Jun 25, 2024


If you want to improve then stop blaming people why are you not winning, you don't win because you're no taking matters into your own hands, as simple as that. You didn't win because you're focused on what other people are doing. You're too focused on other people's lives that's why you don't have time to study yourself and do what is best to make your life better. You keep on blaming people that is why you're a bum, that is why you couldn't take actions by yourself and take matters into your own hands. Stop blaming anything, stop looking for a scapegoat and take actions now, do whatever you can with your life, use your time to get better and stronger, use everything you can that will help you to advance in life. Stop blaming other people if you are unhappy because it's your responsibility to take care of your emotions, anything outside of yourself is just a figment of your life that has nothing to do with your feelings, you are the one making your life difficult or easier.


It's not about controlling everything or trying to be perfect. To become unstoppable you need to allow yourself to express yourself honestly no matter what. You need to become open with the experience and do the best you can to get what you really want in life, you need to keep moving forward despite of obstacles and problems that are making your life a little bit more difficult. Stop trying to look for what is missing, stop pointing out what is missing in your life and just do what you can do with the best of your abilities. 


You can never control the results, you can never control people, the only thing you can control is the power of your mind. You get more and more powerful every time you focus on quieting your mind. The thing around you may cause havoc or uncertainties, you may encounter difficult things and people in your daily life but the only thing you can control is your mind. You can choose not to react on things that doesn't really matter at all, you will become more powerful if you will just focus on what you can control and that is your mind and body. Your biggest advantage will be a strong and sound mind, focus on your mentality, focus on strengthening your mind and building the right mindset to withstand any storm and survive any difficult problems. 


Challenge yourself to become the best version of yourself, challenge yourself to grow, take full responsibility of your life. Face your problems, face the pain, face everything that needs to be done and do whatever it takes to succeed. Never care if the progress was too slow and just do whatever you can to advance. Never care if you fail a lot, with failures comes success and growth, you will never win if you're not willing to fail at all. Try relying on yourself to win not on other people, try doing it your way and giving everything you've got to become better and experience a much enjoyable life. It's on you, stop looking for something to get mad about and just enjoy your life while progressing slowly day by day. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

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