Jun 18, 2024


Talent is very overrated, people think that a talented child can become anything he wants only to find out that the child is a fraud and can never achieve anything in his life. People who rely on talent alone failed, even the great ones are saying that there is no such thing as talent and that hard work alone is the key to success. If you are really working hard then you will get better, you will look talented. Don't rely on talent because if you think you're talented enough then you will never work hard anymore, you will become undisciplined and lazy and laziness is next to failure. You have to rely on hard work and trust the process, it's the grit hat will get you on top, it's facing the pain and being the best that you can be that will attract success. People who are afraid to work hard will never advance in life, if you think you are working hard yet you keep on failing then it means your effort is not enough. 


Whatever it takes to get there do it, whatever it takes to get it... do it. Never stop, look for something to do, believe in the power of small and relentless actions, the power of small steps is real, you think you're not making an impact only to find out that you're already about to make a breakthrough. If you need to work hard for 14 hours a day then do it, if you need to triple your effort then do it, if you need to eat fire or stop eating for a month then do it. Whatever it takes do it, stop making excuses, stop being a chicken. It's simply taking actions and pushing yourself to the limits that will show you the way, you will only make a breakthrough if you keep on showing up everyday and stop looking for an easy way out. 


You lack focus and that's why you can't win, that's why you can't improve. Just keep on going no matter what, even if you can't see any results yet... prioritize your goals over anything else. If you have a laser focus then you will find a way, when you're hungry and intentional of winning then the universe got your back. Never care about anything else and just focus on being great, focus on improving and doing whatever it takes to get where you want to be. Sharpen your focus everyday, give only time and energy for things and activities that will give you a better life. Stop giving too much energy on something that will make you worse because it will only make your life harder. Life gets easier when you are focused, the right pieces falls into its proper places when you are doing the right things. This is not an easy task but it is a very simple task. You need to stay disciplined or else you will get nowhere. 


Look at yourself all the time, what are you doing every now and then? what is the baddest habit that you want to get rid of? what is pulling you down? list the habits that makes you weak and cross them all out. It's your habits that is either failing you or making you a winner. What are you doing now? that is your habit, where are you spending most of your time? you have to be honest with yourself, admit that you are wasting time and stop doing all the BS that is making you slow and powerless. It's all about doing the work, work hard now and you will have a better future, as simple as that. Never get lazy for a second, never squander your time doing things that will make you broke. 

this is just a law of averages thing.

keep trying, fail more, try more, produce more, do more. Just try to outwork everyone and see where it takes you. If you're a basketball player just shoot 100 shots a day or even more. Try and try until you succeed, that's the formula, very basic formula yet most people can't get it because they don't want to fail and get tired, they just want to look pretty and cute on social media pretending that they are winning even if they are not. You don't need any talent, you don't need anything, you just need to become a hustler, trust your ability to grind, keep pushing until something shows on your way. Fail your way to success and never give up. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

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