Jun 6, 2024


What's the point of thinking about that? what's the point of remembering your mistakes and punishing yourself,? what's the point of repeating the past over and over again? it will only make you feel regretful even more, it will shatter your confidence and make you avoid taking risks anymore. You will avoid challenges, you will never embrace what is in front of you because you're locked up in the past. Past is a history, it is not happening anymore, don't identify yourself with the past because today is a new day. Stop being attached with people, things and happenings that doesn't make you feel good. You can restart now, you can become unstoppable now if you wish to, you just need to allow yourself to get happier and take actions that you are afraid of. You are deserving of something more, you can be more you can get big if you want to. Just believe in yourself and never judge yourself based on your failures and shortcomings. The new you is waiting, you can create a new identity. Define how you want to move, talk and work and live with it. 


Just for today try to become great. Do whatever it takes to get to the next level, forget the past, forget everything that is holding you back. Work as hard as you can and expect great things to come. Believe in yourself, try seeing yourself as the best version of yourself. Act differently, be thankful, be appreciative and always push yourself to the limits. Try this just for today and if you felt better then try again for tomorrow, keep the fire burning, keep the momentum alive. It feels good to be great right? you will have more energy if you are doing something great with your life, you will feel more excited and motivated. You don't need to change the circumstances around you, you just need to change yourself, change your way of thinking and behavior. Be playful, always try, always give your best, be creative and never think about the results, just give your best and something good will attract into your life. Make big time sacrifices and practice delayed gratification. Stop drowning yourself with pleasures that are making you weak, slow and useless. You need to man up and face what is hard. Follow the blueprints that you set, if you don't have one then just chase your goal with all your might. Stop thinking about winning and focus on getting better, it's all about your transformation. It's not about winning, getting the money or being successful... it's about the person you become. What will you become by trying to become great? what will you become by trying to win and doing it your way? that's the biggest question of your life, that's the biggest mystery. If you want to see your full potential then try to become great for just one day and keep following through. 

Get addicted with actions.

Focus on positive actions, get addicted with trying to improve yourself. Get addicted with the process, be obsessed with small progress, appreciate it and repeat it over and over again. Get addicted with small steps and believe that every action is the right action, believe that anything you do has an impact and it will accumulate to create a best version of you. Be great for today and be great again tomorrow, it is a never ending process. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

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