Jun 4, 2024

why all work is easy

All work is easy because time is very fast. Just try this, try to enjoy any kind of work and you will find out that a lot of time has already passed and you didn't even notice it while you're on work. Work becomes hard because you're looking at the time a lot, you're not trying to enjoy it. Any boring work will get faster and faster if you will stop looking at the time and try to enjoy every second of your stupid life. If you want to make your work easier... stop looking at the clock stop counting your effort and just keep moving forward. Never stop when you are tired, forget your emotions, stop trying to act like a victim because you are not, you are not a slave, you are doing it for yourself not for others. Hard work will make you better, laziness will make you worse so every time you are working hard, you are giving yourself a favor, you are putting yourself on a better position to succeed. All work is very easy because time is fast, you will never notice that it's already lunch break or dismissal when you are loving every second of your work. So go ahead and g back to your work, stop complaining because it's only making you weak and stuck even more, complaining is for losers, it's for lazy people that feels entitled of something without giving something in return. Everything will get a lot easier if you push yourself to just finish it instead of opening your mouth, now is the time, start now and follow through, never stop until you're done. The key is to think that you are getting better every time you are focusing on work, think that you are doing something good for your life and the society, pretend that you are carrying the world and that your work is too important, finish it, love it, if you struggle so be it but don't ever stop. Nothing can stop you, you can become a machine if you want to, just stop all the dramas, cut all the distraction and keep pushing yourself to the limits. It is what it is, you will really struggle but so what? so what if you're having a hard time? it is part of your life, you will never get better if you're not having a hard time. Failures will teach you, pain will harden you, you will become soft forever if you're not making yourself vulnerable to difficulties and sacrifices. All work will get easier if you will just stop looking for comfort and shortcuts. So keep working and never look for an easier path, if it is hard then do it hard, time will pass anyway, time is fast, stop looking for dismissals, stop looking for a break and just take it one step at a time. You can finish anything if you will just be patient and persevering. Endure all the difficulties, face all the problems, embrace all of your negative emotions. Of course you will get tired, it's normal, don't make it a big deal, don't create dramas around it. Be someone who doesn't stop, be someone who enjoys the grind and hustle... that's how you make yourself very productive and effective. All work is easy if you will just be present and stop looking for easy ways, stop looking at the finish line and focus on taking it one step at a time. Inch by inch, second by second, enjoy your work and feel passionate about it. 

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