Jun 27, 2024


Have some fun, have a lot of fun, don' worry because it is going to be fast. Suffering will never last, struggle will never be your life forever, it's going to be over soon, problems will be gone in just a matter of time, obstacles will vanish and what's bothering you will go away in just a matter of time. It's going to be fast so stop worrying. Once the challenges are gone you will have a breathing room and there will be another problem again, life is just like that, haven't you learned anything yet? it is the pattern of life, there is no positive without negative. You have to enjoy the pain so it won't be too painful, you have to enjoy your problems so you can solve it, you have to enjoy the struggle so you will be able to find a way. Don't worry about the hard days, it will soon be over, you will be able to have fun again, all you need to do is be patient and be in the moment. 


Everything is hard because you wanted it to become perfect. You want it to become flawless, you want your life to have no problems and everything comfortable, relaxed and easy. You don't want something that is challenging a little bit, you want everything to go your way and that is why you're always having a hard time. You need to decide to become imperfect and just live your life. Just show up and do everything you can do. make it simple just stick with the basics and do what is necessary. Don't worry about struggling on something, don't worry about traffic, don't worry about little problems. it's going to be fast, it will soon be over, just enjoy the ride and have fun as much as you can, live your life like a happy man celebrating everything and not complaining about petty things that doesn't even really matter at all. Life is not perfect, that's the price of living it... you have to look for something to be thankful of, you can still stay positive during the hard times. You will not get everything you want, you will never be able to control everything, whatever is on your way... face it with courage and never back down to any challenge. It's ok to be scared but never let your fear stop you or break down your system, feel the fear and do it anyway. 


never let anything stop you, that's the secret to happiness. Never let any problems or lack be the dictator of your mood and momentum, you still need to feel powerful despite of something missing in your life, that is the key, that is the trick to become a winner... feel powerful and unstoppable all the time. Always believe that you can find a way even if the wind is against your favor. Keep grinding, keep fighting and never give up, it's all you need to do. You can weather any storm, you can survive an pain, don't worry because it's going to be fast, time is fast, you can never stop it. Just deal with whatever is in front of you and always believe that you can overcome anything and thrive in the end. 

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