Jun 5, 2024


You are complaining that your coach didn't use you in a game, you are complaining that you are better than some players but you are not taking any shot, you are so scared to try, you are not taking any risk, you are afraid of taking the next step necessary to make a breakthrough. To change the outcome of your life you simply need to decide, make a bold move, make an impact or else don't complain at all. It's on you, you can determine the outcome of your life if you will take matters into your own hands and be not afraid of any failure. Don't be afraid of autonomy, it's on you if you want to take control of your life or other people will control you. Just move and do what you need to do. If you don't want to move then stop making excuses why you are failing in life, stop looking for a scapegoat. Make a move or don't complain, if you have a plan on being lazy your whole life then just shut your mouth and accept that you're a loser. You only have the right to talk if you're making huge amount of results, if you're not then completely shut your mouth because you're only embarrassing yourself. 


Forget the quality of your work and life and just move forward. It's not that you will take it for granted and you will become sloppy with your work, you just don't care if you're perfect or not. You give your best and that's it. It's ok if you only give your 80 or 90%, just give something, just work and never stop, as simple as that. Because most people are trying to become perfectionist here that's why they couldn't even move or make a small progress. You're always thinking about being great but you don't know how to become one, you wanted to have a high quality life but you couldn't even take the first step. Quality is overrated and taking actions is so underrated, people were so in love with the finish product and they already forgotten that it's the process that will give them what they want. You need to stop looking for the final output and start focusing on the step by step and philosophy that will give you a much better life. 


Just don't care. Don't care about what other people are doing, you care too much about them and that's how you waste your life and time. Your energy was always drained because you love to know what other people are doing. You're interested with your idol's life, you're too hooked with a stupid tik tok influencer, you're too worried about the problems of afghanistan, you're too concerned about the latest drug addict celebrity that was impregnate by a rapper and that is why you couldn't even think right. You're too distracted by the world's nonsense activities. You need to focus on your own life, watch yourself grow, watch yourself take over and change. You can make an impact now, create a small progress and repeat it over and over again. This is the simplest technique that will work, don't waste time and forget all of your idols on You tube, you need to be your own idol, you need to take care of yourself and conserve your energy for better things only. You are the creator of your life. How do you want to live? 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

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