Jun 29, 2024

the only way to defeat a hater

Is by ignoring the hate, by ignoring the hater itself and not spending any second on it, stop fighting it, stop commenting, stop reacting. The haters gain more power when you are reacting and looking mad, they are happy if you are being emotional because that's their main goal... to destroy your focus and put you on their level. You are lowering your level if you are reacting on their negativity, you're better than that, you're so above them because if not then why are they hating on you, they're just envy, they're bitter because they can't pursue their own goals or execute their ideas because they're too afraid to fail. Learn to conserve your energy because you need it for bigger challenges, hearing a negative comment about you is just a sound, it's not a challenge, it's not even a thing, it's just a noise that they're trying to use against you. If you will just laugh at it and ignore it then you will have faster progress. Because you're getting slower and slower and weaker every time you fight a person or exchange hate with them. Be matured enough to not speak, don't even open your mouth or waste your saliva defending yourself. If you know yourself enough then there is nothing to worry about. 


become successful, be big as you can be so that you have no time dwelling on them, they can never hit you if you're so high. Focus on what matters and never waste any second trying to beat your haters because you will never beat them when you're angry, your success is their weakness, seeing you winning breaks their hearts into pieces. keep winning, keep soaring higher and never give up. All you have to do is keep moving forward and they will get tired trying to bring you down. Just keep going and push yourself to the limits so that you will stay busy and have no time to deal with them anymore. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Jun 28, 2024


Everyone is complaining, everyone is scared and tired. If you can push yourself to the limits and give everything you've got then you will win, as simple as that. Everyone is afraid to get tired and work hard, they feel that they've been cheated on when they work hard and didn't get anything, they want their efforts to be rewarded but life doesn't work that way, you really need to take risks and never care if you may win or not. Keep going no matter what, keep going even if you are tired and can't move at all, you can still take baby steps, you can still push through, your energy will be renewed in just a matter of time so be resilient and learn to pace yourself but don't ever stop. The only way to liberate fear is by not limiting yourself, it's by looking forward for challenges and difficulties because you know that it's going to make you stronger and better. Everyone is so soft nowadays, they are complaining with the little pain and struggle that they are experiencing, they're too picky, they're too afraid of problems and that's why they can't thrive and survive, that's why they're always depressed and stressed. Don't be afraid of the time you need to work, don't be afraid if it will take too long, don't be afraid if something is hard. It is what it is, it's hard so what? are you not going to fight for what you want because it is hard? are you just going to feel good and confident when it is easy? 


Focus on being strong, focus on getting better all the time. It's a choice, winning is a habit. Create good habits and it will be easier for you to become successful, stop minding other people's business and lives because it is not helping at all. Focus on what will improve your life, work hard, practice hard, try something, build something. Let those mofos complain about their lives, they will not do something about it. 


Look at your mind, what are you thinking? what are the thoughts you are entertaining? if you're all about problems and complaints then you will suffer even more. Learn to be appreciative, learn to think the right way. It is hard not because it is hard, it is hard because you're always thinking that it is hard and there is nothing you can do about it. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Jun 27, 2024


Have some fun, have a lot of fun, don' worry because it is going to be fast. Suffering will never last, struggle will never be your life forever, it's going to be over soon, problems will be gone in just a matter of time, obstacles will vanish and what's bothering you will go away in just a matter of time. It's going to be fast so stop worrying. Once the challenges are gone you will have a breathing room and there will be another problem again, life is just like that, haven't you learned anything yet? it is the pattern of life, there is no positive without negative. You have to enjoy the pain so it won't be too painful, you have to enjoy your problems so you can solve it, you have to enjoy the struggle so you will be able to find a way. Don't worry about the hard days, it will soon be over, you will be able to have fun again, all you need to do is be patient and be in the moment. 


Everything is hard because you wanted it to become perfect. You want it to become flawless, you want your life to have no problems and everything comfortable, relaxed and easy. You don't want something that is challenging a little bit, you want everything to go your way and that is why you're always having a hard time. You need to decide to become imperfect and just live your life. Just show up and do everything you can do. make it simple just stick with the basics and do what is necessary. Don't worry about struggling on something, don't worry about traffic, don't worry about little problems. it's going to be fast, it will soon be over, just enjoy the ride and have fun as much as you can, live your life like a happy man celebrating everything and not complaining about petty things that doesn't even really matter at all. Life is not perfect, that's the price of living it... you have to look for something to be thankful of, you can still stay positive during the hard times. You will not get everything you want, you will never be able to control everything, whatever is on your way... face it with courage and never back down to any challenge. It's ok to be scared but never let your fear stop you or break down your system, feel the fear and do it anyway. 


never let anything stop you, that's the secret to happiness. Never let any problems or lack be the dictator of your mood and momentum, you still need to feel powerful despite of something missing in your life, that is the key, that is the trick to become a winner... feel powerful and unstoppable all the time. Always believe that you can find a way even if the wind is against your favor. Keep grinding, keep fighting and never give up, it's all you need to do. You can weather any storm, you can survive an pain, don't worry because it's going to be fast, time is fast, you can never stop it. Just deal with whatever is in front of you and always believe that you can overcome anything and thrive in the end. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Jun 26, 2024


During tough times you need to remind yourself that strength is possible, you need to feel calm and sure about yourself because it is an opportunity to grow and get stronger, strength is possible. Growth is possible, improvement is possible, you just need to believe that you are getting better no matter what your age or situation is. Difficulty leads to greatness, if you keep pushing forward no matter what and you keep trying then you will become great, as simple as that. You need to be moving all the time and stop pampering yourself like a weak bum, stop being useless, stop being a chicken and give everything you've got no matter what. The choice is yours, it's either you become stronger or you get weaker, it's all in the mind, stop being a chicken and just try, keep fighting and never give up. That's all you need to do, chase your personal goal, keep it a secret and do whatever it takes to get it. You have the energy to get it, you have the strength to survive, it all depends on how you think, strength is possible, just because you are feeling weak doesn't mean you can never get stronger anymore. Never think about giving up, never think about losing and think about making a small progress every now and then. Fighting means progress, moving forward means you have a chance. You will become what you need to overcome, you will have that strength to equal the problem, nothing can ever beat you if you will just make a stand to win. The power is yours, control your mind, think that you are getting better all the time and you will. Strength is always possible, all it takes to have it is facing the pain and doing what is needed. Do what is required, do what is necessary. You can become stronger anytime you want, even if you are sick, even if you are wounded, even if you're struggling, strength is always possible. Just lift weights today, do push ups or even run then you immediately got stronger a little bit. Do it consistently and you will become a beast. Study a little bit, challenge yourself, prepare, learn new skills, put yourself in a stressful situation and feel it second by second and you already gained something. It's just a matter of choosing activities that will make you better. Why in the hell will you choose gossiping over studying? why will you choose oversleeping over training? you need to be realistic here, comfortable situations will never make you strong. Lying on bed the whole day will make you weak, taking actions will improve your system. Most people can't get stronger because they're too focused on the process, they will train or study for a few days and will look for immediate results, that is why they get frustrated, that is why they quit so fast. This is not about the results, it's about the process. Getting better is a journey, if you're doing something hard today then you're already making a small progress. You have so much control, you just need to become responsible and face the pain. Without pain there is no gain, you need to stop being soft, stop being slow and just do what you need to do no matter what.

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Jun 25, 2024


If you want to improve then stop blaming people why are you not winning, you don't win because you're no taking matters into your own hands, as simple as that. You didn't win because you're focused on what other people are doing. You're too focused on other people's lives that's why you don't have time to study yourself and do what is best to make your life better. You keep on blaming people that is why you're a bum, that is why you couldn't take actions by yourself and take matters into your own hands. Stop blaming anything, stop looking for a scapegoat and take actions now, do whatever you can with your life, use your time to get better and stronger, use everything you can that will help you to advance in life. Stop blaming other people if you are unhappy because it's your responsibility to take care of your emotions, anything outside of yourself is just a figment of your life that has nothing to do with your feelings, you are the one making your life difficult or easier.


It's not about controlling everything or trying to be perfect. To become unstoppable you need to allow yourself to express yourself honestly no matter what. You need to become open with the experience and do the best you can to get what you really want in life, you need to keep moving forward despite of obstacles and problems that are making your life a little bit more difficult. Stop trying to look for what is missing, stop pointing out what is missing in your life and just do what you can do with the best of your abilities. 


You can never control the results, you can never control people, the only thing you can control is the power of your mind. You get more and more powerful every time you focus on quieting your mind. The thing around you may cause havoc or uncertainties, you may encounter difficult things and people in your daily life but the only thing you can control is your mind. You can choose not to react on things that doesn't really matter at all, you will become more powerful if you will just focus on what you can control and that is your mind and body. Your biggest advantage will be a strong and sound mind, focus on your mentality, focus on strengthening your mind and building the right mindset to withstand any storm and survive any difficult problems. 


Challenge yourself to become the best version of yourself, challenge yourself to grow, take full responsibility of your life. Face your problems, face the pain, face everything that needs to be done and do whatever it takes to succeed. Never care if the progress was too slow and just do whatever you can to advance. Never care if you fail a lot, with failures comes success and growth, you will never win if you're not willing to fail at all. Try relying on yourself to win not on other people, try doing it your way and giving everything you've got to become better and experience a much enjoyable life. It's on you, stop looking for something to get mad about and just enjoy your life while progressing slowly day by day. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Jun 22, 2024


Is to always practice delayed gratification. This is the best way to become focused, progressing and become mentally tough. Be present and never let your subconscious mind be in control all the time, never let the old  and bad programming take over of your day. Mind your own business, mind your own life. Know your goals and prioritize them. Never let a trending topic on twitter disturb you, if you're bored then that is good because it means you're fighting, you're developing and you're not letting any entertainment distract you and make you weak and unproductive. So what if your favorite player was traded? good luck to him but never let that news stop you from doing what you've been doing. Never let any flash news or gossip that sounds interesting stop your momentum. Become a finisher, always see yourself finishing. Once you start, go for the kill and never look for comfort. Don't rest because you're not tired yet, don't look for a food, don't look for a softdrinks or something, don't look for cigarette that will make you a little bit relieved. You have to face the pain, if it is hard then be happy because it is helping you to get better and stronger. Stay away from pleasures, stay away from easy activities and entertainment because it will only ruin your progress. You have to keep on pushing, keep grinding even if the task was already very boring and not fun at all. Mental toughness is what you need to succeed, if you want to strengthen your mental toughness and develop your focus then accept that starting today your life is going to be hard because you are trying to change yourself, you are trying to change your life and the only way to do that is by doing things that are difficult but will give you something in the future. The difference between a successful man and a failure is a successful man's activities is composed of making money, self improvement, building a business, learning a skill, exercising and looking for growth while a failure's activities are watching porn, gossips, hating on facebook, procrastinating and any other destructive behaviors that makes them weak and broke. It's all about the habits, if you have the right habits then you don't need to develop your focus anymore. 

Focus is all you need to improve, get richer, get healthier and change your bum life. There are two kinds of people in this world one is successful and the other is distracted. Are you confused? overwhelmed? anxious and worried? it's because you don't have focus, you're always worrying about something that is outside of your control. Remind yourself that the only thing you can control is your mind, effort, decisions and reactions. You can never control everything so why even bother on the things that you can't control. You get weaker, slower and worse every time you focus on what you can't control on the other hand you get better every time you focus on what is on the vicinity of your power. Stop trying to force something that you don't have power over with, it's time to let go of the things that you can never control forever. Start focusing on trying to improve one day at a time, greatness is waiting for you, you just need to believe in yourself and master your own life. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Jun 21, 2024


If you're in pain keep feeling it, don't wish for it to be over or else it will become more painful. Just deal with it an feel it. Face the pain, face the challenges and never give up, that's all you need to do, life is hard, chasing success is a process, if you can just enjoy the process while struggling then you will go to a different level. It's ok if you keep on failing, just try again, you will never run out of the number of tries that will be given to you and that is your privilege. Abuse your number of chances and never care if it looks like you're not improving, for as long as you're trying... your life and situation was already improving. Never give up, never stop and embrace the pain, don't wish for you struggle to be over, embrace it and it will feel like nothing anymore. Once you get use with the discomfort then nothing can bother you anymore. Because most people are soft and diva like that's why they can't get what they want.  A little problem or pain is bothering them so badly. They don't want to force their gate, they don't want to push themselves to make a breakthrough, push through pain and you will become a different beast. Every step that you take is making you a stronger person so don't be afraid of the difficult process because it is beneficial, it will turn you into a different animal. Just deal with any problem you have, laugh at your adversity and conquer it. You can weather any kind of storm so never get intimidated by anything. Don't be afraid to suffer, don't be afraid to work so hard. o hard and never give up, the only focus is to take massive actions and nothing else. Never worry about the obstacles because you can overcome anything, so what is the point of worrying? you can survive at any given day, you can find a way. The only thing you should be thinking of is how to move forward because if you're moving then you're doing fine even if you're making a lot of mistakes. You are suppose to endure every difficulty and every problem, that is human's best gift... their ability to survive. So no matter what the problem is... never panic and never feel bad, it's just a problem, it will go away anytime soon. What you need to do is enjoy the struggle, keep getting better and keep living life. Life will get easier if you're not looking for comfort, assurance and guarantees. Life is full of surprises so deal with it. Stop living the same life over and over again, push yourself to experience different thigs and opportunities. Create your own luck through hard work and showing up every single day. So embrace everything about your life, may it be easy or hard... embrace it and feel blessed because you're still living, you still have a chance to experience more of life, you still have a lot of time to experience sadness and happiness. Don't look for happiness only because you will never be happy if you don't know how to be sad, be sad but don't make it a big deal. Emotions come and go, you need to accept that not all the time you are happy and not all the time you will be sad. Life is a roller coaster of emotions and you have to accept it to feel lighter and easier. You must know that every bad thing sis all part of your life, without it your life will not be complete. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Jun 20, 2024


Choose a philosophy that will help you to become productive and better and live with it for a year. See how your life goes, see how your life changes. It it is about hard work then work insanely hard for a year If it is about not caring about what people say because you're too shy to express your creativity then train yourself to become a thick skinned person for a year, do what makes you shy, do what makes you scared of people. If it is about being thrifty then don't spend anything for a year, don't buy any stupid stuffs that will damage your financial status, don't buy what you want and just buy what you need, the most basic needs. Never listen to other guru wannabe on how to become rich, just save all of your money and see how you can grow from it. If it is about being fast and early then be like an early bird for a year, do what you need to do fast, do more and never wait for anything before you move, be decisive and bold, choose action over thinking all the time. If it is about being kind then simply be kind, help people for a year, be nice all the time and never associate yourself with nasty and mean people, surround yourself with kindness, shower the people around you with love for a year. You need to pick a philosophy that you think will help you, this will change your life, this will create a different type of experience. The problem with you is you don't believe in something, you don't see yourself, you just follow what the crowd do, you just go with the majority and never test an idea for yourself, you're not trying to change, you don't have a strict rule to follow. Make a rule for yourself, make a game plan and stick with it no matter what. Never let anything make you change your mind, remember that you have to do this for a year, stick with the process and trust it no matter what. DO this for a year seriously and see what kind of life is waiting for you. Commitment is the key, believing that you will get something form it will make you focus and stick with your own philosophy. My philosophy is to stop wasting time for activities that will never give me anything, I am trying so hard to follow this path, it is hard because there are lot of temptations but luckily I was able to survive it everyday, that is why I have a very strong foundation and I believe that nothing can pull me down, of course I am just a human, I will be tested but this philosophy serves as my guide, it is making me productive and insanely happy because I am in control. Most people think that discipline will jail them, they think that they will become unhappy because they will let go of their vices but the truth is being disciplined will create more happiness because you will see yourself growing. It is a harder life but a very strong and commanding life. You will have more power and leverage if you are disciplined, you will have more time and you will be able to attract better experiences that will put your life on a better position to succeed. Discipline is a very powerful tool to create a life that you desire. To become more disciplined you need to follow the rules that you set no matter what, never let any negativity or temptation break you. Just follow the blueprint no matter what and keep going everyday. Changing your life is too simple, it's very basic, it's not easy but it is very doable, anyone can change if they will just follow their own philosophy no matter what. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Jun 19, 2024


Be aware that you are scared and be faster than your fears. Don't let it immobilize you completely, you can still move despite of your fears but when you focus on it... it will freeze you forever and there is nothing you can do about it. So the moment you become aware that you are scared... move fast and keep pushing, that fear will go away in just a matter of time. Don't be scared of what might happen next and just keep fighting. Learn to breathe and relax as much as you can. Feel your fears and do what you are suppose to do no matter what. Fear can never kill you, nothing can kill you so what are you being afraid of? it's normal to become scared but you should never become a coward, you should still fight for what you want and aim for your goals. Be fast and never think, thinking is for losers, thinking is for genius wannabes, they think they're smart but they couldn't even make a simple move. Stop trying to look cute and just use your skills, whatever you know... do it. Stop acting like you're entitled of doing it later, the time is now, stop wasting time overthinking and focus on taking actions. 


This is one very good training for facing your fears... do the task right away and never stop until you're done. You can start now, what the hell are you waiting for? Christmas bonus? don't wait for luck, don' wait for easy times and face the task in front of you boldly and aggressively. AT the end of the day you can move fast, nothing can stop you, you are the only one who is making your life difficult by procrastinating an delaying everything. Once you delay you lost your momentum and once you don't have a momentum you will lose your willpower and confidence to move and this will make you crazy and unmotivated. You need to do the task right away so you will feel powerful and confident. You will have more energy if you will force yourself to take actions. The more you move the stronger you get. Laziness is what's killing your life and not your lack of skills or support. Stop blaming the world, stop looking for a scapegoat why you're living like a bum, you're a bum because you choose to become a bum and that's the main reason. At the end of the day it's you that is to blame if you fail, you can avoid being a loser by simply being a doer. You need to become very good in forcing yourself to take actions, if you can master this then your life will level up so fast. You will improve, you will experience different things that you thought were not possible before. It's a lifestyle, make it your culture, make it your habit to just do it no matter what. No problems can't be solved, no task can't be finished, it's on you if you want to make your life better. You can optimize yourself, you can be 10x faster than you were before. It's just a matter of dedication and using your willpower. Fear can never catch up with you if you are fast, you can never feel it anymore if you are decisive, beliefs will get stronger, opportunities will be attracted to you. Fate loves the brave, you can pretend to be brave simply by just taking actions no matter what. Even if it is uncomfortable, even if you have no idea of what's going to happen next... just do it. Become unstoppable, become legendary, make yourself an action taker and see what is possible for your life. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Jun 18, 2024


Talent is very overrated, people think that a talented child can become anything he wants only to find out that the child is a fraud and can never achieve anything in his life. People who rely on talent alone failed, even the great ones are saying that there is no such thing as talent and that hard work alone is the key to success. If you are really working hard then you will get better, you will look talented. Don't rely on talent because if you think you're talented enough then you will never work hard anymore, you will become undisciplined and lazy and laziness is next to failure. You have to rely on hard work and trust the process, it's the grit hat will get you on top, it's facing the pain and being the best that you can be that will attract success. People who are afraid to work hard will never advance in life, if you think you are working hard yet you keep on failing then it means your effort is not enough. 


Whatever it takes to get there do it, whatever it takes to get it... do it. Never stop, look for something to do, believe in the power of small and relentless actions, the power of small steps is real, you think you're not making an impact only to find out that you're already about to make a breakthrough. If you need to work hard for 14 hours a day then do it, if you need to triple your effort then do it, if you need to eat fire or stop eating for a month then do it. Whatever it takes do it, stop making excuses, stop being a chicken. It's simply taking actions and pushing yourself to the limits that will show you the way, you will only make a breakthrough if you keep on showing up everyday and stop looking for an easy way out. 


You lack focus and that's why you can't win, that's why you can't improve. Just keep on going no matter what, even if you can't see any results yet... prioritize your goals over anything else. If you have a laser focus then you will find a way, when you're hungry and intentional of winning then the universe got your back. Never care about anything else and just focus on being great, focus on improving and doing whatever it takes to get where you want to be. Sharpen your focus everyday, give only time and energy for things and activities that will give you a better life. Stop giving too much energy on something that will make you worse because it will only make your life harder. Life gets easier when you are focused, the right pieces falls into its proper places when you are doing the right things. This is not an easy task but it is a very simple task. You need to stay disciplined or else you will get nowhere. 


Look at yourself all the time, what are you doing every now and then? what is the baddest habit that you want to get rid of? what is pulling you down? list the habits that makes you weak and cross them all out. It's your habits that is either failing you or making you a winner. What are you doing now? that is your habit, where are you spending most of your time? you have to be honest with yourself, admit that you are wasting time and stop doing all the BS that is making you slow and powerless. It's all about doing the work, work hard now and you will have a better future, as simple as that. Never get lazy for a second, never squander your time doing things that will make you broke. 

this is just a law of averages thing.

keep trying, fail more, try more, produce more, do more. Just try to outwork everyone and see where it takes you. If you're a basketball player just shoot 100 shots a day or even more. Try and try until you succeed, that's the formula, very basic formula yet most people can't get it because they don't want to fail and get tired, they just want to look pretty and cute on social media pretending that they are winning even if they are not. You don't need any talent, you don't need anything, you just need to become a hustler, trust your ability to grind, keep pushing until something shows on your way. Fail your way to success and never give up. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Jun 17, 2024


When you're in a very dangerous situation all you want to do is save your life, survive and live for another day. You will never care what it takes to get it, you will never complain and make excuses, you will just do what is necessary in order to survive and see your family for one more day. But today everyone was so soft, a simple bullying, a simple pain or problem is making them depressed. Today is a weak generation that's why it's so very easy to become successful nowadays. Most people are weak now, most people are acting like a victim now and feeling entitled of something hey never worked for. If you want to become successful all you have to do is force yourself to take actions and that's it, it's too simple yet most people don't want to do it because they were so afraid of failing. They don't want to work hard and get nothing. 


You will be given a chance to win but you will feel the pressure, the question is... what are you made of? do you have the nerves of steel? or will you crumble and get scared like everyone else? If you want to see who you really are and what are you made of... take the risk, even if everyone is against you, even if everyone is counting you out, take the risk and make a stand for what you believe. It's good to see what are you made of. If you're struggling, if everything in your life is falling apart... that's when you will know what are you made of. So don't worry when the situation is hard, just keep going and you will see what you are made of. 


Waiting game is the number one habit of victims, losers and failures. You can't wait for the right time to unleash your greatness. You can't wait for the perfect timing because there is no such thing as one. The right time is now, never wait, if there is no opportunity then create your own opportunity, build a new empire. The idea is to work hard, start fast and keep following through. Laziness builds fear, action builds confidence. If you need to do something... start right away and never think about how are you going to finish it. 

Everyone is weak nowadays, everyone is feeling entitled of something they don't deserve, everyone is so lazy and weak. Everyone is complaining about something and not appreciating what they have. Everyone wants to have more but they are willing to give less, no wonder they are depressed and lost. If you want something, stop making, stop complaining because your life is 100x easier than those who live during world war 1. Shut your mouth, quit making excuses and start doing something that will give you a better life. If you want something stop being soft, go hard for it and never stop. Life is very easy nowadays, anything is accessible, the amount of information available is very easy to access and infinite. It's on you if you want to become successful or not. People who live during world war 1 didn't complain that life is hard even if their lives are really hard, they just wanted to survive, they just wanted to be free. But look at you, you are free and can do anything with your life, nothing is stopping you yet you are taking days for granted, you have plenty of opportunity but you can't see it. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Jun 13, 2024


To become great you simply need to do what you need to do. If you're not using every second of your life for greatness then you will never become great, as simple as that. That's why it is called greatness, it has no limits, it is infinite, that's why you need to stick with the process every single day and stop looking for comfort. Because if you know what you are doing and the doing is bad then you will stop it right away, you will never continue it. Be conscious all the time of everything that you do and always pick the better activity that will make your life better, as simple as that. You are good in sabotaging yourself but you're really bad in stopping yourself from doing such vices. The small steps that you take, repetitive thoughts that you think is what makes you a person. If you keep on doing bad things and thinking negative then that will become your reality. But if you keep taking small positive and consistent steps and you're controlling your mind to always think positive then life gets better for you, good experiences will be manifested. It's you that is creating your life, your small choices every now and then is what makes you. It is either you are upgrading or downgrading yourself with the small choices that you made. So look at yourself, look at your life, study all of your habits and thoughts... no wonder why you are like that. The time you wasted and the energy you spend for nonsense things is what brings you down. Remember that nothing is accident here, you are the creator of your life so stop looking for a scapegoat, stop looking for something to blame and stop pointing fingers because you did that to yourself without a doubt. Ask yourself all the time "why am I doing this?" you know that it is harmful, you know that it will make you worse so why do it? if you want to take charge of your life, if you want to have more power then you better take control of your actions and get rid of the bad habits that are derailing your progress. Self mastery is the most important thing here. You need to master yourself and focus on the better things that will put you on a better position to succeed. The time is now, if you're doing something stupid now then you better stop it even if you are having a lot of fun, you better get rid of the bad choices that you are picking everyday and start discipling yourself even if it is hard. It is only hard in the beginning, imagine the life you want to achieve and the self image you want to portray, repeat the visualization everyday and never stop. Keep doing the process and believe it. Changing yourself is very simple, you just need to live a lifestyle to your choice and never stop even if you wanted to quit already. Choose a pattern that is serving you, choose the right habits that will make your life 2x better. Keep improving everyday and give everything you've got for your goal. Control your actions and you will have more power, it's a forever process. Just because you made the right choices today doesn't mean you will always make the right choices everyday, you need to watch yourself all the time and never let any distraction or temptation weaken you. Your mentality gets stronger and stronger every time you pick the right path that is harder but more beneficial in the future. 

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Jun 12, 2024


Happiness is overrated, looking for it is the root of depression. Looking for perfection, wanting to go to the destination right away... this makes you sad and unmotivated. Life is simply moving forward, whether you are happy or feeling negative... just go with it. Happiness is not a necessity, you can live without it. The good news is emotions come and go, if you are sad now then there is a 100% probability that you're going to become happy later. Emotions is nothing, it's just a feeling and you should never make it a big deal because it is not permanent. Happiness is nothing, stop thinking about it too much. If you are still living then you need to be appreciative of life because it is a blessing, you will experience more if you are alive and you have a lot of chance to get happier. 


you are becoming sadder and sadder even more, you are beginning to entertain depression because you are making dramas for yourself. You are lazy, you are not moving, all you think is negative. But if you will just move and force yourself to take actions then life gets better and mental health gets stronger. You are a mentally weak person if you can't force yourself to move and do the right things. This is very simple, just slap yourself to wake up and do the first step. If you can master this technique then you will become a beast. Your life will become pretty amazing. So if you are feeling lazy... move now, don't stop and just keep moving forward all the time, it's on you if you want to change your life. Happiness is easier to be felt when you are moving, you will get sad even more if you keep on getting lazy and not moving at all. Just do it, nothing can stop you if you will just do it, you are a force, you are something


your waiting for somebody who told you will visit you, you're waiting for the opportunity, you're waiting for a help, you're waiting for someone to make you happy, you're waiting for a lucky break, you're waiting for your parents to love you, you're waiting for others to save your sorry ass, you're waiting for the world to change. And that is why your life hasn't change, you need to stop waiting and start taking matters into your own hands. Waiting game is the game of losers, you need to move now, make a decision now and never let other people decide what is best for you. Become a rebel, if your coach is not playing you then go to a different team, take the risk and create your own opportunity, fortune loves the brave, you will never make a breakthrough if you're always holding yourself back. There's no going back, push yourself to the limits and never give up, as simple as that. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Jun 9, 2024


You're afraid to try not because you're afraid to fail but because you're so afraid of being judged, criticized or laugh at. You want to be liked, you want to stay the same because you're so afraid of what people say. But guess what? you already lost the moment you decide to stop trying, you already gave away your power, you already gave up and you have no chance of redeeming yourself anymore. The chance is now, the time is now, focus on what you can do, give your very best no matter what even if it takes getting ridiculed by people. This is a mental thing, if you can persevere from the beginning to the end then you will win for sure. Trying is free, why will you be afraid of it? you can try as many as you want and never get punished for it. Nobody will hail you if you try so much and try so hard. Look at yourself, what are you doing now? what will you be doing now? don' waste your life looking for comfort and pleasures because it is only brining you down, you have to go all the way and give everything you've got, you have to push yourself to the limits and stop being afraid of the future, what will happen will happen. This is life, you can have more fun if you're always moving and trying. Because the truth is everything is a risk, everyday is a risk, living is a risk, picking something is a risk, you will never have a comfortable life and you need to get use to it. Accept that life is really like this way, accept that there is no completion. This is a journey, you have nothing to lose here, you have everything to gain, always think that you have nothing when you were born, everything else is just a bonus. Experience everything, embrace every emotion and don't judge any of it. Don't judge your thought, don't judge yourself and accept yourself. Learn to force fate, learn to take matters into your own hands and don't be afraid of failing just for once. Losing is just part of the game, it's part of the journey. Don't be afraid of losing because you really have nothing to lose here, it's just an experience. This is just a fun game, focus on expressing yourself, focus on using all of your skills and giving your very best. Don't be scared to try because you can try again every time you fail. Nothing can stop you, this is just a matter of believing in yourself and doing whatever it takes to advance. Go further as much as you can, never stop, never settle and never get satisfied. The trick here is just keep trying because you're already learning every time you try, you're already getting better so you have nothing to lose here, it's a win win situation for you. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Jun 8, 2024


Most people wanted to change because of the results. They want money, great body, fame, cars, houses, success etc. They want the outcome but the real reward is you changing. It's you becoming a better person and not being a bum or clown anymore. It's the new healthy and strong habits, it's your new attitude and belief, it's your newly found strength, it's you improving everyday. You're no longer negative, you're no longer lazy, you're no longer blaming the world and you believe in yourself more.... that's the real reward. It's your new mindset, new character and new culture. It's your transformation, it's knowing that whatever challenge gets in your way you can overcome it and conquer it. It's knowing that you will be alright no matter what because you already built the mentality of a fighter and you don't backdown to any challenge. Push yourself to be the best that you can be, it's simply moving and nothing else. Do something positive everyday, whether it's about cleaning the house, cleaning your bed, starting a small business or doing 100 push up, do it and never hold yourself back. Doing something positive is 100x better than scrolling on social media all day long. Get addicted with small actions, believe in your work, believe in the power of small steps, you're already progressing whenever you are moving, you have nothing to lose here. 

You are not pushing enough, if you don't see any small change then it means your efforts was too weak. You need to push harder and forget every resistance that is trying to hold you back, stop making excuses, stop looking for a scapegoat, stop looking for reasons why you can't do it. You can do anything, you can start anywhere and anytime, you just need to start now and stop acting like a chicken. Little by little change yourself, be patient and never rush. This is a process, it's a marathon and not a sprint. Stop getting interested with subjects that will never improve your life, this is about self improvement everyday. Stop wasting your time and energy for useless things that will make you weak and worse. You need to focus on you, be the best that you can be no matter what, give your all and never quit when things gets worse. Take matters into your own hands, never take any day for granted because it is an opportunity to get better. Always believe in the power of delayed gratification, believe that you are building a better life every time you make sacrifices. Remember to keep moving forward all the time, choose the self image that you need to use to make small improvements everyday. Stay hungry, stay active and consistent. You don't need to become great right away, you just need to take actions and put yourself on a better position than yesterday. You have nothing to lose here, you have everything to gain so just start and do what you need to do. Stop being lazy because it will make your life uglier than before. Push yourself to work harder and harder each day and give everything you've got no matter what. The real reward is a new you, it's not about the external things, it's about the internal. Focus on you and every good things and opportunities will be attracted to you. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Jun 7, 2024


Getting that shoes, car, money, success etc. You think you will get happy by getting all of those things the answer is yes but just for a very short period of time. If your happiness and feelings was purely based on external things then you will become very fragile. Happiness comes from within, it's accepting yourself, it's being happy with your life no matter where you are. Because life is a journey, it's a work from within.. that's the only way to become really happy. If you can feel yourself all the time, study yourself and know the things that maters the most then your happiness will never be based on outside things anymore. If you're relying on people's likes, approval and validation then you will become very weak. You need to be happy where you are and avoid comparing your life to others. Comparison is the thief of joy, be happy with what you have, it's not bad to aspire for fancy things and properties but don't ever cry whenever you can't get it. Don't ever complain with your life, just do your very best every single day and stay humble no matter what. Life is fast, don't waste it worrying for nothing, don't spend your energy thinking about the things that are outside f your control. Meditate with your feelings, feel it and never judge any of it. If you are scared, worried or anxious just relax and it will go away. Breathe, learn to live slowly and never let any other things rush your or force you to make bad decisions. Don't be afraid of what people say, never let them control you, never let them make you depressed or lonely. You are the captain of your ship, you can feel whatever you wanted to feel. You can create your own energy, you can be happy anytime you want. It all depends on how you focus on yourself and how you work on your inner state. This is a work, it takes a lot of practice to control your thoughts and feelings but it's worth it. Self control means master of your life. If you are jealous with other people who are doing well in life, admit to yourself that you are jealous and remind yourself that there is nothing to be jealous of. Just appreciate what you have and your jealous will go away. You don't need to look at other people's lives, you don't need to be like them or get what they have. Focus on being thankful of your life and what you have and you will get happier in an instant. At the end of the day being envy is just an ego, it's a normal feeling that you need to conquer. The real happy person doesn't need anything especially from anybody. You don't need to impress them nor be like them, you just need to be yourself and that's it. The truth is you don't need anything, what you need is already inside of you. Just live and do your responsibilities, it's of to dream, it's ok to try to get what you want but don't ever feel unhappy if you can't get them. You will get what you deserve in life. Don't ever rush things, don't hurry because your time will come. Learn to wait and be patient, learn to accept the things that are beyond your control. The key is to stop competing with others, stop trying to live their lives and stop trying t o impress them. Impress yourself by controlling yourself and seeing yourself growing. You don't need to live like them or talk like them, you just need to accept who you are and be the best that you can be. It's ok if you're last on the line, it's ok if you don't have what they have, it's ok if they don't respect you. What you need is self discipline and awareness of what you're doing or thinking, be conscious and present in the moment. Don't worry about the future, don't think about the past, real life is happening now. What you have and who you are is what really matters in life. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Jun 6, 2024


What's the point of thinking about that? what's the point of remembering your mistakes and punishing yourself,? what's the point of repeating the past over and over again? it will only make you feel regretful even more, it will shatter your confidence and make you avoid taking risks anymore. You will avoid challenges, you will never embrace what is in front of you because you're locked up in the past. Past is a history, it is not happening anymore, don't identify yourself with the past because today is a new day. Stop being attached with people, things and happenings that doesn't make you feel good. You can restart now, you can become unstoppable now if you wish to, you just need to allow yourself to get happier and take actions that you are afraid of. You are deserving of something more, you can be more you can get big if you want to. Just believe in yourself and never judge yourself based on your failures and shortcomings. The new you is waiting, you can create a new identity. Define how you want to move, talk and work and live with it. 


Just for today try to become great. Do whatever it takes to get to the next level, forget the past, forget everything that is holding you back. Work as hard as you can and expect great things to come. Believe in yourself, try seeing yourself as the best version of yourself. Act differently, be thankful, be appreciative and always push yourself to the limits. Try this just for today and if you felt better then try again for tomorrow, keep the fire burning, keep the momentum alive. It feels good to be great right? you will have more energy if you are doing something great with your life, you will feel more excited and motivated. You don't need to change the circumstances around you, you just need to change yourself, change your way of thinking and behavior. Be playful, always try, always give your best, be creative and never think about the results, just give your best and something good will attract into your life. Make big time sacrifices and practice delayed gratification. Stop drowning yourself with pleasures that are making you weak, slow and useless. You need to man up and face what is hard. Follow the blueprints that you set, if you don't have one then just chase your goal with all your might. Stop thinking about winning and focus on getting better, it's all about your transformation. It's not about winning, getting the money or being successful... it's about the person you become. What will you become by trying to become great? what will you become by trying to win and doing it your way? that's the biggest question of your life, that's the biggest mystery. If you want to see your full potential then try to become great for just one day and keep following through. 

Get addicted with actions.

Focus on positive actions, get addicted with trying to improve yourself. Get addicted with the process, be obsessed with small progress, appreciate it and repeat it over and over again. Get addicted with small steps and believe that every action is the right action, believe that anything you do has an impact and it will accumulate to create a best version of you. Be great for today and be great again tomorrow, it is a never ending process. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Jun 5, 2024


You are complaining that your coach didn't use you in a game, you are complaining that you are better than some players but you are not taking any shot, you are so scared to try, you are not taking any risk, you are afraid of taking the next step necessary to make a breakthrough. To change the outcome of your life you simply need to decide, make a bold move, make an impact or else don't complain at all. It's on you, you can determine the outcome of your life if you will take matters into your own hands and be not afraid of any failure. Don't be afraid of autonomy, it's on you if you want to take control of your life or other people will control you. Just move and do what you need to do. If you don't want to move then stop making excuses why you are failing in life, stop looking for a scapegoat. Make a move or don't complain, if you have a plan on being lazy your whole life then just shut your mouth and accept that you're a loser. You only have the right to talk if you're making huge amount of results, if you're not then completely shut your mouth because you're only embarrassing yourself. 


Forget the quality of your work and life and just move forward. It's not that you will take it for granted and you will become sloppy with your work, you just don't care if you're perfect or not. You give your best and that's it. It's ok if you only give your 80 or 90%, just give something, just work and never stop, as simple as that. Because most people are trying to become perfectionist here that's why they couldn't even move or make a small progress. You're always thinking about being great but you don't know how to become one, you wanted to have a high quality life but you couldn't even take the first step. Quality is overrated and taking actions is so underrated, people were so in love with the finish product and they already forgotten that it's the process that will give them what they want. You need to stop looking for the final output and start focusing on the step by step and philosophy that will give you a much better life. 


Just don't care. Don't care about what other people are doing, you care too much about them and that's how you waste your life and time. Your energy was always drained because you love to know what other people are doing. You're interested with your idol's life, you're too hooked with a stupid tik tok influencer, you're too worried about the problems of afghanistan, you're too concerned about the latest drug addict celebrity that was impregnate by a rapper and that is why you couldn't even think right. You're too distracted by the world's nonsense activities. You need to focus on your own life, watch yourself grow, watch yourself take over and change. You can make an impact now, create a small progress and repeat it over and over again. This is the simplest technique that will work, don't waste time and forget all of your idols on You tube, you need to be your own idol, you need to take care of yourself and conserve your energy for better things only. You are the creator of your life. How do you want to live? 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Jun 4, 2024

why all work is easy

All work is easy because time is very fast. Just try this, try to enjoy any kind of work and you will find out that a lot of time has already passed and you didn't even notice it while you're on work. Work becomes hard because you're looking at the time a lot, you're not trying to enjoy it. Any boring work will get faster and faster if you will stop looking at the time and try to enjoy every second of your stupid life. If you want to make your work easier... stop looking at the clock stop counting your effort and just keep moving forward. Never stop when you are tired, forget your emotions, stop trying to act like a victim because you are not, you are not a slave, you are doing it for yourself not for others. Hard work will make you better, laziness will make you worse so every time you are working hard, you are giving yourself a favor, you are putting yourself on a better position to succeed. All work is very easy because time is fast, you will never notice that it's already lunch break or dismissal when you are loving every second of your work. So go ahead and g back to your work, stop complaining because it's only making you weak and stuck even more, complaining is for losers, it's for lazy people that feels entitled of something without giving something in return. Everything will get a lot easier if you push yourself to just finish it instead of opening your mouth, now is the time, start now and follow through, never stop until you're done. The key is to think that you are getting better every time you are focusing on work, think that you are doing something good for your life and the society, pretend that you are carrying the world and that your work is too important, finish it, love it, if you struggle so be it but don't ever stop. Nothing can stop you, you can become a machine if you want to, just stop all the dramas, cut all the distraction and keep pushing yourself to the limits. It is what it is, you will really struggle but so what? so what if you're having a hard time? it is part of your life, you will never get better if you're not having a hard time. Failures will teach you, pain will harden you, you will become soft forever if you're not making yourself vulnerable to difficulties and sacrifices. All work will get easier if you will just stop looking for comfort and shortcuts. So keep working and never look for an easier path, if it is hard then do it hard, time will pass anyway, time is fast, stop looking for dismissals, stop looking for a break and just take it one step at a time. You can finish anything if you will just be patient and persevering. Endure all the difficulties, face all the problems, embrace all of your negative emotions. Of course you will get tired, it's normal, don't make it a big deal, don't create dramas around it. Be someone who doesn't stop, be someone who enjoys the grind and hustle... that's how you make yourself very productive and effective. All work is easy if you will just be present and stop looking for easy ways, stop looking at the finish line and focus on taking it one step at a time. Inch by inch, second by second, enjoy your work and feel passionate about it. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q


If you eat a lot of chips before you sleep then that is your path... obesity and weakness. But the good news is you can change right away, the moment you wake up you can force yourself to exercise but that is hard to do because you have a very weak momentum but it is still possible. You just need to force yourself to do what is best for you. The choice is always yours, what will you do now will be your life, it's just a continuation of your actions. So stop making excuses that the world is unfair if all you did is be lazy and get addicted with stupid pleasures. The last thing you did will be your life because you will follow through, you will continue it, there will be a reaction for your action. So if you're wondering why your lie sucks right now, look at what you're doing, study your habits, study yourself and the way you handle business, make an inventory of yourself and you will find out that your attitude sucks, you're so lazy and negative, you have a lot of stupid vices that is pulling you down, you better change now, change the pattern of your life if you want to experience new opportunities. Your life will only change if you change, so stop all the nonsense activities that are making you weak and stuck and start giving your all. 

you're on a roll if...

You keep moving forward, you're in the zone if you're loving the work and doing everything you can. being in the zone doesn't mean you are always winning and doing amazing things, being in the zone simply means you free yourself from being scared of taking actions, you just do it no matter what... that's what being on a roll is like. Go hard, just go hard and never care about what will happen next. Don't worry about the future, worry about going hard, you need to give everything you've got to make a breakthrough. 


Attack your dreams, attack your goals, push yourself to do more and be the best that you can be. Give your very best no matter what. It doesn't matter if you're struggling or failing, you will succeed in just a matter of time if you don't give up, what matters is you try, what matters is you gave yourself a chance to win. Every second matters, every action will make an impact, you just need to be patient, don't look for the results... focus on taking it one step at a time and never give up, never stop and always look forward to finish somethin. Be fast, stop warming up, stop doing a lot of ceremonies before you do something, train yourself to become a fast starter and a strong finisher. The time is now, don't wait for tomorrow, don't wait for another day because you're only making matters worse every time you delay something. You can take actions now so why not start now? always choose doing it now over postponing and making excuses. Making excuses will make you weak, it is the number one habit of losers. Force yourself to do the actions needed and never stop. It's all about the hunger to win, it's not about the talent... it's about the burning desire. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Jun 3, 2024

any mistake can't stop you

Repeat it again if you want, change it, do it, nothing can stop you if you will keep on moving forward. You can repeat the same failures and still make a progress, you are improving every time you are failing and trying harder next time. So the conclusion is no mistake can stop you, you can make a million or gazillion mistakes and not be jailed for it, just laugh at it, it's part of your life, it's part of the process, don't be ashamed of yourself if you keep on failing because it is an honor, only few people are willing to try, only the great ones are willing to fail with pride. Because most people failed automatically, they didn't even try, they didn't even take the risk, all they did is to play safe and what does playing safe give them? yeah you are right, nothing. You will never get anything from being timid or stiff, you will never make a progress or breakthrough if you keep on holding yourself back so what the hell are you waiting for? go all the way and make as much mistakes as you can, you will find out that you will still be accepted by the society, you will learn that it doesn't matter, you will find out that it feels much better to be doing it your way rather than following other people who were not even better than you. 


When everything is said and done it all goes down to the level of your belief. Did you really believe in yourself? did you really attack your goals? did you really gave your all? if not then stop looking for scapegoat, stop making excuses because you failed yourself, you're the reason why you're still at the bottom because you didn't make yourself unstoppable instead you stop yourself. It's nota bout them, it's not about the situation, it's about you giving yourself a chance to win by doing whatever it takes and pushing yourself to the limits. If you didn't push yourself to the limits then you did take your chances for granted. Today is a good day to fail a lot and win, never be scared of failing because it's too normal. The greatest ones knows that it takes a lot of failures to become successful but on the other than the mediocre and weak ones believe that they need to win on the first or second try and if they didn't... they feel sorry for themselves, they get depressed that's why they don't even dare to try again for one more time. 

You can only destroy the resistance by pushing and not by holding yourself back, you have to keep pushing and never stop. Go all the way, do whatever you want, do what you need to do and never give up, as simple as that. 


Don't call yourself stupid just because you're making a mistake or you're failing a lot. If you're stupid then why they hell are you still striving? why are you still making an effort? hard work is a smart man's choice. Pushing one's self is the best move a man can ever do. You're not stupid, you're just struggling. Be patient, bet on yourself because your time will come. Don't ever think that you're not deserving of what you want, if you're working hard for it then you have the right to ask big time. Stop selling yourself short, stop thinking that it is not for you. You are allowed to dream about anything in this world if you don't give up. Never think that you're just fooling yourself, never think that you're just wasting time. You have to trust yourself and never give up... ever. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Jun 2, 2024


The situation is not difficult, your body is not tired... it's your mind that is making your life difficult. You are thinking the wrong thoughts, you are judging the situation based on how you feel. Your feelings makes the situation more difficult because you're judging it based on negativity, you're not seeing it as an opportunity to grow or get stronger, you simply hate it for no reason. It's your judgment that makes your reality harder, if you will just think of it as nothing then your life gets easier. The trick here is to focus on what you're thinking, analyze what you are thinking right now, is it good or bad? is it creating fear or courage? if you think negatively then you will become scared but if you think positively then you will feel great, as simple as that. You can feel positive in a negative situation, you can feel negative in a positive situation, it's a choice. What choice will you pick? are you going to feel like a victim or are you going to live like unaffected human being? Never care if it is scary, uncomfortable or hard... just do it, relax your mind and keep moving forward. Nothing will happen to you if you look outside, look on the inside and everything will get better. You will be more in control if you focus on what you can control. Always focus on your mind, study what it is thinking, how do you react to a situation is what you are. Mind is the most important thing, strengthen your mind by constantly feeding it with positive thoughts and your reality will get better. 


Appreciate your life, enemies, problems, difficulties, surrounding and challenges and everything will get easier. Life gets harder because you're too unappreciative, you're complaining too much, you want an easy life but you're not doing something, you want comfort but you are too lazy. You can become happy through suffering, you can feel good while in pain, if you can train your mind to appreciate everything including the ugliness of life then you will become invincible, everything will become a lot easier for you. There will be no traffics, there will be no stress, there will be no failures, everything will become a part of your journey. Create a new mind, something that will be free from excuses and complaints, something that is excited of life and challenges. It's all in the mind, master discomfort and you will become a relentless machine, you won't be afraid of any problem anymore, life is uncomfortable, that is the price you have to pay for living. Living is a luxury, living is a gift so if you can't appreciate the beauty of life because of pain and suffering then you are wasting your life. You have to go with it, you have to learn how to adapt to any circumstances... that is how to thrive in life. Be appreciative, stop complaining and start moving. Life is not that hard, yes it is hard but your way of thinking makes it harder. If you will just go with it and give your best, if you will just learn how to become thankful all the time then life gets easier everyday. 

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