Jun 22, 2024


Is to always practice delayed gratification. This is the best way to become focused, progressing and become mentally tough. Be present and never let your subconscious mind be in control all the time, never let the old  and bad programming take over of your day. Mind your own business, mind your own life. Know your goals and prioritize them. Never let a trending topic on twitter disturb you, if you're bored then that is good because it means you're fighting, you're developing and you're not letting any entertainment distract you and make you weak and unproductive. So what if your favorite player was traded? good luck to him but never let that news stop you from doing what you've been doing. Never let any flash news or gossip that sounds interesting stop your momentum. Become a finisher, always see yourself finishing. Once you start, go for the kill and never look for comfort. Don't rest because you're not tired yet, don't look for a food, don't look for a softdrinks or something, don't look for cigarette that will make you a little bit relieved. You have to face the pain, if it is hard then be happy because it is helping you to get better and stronger. Stay away from pleasures, stay away from easy activities and entertainment because it will only ruin your progress. You have to keep on pushing, keep grinding even if the task was already very boring and not fun at all. Mental toughness is what you need to succeed, if you want to strengthen your mental toughness and develop your focus then accept that starting today your life is going to be hard because you are trying to change yourself, you are trying to change your life and the only way to do that is by doing things that are difficult but will give you something in the future. The difference between a successful man and a failure is a successful man's activities is composed of making money, self improvement, building a business, learning a skill, exercising and looking for growth while a failure's activities are watching porn, gossips, hating on facebook, procrastinating and any other destructive behaviors that makes them weak and broke. It's all about the habits, if you have the right habits then you don't need to develop your focus anymore. 

Focus is all you need to improve, get richer, get healthier and change your bum life. There are two kinds of people in this world one is successful and the other is distracted. Are you confused? overwhelmed? anxious and worried? it's because you don't have focus, you're always worrying about something that is outside of your control. Remind yourself that the only thing you can control is your mind, effort, decisions and reactions. You can never control everything so why even bother on the things that you can't control. You get weaker, slower and worse every time you focus on what you can't control on the other hand you get better every time you focus on what is on the vicinity of your power. Stop trying to force something that you don't have power over with, it's time to let go of the things that you can never control forever. Start focusing on trying to improve one day at a time, greatness is waiting for you, you just need to believe in yourself and master your own life. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

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