Jun 20, 2024


Choose a philosophy that will help you to become productive and better and live with it for a year. See how your life goes, see how your life changes. It it is about hard work then work insanely hard for a year If it is about not caring about what people say because you're too shy to express your creativity then train yourself to become a thick skinned person for a year, do what makes you shy, do what makes you scared of people. If it is about being thrifty then don't spend anything for a year, don't buy any stupid stuffs that will damage your financial status, don't buy what you want and just buy what you need, the most basic needs. Never listen to other guru wannabe on how to become rich, just save all of your money and see how you can grow from it. If it is about being fast and early then be like an early bird for a year, do what you need to do fast, do more and never wait for anything before you move, be decisive and bold, choose action over thinking all the time. If it is about being kind then simply be kind, help people for a year, be nice all the time and never associate yourself with nasty and mean people, surround yourself with kindness, shower the people around you with love for a year. You need to pick a philosophy that you think will help you, this will change your life, this will create a different type of experience. The problem with you is you don't believe in something, you don't see yourself, you just follow what the crowd do, you just go with the majority and never test an idea for yourself, you're not trying to change, you don't have a strict rule to follow. Make a rule for yourself, make a game plan and stick with it no matter what. Never let anything make you change your mind, remember that you have to do this for a year, stick with the process and trust it no matter what. DO this for a year seriously and see what kind of life is waiting for you. Commitment is the key, believing that you will get something form it will make you focus and stick with your own philosophy. My philosophy is to stop wasting time for activities that will never give me anything, I am trying so hard to follow this path, it is hard because there are lot of temptations but luckily I was able to survive it everyday, that is why I have a very strong foundation and I believe that nothing can pull me down, of course I am just a human, I will be tested but this philosophy serves as my guide, it is making me productive and insanely happy because I am in control. Most people think that discipline will jail them, they think that they will become unhappy because they will let go of their vices but the truth is being disciplined will create more happiness because you will see yourself growing. It is a harder life but a very strong and commanding life. You will have more power and leverage if you are disciplined, you will have more time and you will be able to attract better experiences that will put your life on a better position to succeed. Discipline is a very powerful tool to create a life that you desire. To become more disciplined you need to follow the rules that you set no matter what, never let any negativity or temptation break you. Just follow the blueprint no matter what and keep going everyday. Changing your life is too simple, it's very basic, it's not easy but it is very doable, anyone can change if they will just follow their own philosophy no matter what. 

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