Jun 19, 2024


Be aware that you are scared and be faster than your fears. Don't let it immobilize you completely, you can still move despite of your fears but when you focus on it... it will freeze you forever and there is nothing you can do about it. So the moment you become aware that you are scared... move fast and keep pushing, that fear will go away in just a matter of time. Don't be scared of what might happen next and just keep fighting. Learn to breathe and relax as much as you can. Feel your fears and do what you are suppose to do no matter what. Fear can never kill you, nothing can kill you so what are you being afraid of? it's normal to become scared but you should never become a coward, you should still fight for what you want and aim for your goals. Be fast and never think, thinking is for losers, thinking is for genius wannabes, they think they're smart but they couldn't even make a simple move. Stop trying to look cute and just use your skills, whatever you know... do it. Stop acting like you're entitled of doing it later, the time is now, stop wasting time overthinking and focus on taking actions. 


This is one very good training for facing your fears... do the task right away and never stop until you're done. You can start now, what the hell are you waiting for? Christmas bonus? don't wait for luck, don' wait for easy times and face the task in front of you boldly and aggressively. AT the end of the day you can move fast, nothing can stop you, you are the only one who is making your life difficult by procrastinating an delaying everything. Once you delay you lost your momentum and once you don't have a momentum you will lose your willpower and confidence to move and this will make you crazy and unmotivated. You need to do the task right away so you will feel powerful and confident. You will have more energy if you will force yourself to take actions. The more you move the stronger you get. Laziness is what's killing your life and not your lack of skills or support. Stop blaming the world, stop looking for a scapegoat why you're living like a bum, you're a bum because you choose to become a bum and that's the main reason. At the end of the day it's you that is to blame if you fail, you can avoid being a loser by simply being a doer. You need to become very good in forcing yourself to take actions, if you can master this then your life will level up so fast. You will improve, you will experience different things that you thought were not possible before. It's a lifestyle, make it your culture, make it your habit to just do it no matter what. No problems can't be solved, no task can't be finished, it's on you if you want to make your life better. You can optimize yourself, you can be 10x faster than you were before. It's just a matter of dedication and using your willpower. Fear can never catch up with you if you are fast, you can never feel it anymore if you are decisive, beliefs will get stronger, opportunities will be attracted to you. Fate loves the brave, you can pretend to be brave simply by just taking actions no matter what. Even if it is uncomfortable, even if you have no idea of what's going to happen next... just do it. Become unstoppable, become legendary, make yourself an action taker and see what is possible for your life. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

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