Feb 21, 2019


These are my drugs... music plus motivation plus money. I need music to make me relaxed and focused plus I need motivation, I motivate myself to take actions then I get money, as simple as that. I mix all of these three to keep myself going. These are the three ingredients for my success. Whenever there is a noise outside I just put my earphones and then I will become focused again. And when I feel sad and lazy... I watch motivational videos, I repeat those videos over and over again until I really feel it. After feeling a little bit good... I will work right away, take note... I still feel a little bit uncomfortable but I still move,  I don't care about how I feel, I am just focused on taking actions and then the magic begins... I was able to make money. I only need these three things and I am good, I don't need anything anymore, these three ingredients keeps me going, it makes me feel good all the time, it keeps my motor burning. Life is very simple, you only need a couple of things to stay alive. My life is very simple, I only need music, motivation and money and I feel successful already. Small money or big money, I love it. Just an old music from my favorite bands like Guns N' Roses and Incubus is making me feel alive already. Plus I grind all day, I hustle, I keep going no matter what. I don't need anything anymore, my pleasures were very easy to find.

You too can find the best things in life, and the best things in life are very easy to get. The game plan is to focus on what makes you feel good and progress a little bit. Don't get stuck into something, you need to find what propels you to move forward, it can be simple things. You don't need a lot to make yourself happy, you only need less, you only need consistency. Build a lifestyle that will make you happy, build a life that is very simple and sustainable and try to grow each day, try to make your life better each day.

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