your life seriously, if you decided to focus then your life already changed even if you're not getting any result yet. Change doesn't mean acquiring something, it means changing your attitude and lifestyle, it's changing your thoughts and vision. If you wanted to change then be mindful of what you think and do, be aware of your actions and focus on getting better little by little. So look at yourself, what are you doing and thinking? do you think it's giving you an edge? do you think i's putting you on a better position to succeed? if not then stop doing it, control yourself. Even if it is fun, stop doing it if it's not putting you on pedestal, never think about pleasures and easy times, you need to start focusing on taking actions and never stop until you're done. 

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