Jun 17, 2024


When you're in a very dangerous situation all you want to do is save your life, survive and live for another day. You will never care what it takes to get it, you will never complain and make excuses, you will just do what is necessary in order to survive and see your family for one more day. But today everyone was so soft, a simple bullying, a simple pain or problem is making them depressed. Today is a weak generation that's why it's so very easy to become successful nowadays. Most people are weak now, most people are acting like a victim now and feeling entitled of something hey never worked for. If you want to become successful all you have to do is force yourself to take actions and that's it, it's too simple yet most people don't want to do it because they were so afraid of failing. They don't want to work hard and get nothing. 


You will be given a chance to win but you will feel the pressure, the question is... what are you made of? do you have the nerves of steel? or will you crumble and get scared like everyone else? If you want to see who you really are and what are you made of... take the risk, even if everyone is against you, even if everyone is counting you out, take the risk and make a stand for what you believe. It's good to see what are you made of. If you're struggling, if everything in your life is falling apart... that's when you will know what are you made of. So don't worry when the situation is hard, just keep going and you will see what you are made of. 


Waiting game is the number one habit of victims, losers and failures. You can't wait for the right time to unleash your greatness. You can't wait for the perfect timing because there is no such thing as one. The right time is now, never wait, if there is no opportunity then create your own opportunity, build a new empire. The idea is to work hard, start fast and keep following through. Laziness builds fear, action builds confidence. If you need to do something... start right away and never think about how are you going to finish it. 

Everyone is weak nowadays, everyone is feeling entitled of something they don't deserve, everyone is so lazy and weak. Everyone is complaining about something and not appreciating what they have. Everyone wants to have more but they are willing to give less, no wonder they are depressed and lost. If you want something, stop making, stop complaining because your life is 100x easier than those who live during world war 1. Shut your mouth, quit making excuses and start doing something that will give you a better life. If you want something stop being soft, go hard for it and never stop. Life is very easy nowadays, anything is accessible, the amount of information available is very easy to access and infinite. It's on you if you want to become successful or not. People who live during world war 1 didn't complain that life is hard even if their lives are really hard, they just wanted to survive, they just wanted to be free. But look at you, you are free and can do anything with your life, nothing is stopping you yet you are taking days for granted, you have plenty of opportunity but you can't see it. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

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