Feb 27, 2019


There is no reason to hold back, there is no reason to stop pulling the trigger. You really have nothing to lose, why don't you allow yourself to do what you want to do? just do what you want to do, follow your dreams with all your heart, never take your life for granted and never let an opportunity escape from your hands. You have nothing to lose here so just enjoy your life and try as much as you can. Do whatever it takes to win and life and never feel bad if you fail. You can always try again tomorrow, you will only lose if you give up. So keep trying over and over again, one day is going to be your day, have fun with your journey and never take life so much seriously. Just have fun with life, have fun winning and losing, have fun going hard and never think that the world is unfair.

Stay calm during pressure because you really have nothing to lose here, you may look like you're losing but the reality is you're just experiencing a not so fun experience in life but the beauty of it is you're learning something. You only think that you're losing because you're not getting what you want, you want something to happen but it didn't that's why you feel like you've lost. But the truth is you just experience a painful event, it's not a big deal.

Always feel free to try something new, always feel free to become something you haven't become before. Always try to expand and never think that you're already a finish product. You can always expand every day, you can always learn something new and be something that you can't imagine when you were still young. Life is so short and precious to waste, why will you let pressure crumple you, never back down to any kind of pressure... just feel and it and have fun feeling it. You can always find a way because everything is just a game. The only difference is... winners can find a way how to enjoy the chaos, they knew that life is suppose to be enjoyed, the take risks and they never think that failing is a big deal. Don't be afraid of failing, it's just part of your life, it's just part of the process. Why will you put a lot of pressure on yourself if you can have fun in your journey.

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