Jun 7, 2024


Getting that shoes, car, money, success etc. You think you will get happy by getting all of those things the answer is yes but just for a very short period of time. If your happiness and feelings was purely based on external things then you will become very fragile. Happiness comes from within, it's accepting yourself, it's being happy with your life no matter where you are. Because life is a journey, it's a work from within.. that's the only way to become really happy. If you can feel yourself all the time, study yourself and know the things that maters the most then your happiness will never be based on outside things anymore. If you're relying on people's likes, approval and validation then you will become very weak. You need to be happy where you are and avoid comparing your life to others. Comparison is the thief of joy, be happy with what you have, it's not bad to aspire for fancy things and properties but don't ever cry whenever you can't get it. Don't ever complain with your life, just do your very best every single day and stay humble no matter what. Life is fast, don't waste it worrying for nothing, don't spend your energy thinking about the things that are outside f your control. Meditate with your feelings, feel it and never judge any of it. If you are scared, worried or anxious just relax and it will go away. Breathe, learn to live slowly and never let any other things rush your or force you to make bad decisions. Don't be afraid of what people say, never let them control you, never let them make you depressed or lonely. You are the captain of your ship, you can feel whatever you wanted to feel. You can create your own energy, you can be happy anytime you want. It all depends on how you focus on yourself and how you work on your inner state. This is a work, it takes a lot of practice to control your thoughts and feelings but it's worth it. Self control means master of your life. If you are jealous with other people who are doing well in life, admit to yourself that you are jealous and remind yourself that there is nothing to be jealous of. Just appreciate what you have and your jealous will go away. You don't need to look at other people's lives, you don't need to be like them or get what they have. Focus on being thankful of your life and what you have and you will get happier in an instant. At the end of the day being envy is just an ego, it's a normal feeling that you need to conquer. The real happy person doesn't need anything especially from anybody. You don't need to impress them nor be like them, you just need to be yourself and that's it. The truth is you don't need anything, what you need is already inside of you. Just live and do your responsibilities, it's of to dream, it's ok to try to get what you want but don't ever feel unhappy if you can't get them. You will get what you deserve in life. Don't ever rush things, don't hurry because your time will come. Learn to wait and be patient, learn to accept the things that are beyond your control. The key is to stop competing with others, stop trying to live their lives and stop trying t o impress them. Impress yourself by controlling yourself and seeing yourself growing. You don't need to live like them or talk like them, you just need to accept who you are and be the best that you can be. It's ok if you're last on the line, it's ok if you don't have what they have, it's ok if they don't respect you. What you need is self discipline and awareness of what you're doing or thinking, be conscious and present in the moment. Don't worry about the future, don't think about the past, real life is happening now. What you have and who you are is what really matters in life. 

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