Jun 13, 2024


To become great you simply need to do what you need to do. If you're not using every second of your life for greatness then you will never become great, as simple as that. That's why it is called greatness, it has no limits, it is infinite, that's why you need to stick with the process every single day and stop looking for comfort. Because if you know what you are doing and the doing is bad then you will stop it right away, you will never continue it. Be conscious all the time of everything that you do and always pick the better activity that will make your life better, as simple as that. You are good in sabotaging yourself but you're really bad in stopping yourself from doing such vices. The small steps that you take, repetitive thoughts that you think is what makes you a person. If you keep on doing bad things and thinking negative then that will become your reality. But if you keep taking small positive and consistent steps and you're controlling your mind to always think positive then life gets better for you, good experiences will be manifested. It's you that is creating your life, your small choices every now and then is what makes you. It is either you are upgrading or downgrading yourself with the small choices that you made. So look at yourself, look at your life, study all of your habits and thoughts... no wonder why you are like that. The time you wasted and the energy you spend for nonsense things is what brings you down. Remember that nothing is accident here, you are the creator of your life so stop looking for a scapegoat, stop looking for something to blame and stop pointing fingers because you did that to yourself without a doubt. Ask yourself all the time "why am I doing this?" you know that it is harmful, you know that it will make you worse so why do it? if you want to take charge of your life, if you want to have more power then you better take control of your actions and get rid of the bad habits that are derailing your progress. Self mastery is the most important thing here. You need to master yourself and focus on the better things that will put you on a better position to succeed. The time is now, if you're doing something stupid now then you better stop it even if you are having a lot of fun, you better get rid of the bad choices that you are picking everyday and start discipling yourself even if it is hard. It is only hard in the beginning, imagine the life you want to achieve and the self image you want to portray, repeat the visualization everyday and never stop. Keep doing the process and believe it. Changing yourself is very simple, you just need to live a lifestyle to your choice and never stop even if you wanted to quit already. Choose a pattern that is serving you, choose the right habits that will make your life 2x better. Keep improving everyday and give everything you've got for your goal. Control your actions and you will have more power, it's a forever process. Just because you made the right choices today doesn't mean you will always make the right choices everyday, you need to watch yourself all the time and never let any distraction or temptation weaken you. Your mentality gets stronger and stronger every time you pick the right path that is harder but more beneficial in the future. 

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