Jul 31, 2024


There's no magic formula, there's no magic trick here... it's all about hard work and the willingness to fail over and over again, that's it. 


If you want a new life then you need to fight your urges. The urge to sleep, watch stupid movies, eat junk foods, get lazy the whole day, stay comfortable even if you're broke. If you want to change then you need to stop doing things that are not giving you any progress at all. The change should be intentional, it should be forced. There should be no excuses, there should be no time for procrastination. It is what it is, it's going to be hard, it's going to feel so uncomfortable but if you really want a new life then you should focus like a sniper, it's ok if you don't eat or sleep for days, it's ok if you're dying in cold, it's ok if you keep losing again and again... just don't waste your life and time, never take any day for granted. 


you are getting your power from the external that is why you feel so weak. You want to feel good eating food, having a strong teammate, having a comfortable life, having a secure job, having an easy route, getting addicted with entertainment and vices. You are getting your power from the outside that is why you are so weak. Real strength is from within, it is controlling yourself, it is doing what is hard and making sacrifices to build a stronger character. If you're not pushing, if you're not sacrificing then you are getting weaker and weaker each day. You don't need anything at all, you are enough, yourself is enough to fell life and be happy. Stop looking for happiness from things and people, you've got it inside, you just need to think the right way and do it your way. Power is from within, realize this and you will become invincible. 


the fear to fail, the fear to move, the fear o being judged. The fear of taking risks, your world is simply full of fears, you need to overcome your fears if you want to have a ne life and experience. Fear is the compass, fear is your guide, once you learn how to face your fears then you will experience real life. At the end of the day nothing really matters, this is just a journey, you're already winning when you're trying, you're already living when you're maximizing what you have, you have nothing to lose here so just enjoy the ride and always bet on yourself, always try every possibility and never be scared of failing anymore. Regrets will be multiplied if you don't try. You're in charge hear, fear is just an illusion, the good news is you can extinguish it through actions, just focus on what you want and stop focusing on what you don't want, as simple as that. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Jul 29, 2024


The secret is too simple... be bold and fast. Decide what you're going to do, decide where you want to go and do whatever it takes to get there, as simple as that. Create a plan, make it simple and short and execute it no matter what. Execute it now and never wait for the right timing, never waste time, never overthink and focus on taking actions. Take it one step at a time, inch by inch go for it. If you're slow then you will never get anything in life, you need to be fast and takeover, you need to become brave and stop overthinking all the time. Just go, stop overthinking and just take the first step, that's all you need to do. 


It's crowded, it's infested, it's consumed with different information that you don't need that's why you can't move. Your mind was filled with negative and useless thoughts, you need to reprogram it by thinking differently and focusing on some other things that will make you better not worse. Look at your mind, what was it thinking? what was it planning? where is it going? where your focus go your life go. You need to take care of your mind and protect it from negative thoughts and worries. Stop being too interested with news, trends, useless entertainment, television and social media. Your mind is a powerful tool, it can make you or break you. It all depends on how you use it. Recover your mind, make it yours, never let anything control it, own it because it yours. Train your mind to think the right way. If you have a strong and healthy mind then you will have a good life, as simple as that. The secret is too simple... stop overthinking and focus on taking positive actions. One day at a time, it's ok to be slow, just don't stop. Just keep moving forward and never complicate the process. Repetition is the key here, repeat something a million times, never stop until you finally become victorious. 


So what if your path is harder, so what if you're not making it fast? it is ok, everyone has a different path. Don't get jealous with other people who are making it fast because once they fail... they never know how to stand up because they don't know what it feels to struggle, they will get stunned, they will crumble and panic, they will get depressed. So be happy when you're struggling because it means you're hardening. If it is hard it's hard, just do it. It doesn't matter if it is hard, what matters is your mindset. If you're not afraid of anything hard then you will become invincible. Hard situations means opportunity to become great. You will never become great if it's always easy. Easy times creates weak people, hard times produces greatness. So if you want to become great then choose what is hard and face it no matter what. Try to win with all your might and never back down to nay challenge. Take it step by step, inch by inch... do it. Never care if you will have to face hell, never care if it is impossible... just do it no matter what. Give everything you've got, just do it with all of your strength and courage. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Jul 28, 2024


You know you can do more, you know you can become faster and harder. You know you can do better than that, then why the hell are you moving like a clown? why are you playing around and not taking things seriously? you are not giving your all that is why you're getting less, that is why you can't get what you really want, that's why you keep on losing, you allow yourself to get defeated by your own laziness and softness. You can make yourself 10x faster, you can start anytime you want yet you choose to become slow and unproductive. It's time to change, if you want your life to change then you need to change your attitude, change your habits. Force yourself to move through discomfort, power through no matter what, face the pain and never give up, as simple as that. Stop all the nonsense in your life, remove all the distractions and focus on what you're trying to achieve, try to get a little bit better, try to improve a little bit even if it is hard. You will already improve if you're not wasting your time stop stop wasting seconds and focus on taking the right actions. This is not easy but it is worth giving a try. 


Everyday is an opportunity to get better. It’s either you get better or you get worse, as simple as that. If you’re not doing anything then you’re going down. If you keep being lazy then never expect a good life because laziness attracts ugly situations and things. Just do something positive now if you are lost. Walk outside, start a small business, visit your family, just do something instead of acting like a depressed clown. You will get weaker if you are not moving, your mind will get rusty and slow, you will feel so tired and powerless if you’re not doing anything at all. Stop clowning around and just do something, you need to be fast, ruthless and aggressive. Stop pampering your emotions because it will never help you at all. You need to keep moving forward no matter what. Never care about what's bothering you and just focus on taking multiple steps to get wherever you want to. The time is now, stop waiting for the right time and just do what you need to do, as simple as that. Just do it, never mind about what's going to happen next and just do it. Never care if you fail, never care if you're not doing something special or impactful, just do the process and never look back. Take it seriously, put your mind and hear to it and never quit when it's really hard. Time is running out, don't ever think that you have an eternity to chase your dream. Chase it now, do whatever it takes to win, use all of your power and tenacity to get closer from your dreams. Just be confident and never give up, keep trying because it's worth it. Go all the way and never regret any decision that you made. If you fail you fail so be it. The time is now, never postpone anything, be in a sense of urgency. Be in the moment and let go of your worries and fears. You will win if you are bold and fearless, you will make it to the final stage and take home your goals if you're willing to risk everything. The pressure is just an illusion, you're just giving yourself the pressure that is not real by being too attached with what you want to happen. Stop controlling everything and just let go. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Jul 25, 2024


Forgive yourself, accept what you did and move on. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, stop being trapped in the past. If you failed so what? just keep on moving forward and never stop, you can never predict success, it may or may not happen to you but what you can control is your effort and hard work. Stop hanging on too much from the past, let it go and do something positive today. Walk, exercise, study, start something, clean your house, just do something that will make your motor going. Taking actions will make you motivated, it will give you good energy rather than not doing anything at all. Being stagnant will make you negative, it will make you weak and stuck forever. If you want to have more energy then do more and stop overthinking, you are here to create, you are here to stretch yourself and grow, you are not here to complain and become stuck forever. You will enjoy your life even more if you are moving and making things happen, so what the hell are you waiting for? do something now before it's too late. 


If you are moving then you are improving, as simple as that. If you're always procrastinating then you are getting worse physically and mentally. You are going down every time you get lazy and do nothing so make this day count because it does, make your day productive. Force yourself, you will never get better if you keep on pampering your emotions, you want comfort because that is your default and in order to elevate you must avoid your default state all the time. Comfort is for the weak, it's for losers who always play safe, if you want a new reality then you better stay away from comfort. Watch yourself all the time and see if you are being lazy and slow, if you are slow then move faster, do something. It's not about what you're getting, it's about what you've becoming. If you're a new person now then you will attract different things, situations and people, you will attract better opportunities. So you better change your game, change your energy and style. Get rid of the old you, create a new identity now and live with it, never change your game plan, stick with the process even if the results are very slow. 

At the end of the day it's all about moving forward, it's all about moving fast, deciding fast and doing whatever it takes to get a little bit better. Just be fast, do more, risk more and try more. Never stop, never give up and just keep moving forward all the time. Do whatever it takes to get to the next level. Never hesitate, never stay in one place. Just take it one step at a time and give your all no matter what. Never care if it is hard, just do it. You have to drag your body to move, never care if you get tired and just keep grinding. Forget the past, forget your mistakes, forget your weakness and create a new reality now. You will never be able to change your life if you keep on remembering your old self and the mistakes that you did. You have to push yourself to get better, be better than your situation. Start now and keep pushing forward no matter what. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Jul 19, 2024


Your mind is your greatest tool for success. It can be your enemy, it can be your strongest ally. Focus on what your mind is thinking and never care about the reality. Because your reality will follow what your mind is thinking of. It doesn't matter if your struggling externally what matters is you're calm inside and you know where you are going to. Because outside has no power over you if you will just stay calm and strong inside. Strength is within, real power comes from the inside, nothing can bother you if you have a strong and stable mind, all they can do is distract you but they can never make you fall. Nothing can harm you, nothing can manipulate you if you have a strong mind. A strong mind creates a strong willpower and a strong willpower can create history. So feel stronger now because you have a chance, be positive, stay strong and never give up, as simple as that. Trust yourself, trust what you can do, trust the power of your mind. Persevere from the beginning to the end and always focus on what your mind think. Filter the negative thoughts and always focus on what you want only.

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Change your tone, body language, thoughts, words and actions and you change your character easily. The results is a different personality with new reality. A better experience will be manifested. Be fast when taking actions, never let your mind overthink. You have to do it now, you have to decide now and never care about what's going to happen next. Be bold, be aggressive, be assertive. You can change who you are right now, all you need to do is define the attitude of the character you are trying to portray and live with it no matter what. If you want to become successful or great what is the attitude of a great person? hard working, brave, fast, doesn't care about what people say, always committed and serious, competitive and has a strong drive, consistent and determined. Live that character, have all of those attitude. S never lose hope, you can change your reality by changing your character now, everything will change, everything will follow your character, the universe will conspire to who you are. 


You feel stuck, hopeless, useless, depressed, loser because you're not trying to improve anymore. Remember that this is a journey and not a destination. All you have to do is take the next step and that's it, that's not too difficult. You don't need a lot of strength to pull the trigger. You will never feel stuck again if you will just take the next step and follow through. Life is movement, life is flow, you need to flow in order to maintain your sanity and momentum. You will never feel like a bum anymore if you're working hard and chasing your goals. If you don't want to feel stuck anymore then you better force yourself to take actions now. Work hard now and never give up, do whatever it takes to get what you want and go all the way. Forget about winning or losing and just do it. 

Jul 18, 2024


The way you handle stress is the way you will handle your life. If something is bothering you easily that has no value at all then you will have a hard time progressing or improving. Any petty things should not bother you at all because it is really nothing, it is only making you feel bad because of your perspective of it. But if you will look inside of you and focus on neutralizing your feelings then you will find your power. The power is within, it's not looking outside, it's looking inside and examining carefully how you feel and trying to accept it with peace and no resistance. If you feel bad about someone or something that has small value then you are not living your way, you are letting them control you for no reason, you are allowing them to make you feel bad, you're acting like a victim, you're turning into a soft diva. The way you handle stress is the way you control your reality. Anything outside of you that is affecting you is only making you weak so you better be aware of your mentality because it is the only thing that will make you prevail. Your mind is your reality, if you keep on thinking negatively towards different things then you will have a miserable life. The way you handle stress is everything. 


Think differently and you will notice differently, it's a rule that can never be broken. If something is bugging you shift your focus into a different subject. Just focus on what matters focus on what give you motivation and good feelings, never focus on something that distracts you and poison your mind, you have to be selective of the subjects that are making you work efficiently. You have to be aware of what makes you tick or weak. 


Kill your fears and worries before it scares you and immobilize you completely. The antidote for fear is taking actions. If you are procrastinating and waiting then your fear will swallow you completely. Kill it before it kills you, be fast and never let your emotions and thoughts stop you, never let anything derail your progress, you have to focus on chasing your goals so that your day will be more meaningful. 


Accept all of your feelings, be one with it, never curse any of your emotions and just allow it to come and go. Don't judge anything and just feel it, that's how to become present all the time. Every time you're about to quit just endure, every time you're trying to escape just stay. The goal here is to get stronger and better everyday and it will only happen if you're one with your emotions. At the end of the day who cares about your emotions, your feelings doesn't matter at all. The only thing that matters is how you were able to survive the day. They don't care about how you feel so  stop being too sensitive, stop being so soft and just do what you need to do, show up learn how to handle your business. What's your business for today? what are you  trying to portray today? is it about being weak or being strong for other people that relies on you? are you going to carry them? or are you going to be carried? are you a burden or a source of strength? it all depends on you, you will be the one to decide here. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q


Never trust luck, help, sympathy, opportunities, breaks, assistance, mercy, freebies, connections or politics. Trust hard work and perseverance because that is where you have control the most. At the end of the day you can never control anything, you can never predict the outcome of something, all you can do is work hard and prepare because that is the only thing that will give you a better chance of winning. Just have faith in hard work and you're good, you don't need to look for something, you just need yourself. 


Work hard but don't cry for what you can't get. Don't get jealous of what other people have. Work hard but never cry like a kid when you don't get something, don't whine for it, don't treat it like a major part of your life, don't give it any value, once you don't give any value to something.... you will reclaim your power. The reason why you're so weak is because you value people's opinions, feelings, thoughts that you almost lose your true self and beliefs. 


Do you need hug? support? appreciation? new shoes? assurance? slap in the face? new teammates? new car? what else do you need? even if you got it I am very sure you will still not give your very best. You don't need anything, you  just need to be decisive, decide that you're going to get it no matter what, increase your willpower by being bold and assertive. Never let anything stop you, be a force, do whatever it takes to succeed, use your willpower and tenacity, use everything you've got to win in life. 


it's ok if you don't win, it's ok if you lose but never deprive yourself of the experience because of what people say. The experience of trying to become great, chasing greatness and having self belief, you deserve this, it's not about being overconfident, it's about trying to win your way and not letting anything stop you. You deserve the experience to become free from your fears and not overly attached with society's expectations. 


the reason why you're a bum is because you're living like a  bum, you're addicted to too much comfort and security. You're over consuming, you're addicted to pleasures and laziness that's why people are not treating you with respect. Respect yourself and people will respect you, as simple as that. You've been living like a weakling creature before that can't change the outcome of his life, you can change now by simply being brave and going harder. You need to believe in yourself, you need to go all in and never stop until you win.

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Jul 12, 2024


Just go for it, take the last shot, forget about the timing, forget if you are right or wrong and just take it. Because you never know when it's going to happen again, this is about the experience, forget about winning or losing and take risks as much as you can. Forget about your identity, forget about who you are and just give your very best. Win or lose, be happy that you gave yourself a chance to win. Because not all people would even try, they're so scared of failing that's why they can't move, that's why they're so scared. What are you being scared about? life is just a game and the winners are the ones who are risk takers. Be brave and use all of your power and energy to get stronger. Never care if people are telling you to stop, never care if they are all against you, you will never know if you are right or wrong unless you try and give your all. At the end of the day it is your life, you can do whatever you want to do with it. 


Every path is the correct path. If it is hard it is right, if it is easy it is right too. Don't ever get intimidated by a hard challenge because it will only make you grow. The truth is it doesn't really matter if it is impossible, the question is are you going to try? are you still going to give your all even if the challenge in front of you looks so impossible to conquer? are you still going to fight? are you going to give up or fight like a wounded lion that has no choice but to survive and protect his life? Sometime it is really not hard at all, you're just being too soft and weak, you're just feeling spoiled and entitled. You are not here to feel comfortable all the time. Easy times creates weak men while hard times creates greatness, you need to face what is hard and try to conquer the impossible. It's all in the mind, it gets harder twice because you are intimidated and letting fear control you. But if you keep on fighting and pushing, you will overcome the obstacles along the way and change the situation. If it is hard do it, if it is easy then still give your best and never take it easy, don't feel too comfortable because you need to work hard every single day. never stop, never quit, keep going no matter what, keep pushing forward and destroy all your limits. You will make it if you really want it. Real strength is inside of you, real power is your thoughts so think about positive thoughts and let it give you energy and motivation. Never complain, never make excuses because it is stopping you from taking actions. Enjoy the struggle, enjoy the grind, never give up no matter what because victory belongs to the most persevering. Just scrap, just keep going and take it one step at at time. It doesn't matter if you're slow or fast, what matters is you keep going and give your all every single second. 


Don't just talk, don't just dream, don't just say you're going to do it and just do it. Take matters into your own hands, stop playing safe and risk everything Finish the job, get it done and never care if you fail or succeed, just take the shot, give yourself a chance to win, detach from the outcome and focus on the process. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Jul 11, 2024


You will only discover yourself when you're down, losing, struggling, losing hope and running out of strength. You will never see who you really are if everything was uncomfortable and easy. You have to be happy when everything is hard because you will see your true colors, you will see how powerful you are. There is no growth and evolution in easy times, you have to seek for discomfort and challenges because that is how you improve physically and mentally. There is no improvement if you're always seeking for comfort and pleasures, it is what it is if you want to become great then become an action taker. If you wanted to change your life you better push yourself to the limits and destroy all of the boundaries. Nothing will change if you keep on living like a bum that feels so entitled of something you didn't work for. You will see if you're made of steel or made of glass through adversity. Be glad that you were able to experience hardships because it will make you grow and prosper, it will teach a lesson that you can use in your daily living. Be happy that it is hard because after it is comfort and greatness. Great things will happen if you persevere, all you have to do is don't quit and you will win. 


Most people were motivated by praises, likes and appreciation. They're looking for clapping hands, they're looking for recognition which makes them weak, they're not giving their all once nobody was appreciating them. You need to stop looking for external validation because it's only making you weak. You have to love the pain, struggle, critics, suffering, sacrifices and sadness. If you can enjoy the difficult situations of life then everything will become a lot easier, as simple as that. Get excited for challenges because it will make you grow, be tough, be durable, you have nothing to worry because you can adapt to anything, nothing can kill you, you will only get stronger whenever you are struggling in life so appreciate the experience and learn from it. You will see how strong you are when everything is hard. Stop being motivated by wins, stop being inspired by praises and just do what you need to do no matter what. 

Push forward and keep fighting, never give up, never get discourage when you made a mistake. All you need to do is keep fighting and you will win, as simple as that. You don't need to become a genius here, you don't need to become special, you just need to persevere and you will find a way to succeed. Victory belongs to the most persevering, remind this quote to yourself all the time and you will find power during the struggle. Just don't give up and keep moving forward all the time, you will learn, you will make something click, every pieces you need will fall into your hands. 

What they say to you may it be good or bad doesn't matter. Just be yourself, you will only become sensitive if you care too much about what people say. Even if they praise you and kiss your ass, pretend that you didn't hear anything because once you get addicted to their fake appreciation... you will become weak, you will rely on what people say too much and that is bad for your mentality. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Jul 7, 2024


Study the work that you will do if you get hired by a company that you are waiting for. Shoot as many as you can during practice while you're not yet being use by your coach in a basketball game. Run everyday while waiting for your sickness to get cured. Study early even if the exam is not yet close. Hone your skills even if the opportunity to shine cannot be seen yet. Get stronger and better while waiting for the competition. This is about preparation, this is about getting better everyday. Bleed in peace so you don't have to suffer in war. Prepare now, invest now, use your time the right way now if you want to win in life. Preparation will meet the opportunity, this is so true, you can't see an opportunity because you're not prepared. 


When you saw an opportunity you must grab it. Stop overthinking and analyzing, stop waiting for the right time because it will never come. The right time is now, push yourself to win. Do everything you can to get what you want. If you already prepared even if it's just a short period of time... the opportunity will knock on your door so you need to be aware if it's calling you. You have to try, you have to give yourself a chance to succeed every single day. And even if you failed on that day at least you somehow got better. You are improving every time you are trying so just show up and do your thing, don't be scared of any challenge, don't be scared of any adversity. Any given day can be the break that you are waiting for, you have to stop looking for comfort all the time and embrace discomfort because that is 


Every time you beat procrastination and replace it with action you already gotten better. It's all in the mind, its in the habits. Believe that what you're doing now is helping you to attract success. Get disgusted of yourself if you're wasting a lot of time overthinking or doing something stupid that is not even helping you at all. Stop letting the bad habits and small nonsense actions destroy you. If you want to change then the first thing you need to do is to watch yourself, what are you doing now? why are you doing it? are you doing it for pleasures? if the answer is yes then you're in big trouble. Pleasures will kill you and make you weak, it will make you broke and rusty. You have to stay away from your comfort zone if you wanted to win in life. Get addicted with getting stronger, be excited in preparing for an opportunity, that's all you need to do. 

Believe in the power of preparation, practice and small progress. Just because you are unemployed doesn't mean you have the luxury to get lazy. Just because there is no competition doesn't mean you can afford to relax and stop getting stronger. Push yourself to stay disciplined and committed. Be the best that you can be and show you heart and passion. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Jul 5, 2024


It means being intentional, fast, aggressive, sure and decisive. You don't hesitate to take actions, you make decisions fast and have zero regrets when you experience bigger problems. You never care if you fail, you just take actions and be the best that you can be. You just give your best, you just fight, you struggle but you keep grinding. Success means boldness, you are afraid of something but you overpower that fear with speed in taking actions and desire to win and get what you want. 


All the procrastination does, all the laziness and instant gratification does is make you weak. It's not going anywhere, it's not improving, it's not giving you an edge, it keeps on pulling you down. Yeah you feel comfortable for a while but that comfort will turn into pain in the end. It's ok if you are slow, it's ok if it looks like you're not progressing at all. Just make sure you are doing the right thing. Pleasures and comfort will only give you regrets in the end, it will make your life uglier than what it use to be, you will become weak and sick, you will become slow and useless, you will become rusty, you will become depressed and unsatisfied, in other words you are a loser. Discipline is the key, it is the secret ingredient to power, most people are looking for a solution to make their lives better, they're always searching for that magic technique not knowing that discipline is the solution for everything. If you need to do something... do it now, don't wait for Christmas before you do it. Execute now and always give your very best no matter what. If you really want some change in your life then you need to change, change your actions and timing, change your mindset and belief. Believe stronger and work as hard as you can. Always think that everything you do is making an impact, it is improving your life even if you can't see the results yet. Be patient and never look for shortcuts, never exchange your growth for comfort. You are growing when you're struggling, you are improving whenever you're having a hard time with your life. 


If you failed, if nothing is working it means you need to push harder, it means your effort is not enough so you have to do more. Your confidence will go higher every time you work hard and expect that you will manifest the fruits of your labor. Be patient, if you're not making waves then it means your effort is still weak. Level up, be faster and bolder, always push yourself to the limits until you can't push anymore. Look forward to ultimate exhaustion, make sure you have nothing left in your tank anymore before you give up. Just keep pushing, you can do something now you can always make an impact, never hesitate and always be bold. Push it harder because you can do better than yesterday, you can always break your own records, you can always do something that will make you closer from what you want. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Jul 4, 2024


Feel it and ignore it, feel it and ignore it, that's it. Repeat this process, if you can feel anything then your body will adapt, your system will no longer be afraid of it. It's hard, it's going to be a long night for you but if you will just feel it and ignore it then you will have a peace of mind, life will get easier, everything will get faster. Pain is just a feeling and feelings come and go, it will never be forever in your system so don't be afraid to feel it. Be one with is, accept it and never complain or make dramas ever. Don't talk about it, don't whine about it. Make it as your friend, once you accept that life is not perfect, your life is not perfect then it will get a lot easier. It's hard, it's painful so what? you're still alive, you're still breathing, there is nothing else to worry about. Be thankful of the experience. 


Don't look for a breakthrough, don't look for a miracle, don't look for instant relief... feel the pain and enjoy it. It's not about being masochistic or something. Stop trying to solve your problems all at once, it will never happen. The breakthrough will not happen if you're always waiting for it. Just live your life, take it one day at a time, step by step enjoy it, do whatever you can do to get better and never give up... that's it. 


Life is not perfect, nothing is perfect, you have to deal with it or else you will have a hard time even more. Life is all about imperfections, struggles, pain but you have to enjoy it. Life is hard, that is why it is called life, if life is not hard then it is not life. It is a beautiful experience, it is a beautiful thing. Life is a very challenging experience, you have to deal with a lot of BS, the emotions are like a rollercoaster, it goes up and down and you have to deal with it. 


there is a cycle going through with your life, if you want to feel different and experience new things then you need to break the cycle. Change your routine, change your mindset, change how you deal with life. Change how you see problems, change how you attack your goals and tasks. Be more appreciative, be more focused on winning instead of thinking about your problems and pain. Change your daily living, try to alter it, manipulate it and do something different this time. 


Don't do what weak people do. They were lazy, they complain, they make excuses, they don't do anything to heal themselves, they're not about strength, they're about making dramas and focusing on other things that are pulling them down even more. You have to forget weakness if you want to heal your pain. DO what strong people do. Train, learn to fight, learn to take matters into your own hands, do something everyday that will make you stronger, think differently and forget your old and weak mindset. If you want to heal then you must pretend that you are powerful, enjoy the grind, enjoy the process and do more. Make yourself busy, look for something positive to do all the time. Challenge yourself and stay away from negative dramas that are not helping at all. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Jul 3, 2024


Don't think, move fast, take actions now and block your fears. Your worries are starting to take over because you're thinking too much, you're too worried about what's going to happen next. Don't waste your time worrying about what's going to happen in the future or what hasn't happen yet. Fear will never go away but you can neutralize it, you can block it by staying calm and taking actions. You don't need to rush here, you just need to fight, you just need to do what you can do. Stop making excuses and just do it, do what you can do and never judge yourself. You have to do it now, take actions now and never give up, as simple as that. 


If you want your fears to disappear... take actions. Actions will serve as an access to you courage. Stop being a pussy and just do it, follow your fears, hunt it and be ruthless. What makes you procrastinate? what makes you afraid? go for it and never let it defeat you. Take actions and you will feel much better, do more and you will feel good, the only way to become confident is through hammering it out till the bitter ends. 


You are not here to look cute, you are not here to show them that you're really that good, pleasing and impressing everyone is making you weak and stiff. It is making you conservative, you are jailing yourself by doing that. Relax and use your skills, take the risk and elevate your game. 


Chaos, it is nothing, it's nothing but images and threats. If you can enjoy the chaos, the imperfections, the irritators and disturbances then you will go to a different level. 

WHEN THE FEAR IS THERE, you have to execute. You have to see no reason why you shouldn't take the risk because it is an opportunity to grow. Fear is the path, it is the compass, it is the reason why you are living, it is the thrill, it makes you feel alive, it makes your blood boil, it is giving you an excitement. Behind fear is success and the new person that you want to be. Face your fears and never have any regrets when you try, never be scared of failing... just do it. 


Focusing on what you can't control, focusing on what other people are doing. Focusing on other people's activities, success, failure and business. Mind your own business because what makes you fail is not focusing on trying to get better every single day. 


This is simply about taking actions and risk, it's about resilience and not being afraid to fail. Whatever can make you tick, whatever can make you braver a little bit... do it. Think about it, look for thoughts that will help you to become braver and then repeat it again and again, make it your mantra, ingrained it into your system. 


It's not a question if you can, the question is will you do it? will you try? will you at least give yourself a chance to succeed? because you owe it to yourself to test yourself. Anybody can say he will do it but will he actually do it? anybody can say he can but will he dare to take the first step? 


The procrastinate, they just talk, they complain, they make excuses, they shy away from pressure and they always play it safe... that's what losers do. If you're doing some of these activities then you're a bonafide loser too. If you don't want to become a loser then avoid doing the loser's activities, get rid of your habits that are easy and useless. You need to do what great people do. This is simply about doing the basics, do what can make you better, do something that has a potential of leveling your game up. Never do something that the majority does.  

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Jul 1, 2024

once you earned the money hold it

You just earned a few hundreds from flipping burgers everyday from 8-7pm and you want to spend your money right away just like that, you spend your money like a thunder nobody couldn't even see it. Your hands is itching to spend it for useless goods, you love to spend like a millionaire even though you're earning like world war 2 slave. You need to practice delayed gratification and hold your money a little longer if you don't want to become broke forever. The truth is people really don't money because if they really want it then how come they spend it right away the moment they hold it? some people already were in debt right before their payday. It's so absurd because they work hard for it the whole month and then will burn their money for a few days or even hours. They were so addicted to spending and borrowing money, they're too having fun creating points from their credit card and that's why the can't escape from the rut they are in, that's why they're broke for a very long time and have no clue how to solve their problem. 


Learn to invest, learn to save money. Avoid gambling, don't look for easy money. Avoid entertainment, avoid consuming food when you're already fool, never let advertisement fool you. You really don't need anything, stick with the basic needs and never compete with your neighbors who were trying to look rich. Control your jealousy, control your emotions, never have self pity when you don't have a lot, never compare what you have with what other people have. Remember you're trying to be smart here, a smart person can control his emotions very well. Trust the process, you are not trying to get rich fast here, you are trying to build a habit of holding your money for a long time and not spending it, you are trying to multiply your money with time and discipline. Save as much money as you can so you won't have to be in danger when the recession hits your country. 

it's not about how much you earn

Some people are earning lots of money but they are still broke, they 're still in huge debts because they're too addicted on spending their money for useless stuffs. They love to call for pizza deliveries, they love sale items, they love advertisement, they love to loan, they love to buy what is trending now, they love to spend spend spend and that's why they can't save any money, that's why they're in huge debts. Some people will buy something just to please other people that they don't even like, they want to look cool, they are fancy that is why they can't make a progress financially. 

stay away from debts

you become a slave once you're in debt, the lender will become your master and you will do anything he commands you to. Stay away from debt if you want to have full control of your life. Once you learn how to control yourself to stay away from debts... you will get richer fast, your money will multiply faster than expected. Cut your credit cards, avoid unnecessary loans, never let a sale item tempt you, don't eat in a fancy restaurant, stop living like others. Some people are taking on a vacation just to post something on social media which is really stupid and pointless. They like likes that's why they made stupid decisions with their lives. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q