Jun 2, 2024


The situation is not difficult, your body is not tired... it's your mind that is making your life difficult. You are thinking the wrong thoughts, you are judging the situation based on how you feel. Your feelings makes the situation more difficult because you're judging it based on negativity, you're not seeing it as an opportunity to grow or get stronger, you simply hate it for no reason. It's your judgment that makes your reality harder, if you will just think of it as nothing then your life gets easier. The trick here is to focus on what you're thinking, analyze what you are thinking right now, is it good or bad? is it creating fear or courage? if you think negatively then you will become scared but if you think positively then you will feel great, as simple as that. You can feel positive in a negative situation, you can feel negative in a positive situation, it's a choice. What choice will you pick? are you going to feel like a victim or are you going to live like unaffected human being? Never care if it is scary, uncomfortable or hard... just do it, relax your mind and keep moving forward. Nothing will happen to you if you look outside, look on the inside and everything will get better. You will be more in control if you focus on what you can control. Always focus on your mind, study what it is thinking, how do you react to a situation is what you are. Mind is the most important thing, strengthen your mind by constantly feeding it with positive thoughts and your reality will get better. 


Appreciate your life, enemies, problems, difficulties, surrounding and challenges and everything will get easier. Life gets harder because you're too unappreciative, you're complaining too much, you want an easy life but you're not doing something, you want comfort but you are too lazy. You can become happy through suffering, you can feel good while in pain, if you can train your mind to appreciate everything including the ugliness of life then you will become invincible, everything will become a lot easier for you. There will be no traffics, there will be no stress, there will be no failures, everything will become a part of your journey. Create a new mind, something that will be free from excuses and complaints, something that is excited of life and challenges. It's all in the mind, master discomfort and you will become a relentless machine, you won't be afraid of any problem anymore, life is uncomfortable, that is the price you have to pay for living. Living is a luxury, living is a gift so if you can't appreciate the beauty of life because of pain and suffering then you are wasting your life. You have to go with it, you have to learn how to adapt to any circumstances... that is how to thrive in life. Be appreciative, stop complaining and start moving. Life is not that hard, yes it is hard but your way of thinking makes it harder. If you will just go with it and give your best, if you will just learn how to become thankful all the time then life gets easier everyday. 

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