Jun 21, 2024


If you're in pain keep feeling it, don't wish for it to be over or else it will become more painful. Just deal with it an feel it. Face the pain, face the challenges and never give up, that's all you need to do, life is hard, chasing success is a process, if you can just enjoy the process while struggling then you will go to a different level. It's ok if you keep on failing, just try again, you will never run out of the number of tries that will be given to you and that is your privilege. Abuse your number of chances and never care if it looks like you're not improving, for as long as you're trying... your life and situation was already improving. Never give up, never stop and embrace the pain, don't wish for you struggle to be over, embrace it and it will feel like nothing anymore. Once you get use with the discomfort then nothing can bother you anymore. Because most people are soft and diva like that's why they can't get what they want.  A little problem or pain is bothering them so badly. They don't want to force their gate, they don't want to push themselves to make a breakthrough, push through pain and you will become a different beast. Every step that you take is making you a stronger person so don't be afraid of the difficult process because it is beneficial, it will turn you into a different animal. Just deal with any problem you have, laugh at your adversity and conquer it. You can weather any kind of storm so never get intimidated by anything. Don't be afraid to suffer, don't be afraid to work so hard. o hard and never give up, the only focus is to take massive actions and nothing else. Never worry about the obstacles because you can overcome anything, so what is the point of worrying? you can survive at any given day, you can find a way. The only thing you should be thinking of is how to move forward because if you're moving then you're doing fine even if you're making a lot of mistakes. You are suppose to endure every difficulty and every problem, that is human's best gift... their ability to survive. So no matter what the problem is... never panic and never feel bad, it's just a problem, it will go away anytime soon. What you need to do is enjoy the struggle, keep getting better and keep living life. Life will get easier if you're not looking for comfort, assurance and guarantees. Life is full of surprises so deal with it. Stop living the same life over and over again, push yourself to experience different thigs and opportunities. Create your own luck through hard work and showing up every single day. So embrace everything about your life, may it be easy or hard... embrace it and feel blessed because you're still living, you still have a chance to experience more of life, you still have a lot of time to experience sadness and happiness. Don't look for happiness only because you will never be happy if you don't know how to be sad, be sad but don't make it a big deal. Emotions come and go, you need to accept that not all the time you are happy and not all the time you will be sad. Life is a roller coaster of emotions and you have to accept it to feel lighter and easier. You must know that every bad thing sis all part of your life, without it your life will not be complete. 

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