Jun 3, 2024

any mistake can't stop you

Repeat it again if you want, change it, do it, nothing can stop you if you will keep on moving forward. You can repeat the same failures and still make a progress, you are improving every time you are failing and trying harder next time. So the conclusion is no mistake can stop you, you can make a million or gazillion mistakes and not be jailed for it, just laugh at it, it's part of your life, it's part of the process, don't be ashamed of yourself if you keep on failing because it is an honor, only few people are willing to try, only the great ones are willing to fail with pride. Because most people failed automatically, they didn't even try, they didn't even take the risk, all they did is to play safe and what does playing safe give them? yeah you are right, nothing. You will never get anything from being timid or stiff, you will never make a progress or breakthrough if you keep on holding yourself back so what the hell are you waiting for? go all the way and make as much mistakes as you can, you will find out that you will still be accepted by the society, you will learn that it doesn't matter, you will find out that it feels much better to be doing it your way rather than following other people who were not even better than you. 


When everything is said and done it all goes down to the level of your belief. Did you really believe in yourself? did you really attack your goals? did you really gave your all? if not then stop looking for scapegoat, stop making excuses because you failed yourself, you're the reason why you're still at the bottom because you didn't make yourself unstoppable instead you stop yourself. It's nota bout them, it's not about the situation, it's about you giving yourself a chance to win by doing whatever it takes and pushing yourself to the limits. If you didn't push yourself to the limits then you did take your chances for granted. Today is a good day to fail a lot and win, never be scared of failing because it's too normal. The greatest ones knows that it takes a lot of failures to become successful but on the other than the mediocre and weak ones believe that they need to win on the first or second try and if they didn't... they feel sorry for themselves, they get depressed that's why they don't even dare to try again for one more time. 

You can only destroy the resistance by pushing and not by holding yourself back, you have to keep pushing and never stop. Go all the way, do whatever you want, do what you need to do and never give up, as simple as that. 


Don't call yourself stupid just because you're making a mistake or you're failing a lot. If you're stupid then why they hell are you still striving? why are you still making an effort? hard work is a smart man's choice. Pushing one's self is the best move a man can ever do. You're not stupid, you're just struggling. Be patient, bet on yourself because your time will come. Don't ever think that you're not deserving of what you want, if you're working hard for it then you have the right to ask big time. Stop selling yourself short, stop thinking that it is not for you. You are allowed to dream about anything in this world if you don't give up. Never think that you're just fooling yourself, never think that you're just wasting time. You have to trust yourself and never give up... ever. 

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