Dec 23, 2020


What you do not know is your pain is giving you the strength. It's hard, it's painful, it's irritating, it's depressing, it's frustrating, you want to get rid of it right away but why are you still alive? why are you still fighting? why are you still breathing? it only means that that pain is giving you the strength, it's there for a reason, it's there because it's making you a better person. It's already in your life for a very long time but it can't kill you. You feel weak sometimes but the more you accept it the more you get stronger. Your mental game is improving, your tenacity is improving, every time you overcome it... you gain confidence, you feel proud of yourself. 

So let that pain remain in your life for as long as it wants to, never despise it, never get emotionally weak because of it. Don't talk about it, don't complain about it. Let it remain in your life because the moment you accept that pain, it gets weaker and you become stronger. Stop wishing for a perfect life, wish for more strength to endure any kind of pain. It's ok to feel it, it's ok to have it, it's nothing it's just another feeling. Keep going no matter what, push forward as hard as you can and pain will go away. Work, ignore the pain and focus on your goal. The side effect of focusing on what you really want is getting what you want and not feeling the pain anymore. You will never even notice that the pain is gone already. 

Feel it little by little, slowly move forward, focus on doing something, focus on appreciating that you can move. Don't worry about pain, it's not here to stay forever. Be happy because that pain is giving you the power, it's giving you the strength, you just don't know it because you don't want it. But if you will accept it with open arms then that pain will be converted to energy. You can convert any kind of pain into power, use it as a motivation, use it as a fuel to take more actions, let it make you mad and do the right thing, let it be a reminder that you need to become better than yesterday. 

And the truth is... you can push forward despite of pain, you can still live a normal life even if you have it. It's not there to make you weak, it's there to make you more alert and appreciative of your life. It's only making you harder and tougher and wiser in life. Don't give it another meaning, don't give it a weak meaning, see it as a blessing. It's only testing you, it's only preparing you for a bigger challenge. There is no pain that you can't overcome, there is no challenge that you can't face. So open your arms to everything, open your mind and always be ready for everything that may come. Let that pain live in your life for as long as it wants but never complain about it, don't be proud if it, just endure it. Don't brag about it, don't use it as an excuse, don't use it to get sympathy, don't use to to have self pity, just feel it and watch your life transform with it, watch yourself grow and enjoy it as much as you can. 

Dec 20, 2020


The truth about consistency is... if you're really consistent everyday and doing what you are suppose to do then you will become a master of it. You don't need to check if you're improving or not, you already improved the moment you do the first step. There is no such thing as a dumb and stupid person, the only problem is most people were pretending to be ignorant and knows nothing. They don't want to even try, they don't want to train themselves or at least learn a skill. And that's why they can't make a progress. 

There's no secret to greatness, it's simply repetition and willing to work for a long time. There's no secret recipe to success, you just need to move and do what you're suppose to do. Just keep practicing, survive the good habits, stick with the routine and you will become great one day. Time is fast, one year is very fast, and it will become faster if you're enjoying what you're doing. Trust the process, never doubt it for a second, you have to believe it until the end, keep doing it even if it's not giving you any result. 

You don't know when you're going to become successful, the only thing you have control is your actions. It's better to be moving than waiting. Waiting will make you bored, it will make you frustrated, it will make you quit. But if you're doing something positive... you will enjoy your life, time will become faster, you will not even notice that years have passed already. 

Never feel bad if you work hard and yet didn't get anything, it's ok, your character improved, your attitude was so much better not, and that's the most important thing. It's not the result, it's the culture that you have, it's your way of life, it's your philosophy that matters. Look at those people who become successful fast, they don't know what to do anymore when they fail, it's because they don't have a philosophy or belief to use when things gets rough. They were not tested before that's why they were lost when a big challenge is on their lives. 

Just keep working hard, hard work pays off, make it as your culture, make it as your game plan. Keep pushing forward no matter what like ants. Never stop and simply focus on what you want and never focus on what you don't want. Get addicted to taking actions, stop checking for results every now and then because it will only give your frustration and depression. Always remember that it's your attitude that counts. It's your belief that matters, success  is on the way and all you have to do is keep working harder every single day. Stick with the grind, keep hustling and you will get rewarded one day. 

Dec 11, 2020


Sometimes you want to build a new life on a different place, you want to leave your present home because you feel it sucks and the environment is ugly. Sometimes you want to start a new career on a different company, you think you're not getting enough credit for the hard work that you put in. Sometimes you want to have a new life because you don't like your life anymore, you have everything about your life, you hate yourself and you can't see any beautiful things in your life anymore. But what you do not know is the problem is within you, you're the one who's making your life worse by being unappreciative and complaining too much of what you're getting. You think you deserve more but you're getting less, you think you're better than anyone else but you're not proving it, you think the problem is the people around you but the power is in your hands, you have the power to change your life right away, all it takes is a change of perspective. When you change your life will change, when you start to commit to getting better then your life will become better, as simple as that. 

It all starts with what you have, you can never find a better home if you keep hating your present home. You can never find a better job if all you do is look for some negatives in your company and the people there. You can never change your life if all you do is blame the world. Why not start with what you have and turn into gold what everything you touched? why not fully appreciate your surrounding and the people there? why not fill your world with love? why not try to become better where you are? why not use everything you've got and try to make it big as it can be? the choice is yours, always yours. You have the power to change your life, you have what it takes to make it better. You can make the worse better and the better best. Why not stop complaining and just clean your house, decorate it and make it new? why not just try to work hard and stop complaining about what your company can't give you? why not look for your bad attitude and habits and try turning things around? you feel weak because you have a victim mindset, you feel that everything around you sucks but you deserve better, you can't see the beauty in your place anymore because you're so poisoned with the habit if not appreciating what you have. You know millions of people are dying to have your place, millions of people would love to take your place but they can't because they don't have the resources and skills to do so. And much worse, they lack the support, they can't believe in themselves anymore so all they do is hope. 

You're on a good position right now, you're too lucky but the reason why you're so depressed is because you can't make the things and people around you better. You're taking everyday for granted instead of trying to see what you can do to make your life better. Once you move towards improvement then your life will change right away. Clean your house, love your life, ignore what makes you feel bad, work hard to make some improvements and you will see how your life has dramatically changed. 

It's not about what is lacking in your life, it's about you not seeing what you have that makes you feeling like a loser. Start where you are with what you have and build a better life. There's no need for an instant fix because it's not true, your life will never change right away, the more you force things and become needy the more your life will fall. Do it gradually, be patient, this is a discipline, it takes time but everything is possible. 

Dec 5, 2020


No more thinking, no more doubting, no more over worrying... you just do it. Forget the result and you will be a fast starter, forget the future and you will be able to do a lot of things. Forget about winning or losing and you will be able to express yourself even more, you will feel free, forget that you deserve something and you will never hesitate if you will go all in or not. The reason why you can't move is because you think that life is so long, your time is so limited in this world so you don't need to worry about failing or embarrassing yourself, life is so short. 80 years or 90 years is so fast, even 100 years... it is so fast, people will forget you, people will never care for you. Even if you're a legend or something popular... your name will be forgotten. So forget about looking like stupid, forget about your ego, never mind if you look weak, never mind if people treat you like a junk. It's ok, time will pass, just focus on giving yourself a chance to win, focus on going all out and expressing yourself... that's how to become happier in life, that's how to erase all of your regrets. Give yourself a chance to shine, don't just let life pass by without fighting. 

Because you deserve anything you desire, all it takes is the willingness to take actions and go further. You need to stretch yourself, push yourself to the limits and never give up when things are hard. Keep pushing when the going gets tough, never stop, never settle... go all the way. Be a doer not just a watcher, it's better to be doing something rather than just watching people do their thing. You have your thing too, you have your journey too, never waste your life wasting your time watching other people's journey. It's a disrespect to yourself if you're giving too much of your time to others and not giving quality time for yourself to grow or at least do something that will make your life improve a little bit. Life is to be live, are you living or not? are you doing everything for yourself or not? it's all about investing your time for yourself and not for other people, that's how to live life to the fullest. Be selfish with your time, don't give it too much. 

If you need to do something... just do it, forget about what people say, forget about what other people think and just do it. Allow yourself to fly, be playful, be creative, take risks and don't be afraid to fail... ever. Failing means lining yourself up with winners, if you're failing then it means you're trying. The mist successful people in this world failed big time but they never lose hope, they even got hingrier after failing. 

Nov 30, 2020


There is nothing wrong being a failure, there is nothing wrong with doing it your way and following your own belief. There is nothing wrong being a rebel and just following your own intuition. You only have one life why not try everything you can? Life is not about winning or losing, it's about trying and doing it your way, it's about putting yourself on the best position to succeed. The more you fail the more you learn, there is nothing wrong about failing, you will become mentally tougher, you will become more experienced. You will become a different person, you will become a different animal, a different beast that doesn't feel anything about defeat anymore, you are here to win and you just knew that it will happen one day in just a matter of time. Failing is all part of your life, if you're not failing now you will still fail in the future, don't be afraid of it, people who doesn't want to fail are weak. Look at some fighters who were undefeated before, they feel so low after tasting their first defeat. It's because they haven't felt that pain before. You will only become tougher and stronger every time you incorporate failing into your life. Don't ever think that you can bail yourself out from failure, you will experience it in the future even if you're not experiencing it now. 

Keep pushing forward every time you fail, don't be scared to try again, don't be scared to fail again. You have to show the universe that you want it so bad or else you will never have a break through, you have to keep pushing no matter what, even if you're not making results. It is what it is, it's really going to get hard, it's really tough but you have to make yourself believe that you can still do it. No matter what is your age, no matter what skills you have or what cards you hold... you still need to believe, still try and give yourself a chance to succeed. Failing is normal, it will never make you bad, it doesn't mean you don't have it, you just need more time to achieve, you just need to work harder. So keep pushing, keep grinding, always dare to sacrifice, always dare to move further. 

One day you will become a winner too, one day all of your works will be recognized, one day all of your efforts will be rewarded. So never get sick and tired of trying, always be patient, always believe in yourself and always work hard every single day. One day the universe will hear you because you are legit, you are real, you're not playing around, you are here for a business.... you are here to realized all of your dreams. 

Nov 22, 2020


Whatever you lost right now... it will return, don't worry because it will always return, you don't need to feel about what was lost in your life, you can replace it, everything is replaceable, the only thing that is irreplaceable is life, time and virginity. You can replace anything, what is lost will come back if you work hard and make an effort to make it go back. Even if your girl friend that ditched you for a new handsome boyfriend may come back if she sees that you're already rich and smelling good. Don't worry about anything that goes away in your life because something better will replace it if you keep believing and keep working hard everyday. 


Don't feel so sorry about what's already gone, if it is gone then it is gone. It will return, if your girl left you there will be another girl who will come to your life. If you lost your job you can find another job next day or next week, it may take time but the job will come back. The good thing is, maybe this time the pay is much higher than the previous job. If you lost an opportunity there will be a new opportunity that will come, all you need to do is be patient, what is lost will be replaced, it will return in just a matter of time, just keep waiting and have faith, what you want was not gone forever... it will come back on the right time. 

If you got tired your energy will return, if you got sick your strong body will return, if you become bankrupt your money will return, if you lose your friends a new set of friends will come, if you lose everything you will have something in the near future. Everything is replaceable so don't worry, just relax, don't panic because there is always something for you. You will get what you deserve, you will get what you are working for, it's just a matter of trusting time and trusting the process, have faith in yourself, have faith in your life... good things will come. So just keep moving forward all the time and stay optimistic, what is lost will be replaced. Don't get attached with something too much to the point that it's consuming your mind and affecting your life, you need to detach from something that was lost, if it comes back it comes back, if it doesn't then there will always be something better that will replace it. 

Ditch the past, forget what makes you feel bad because every time you do that good things will come to you. Don't ever think that what is lost is the only best thing in your life, you still have a lot of good things in your life, all you have to do is focus on what you want to love, focus on what is in front of you. What is gone is gone, let it go and it will come back. 

Nov 19, 2020


How are you going to finish this year? that's the big question, most people already considered this year over, they already concede, they already gave up. They treat it as another useless year, some people hated it, some people thought that it's a nightmare. The truth is it is not, year 2020 could have been the best year of your life if you only did what is best for your life. And even if your life is bad all year long, you still have more than a month to fix it and do something great. It's not how you start, it's how you finish. Finish this year strong and try to squeeze something from it, try to make it great, you have the power to do that if you will move now and force things to happen. 

Just keep moving forward no matter what, forget the future and stay with the NOW. Just enjoy the time remaining for this year and simply give your best, don't be a slacker, don't take any given day for granted. Don't ever think that this year is almost over so you have the luxury to be lazy and do nothing anymore, that kind of attitude will lead to nowhere, you have to finish this year strong so that you will have a strong momentum next year. You don't know what may happen, all I know is good things happen to people who work hard. This yea is not yet over, you can still do something about it, you can still make it great. Your dreams can still come true, but if you feel like time is not enough anymore then just accomplish some parts of your dreams, maybe 25% or 50% of it, it's still possible, never waste this year for nothing because just like what I've said before... if you want to become successful then you got to keep on pushing, push yourself to the limits and never give up. What's the point of giving up? nothing you can get from that crap, it's a waste of time, it's a waste of life, you have to keep pushing no matter what. Not giving up is all in the mind, if you can make your mind powerful then you will never give up ever, convince your mind to keep going, condition it to face all the disappointments and pain. A strong mind is a strong life, a strong mind will keep you unrattled, you will be able to face any kind of problem at ease.

Look at your life, what did you accomplished this year? be happy if you improve a little bit, a little improvement will lead to bigger things, be happy if you gain a little bit financially, be appreciative if there is something small you were able to build. Be proud of yourself and never belittle yourself, if you manage to make a small improvement with your life then it means you're going up and not going down. You're headed on a right direction, all it takes is sustaining it and pushing more a little bit. The year is almost over but there are plenty of days remaining. One month, three weeks, two weeks, it doesn't matter, for as long as you're still alive... you can still make your life a little bit better than what it was yesterday. 

Nov 11, 2020


Why are you so afraid to pull the trigger? why are you so afraid to take actions? don't you know that doing something is free? people won't charge you anything for taking actions. You can do anything you want, you can start now, you can chase your dreams or simply do what is needed. Nothing can stop you, you're the only one who's holding yourself back. You can start whenever you want, what is it that's stopping you? define it and study it, ask yourself why is it stopping you? is it really powerful or is there something you can do about it? of course there is something you can do, all you have to do is decide that you're going to pull the trigger. It's stopping you because you're letting it stop you, you're attached with it. But if you will completely detach from anything then you will become unstoppable, you will feel free, you will feel good, you will learned that it's ok not to win for as long as you're trying... that is where fun is. 

The just do it mentality. Always remember that you have nothing to lose, this is just fun and games. Take action now, just do it now and give yourself a chance to win. Detach from the outcome, if you win you win, if you lose you lose. You will never know what will happen unless you try. Because the real meaning of success is knowing if you can make it or not by doing whatever it takes to win in life. Do the first step and then follow through, never stop, keep moving forward and go further as much as you can... that's how to win in life. Just do it, push yourself, force yourself to take actions, never stop when it's hard, stop when you're already done. 

The number one reason why you're losing is because you don't have your own culture, you don't know what you're going to do, you're always doubting yourself. What if you just do it and be ok with the results that may happen? why not just shut your mouth and just execute? you're always looking for something before you start, you don't know that what you need is already inside of you. You have the power to move, don't forget about it, you must do something or else you will not be in control. Whatever may happen, always choose taking actions. Don't just sit there and wait, don't just hope that everything will be alright even if you're not doing anything. Do whatever it takes to get what you want, give yourself a chance to succeed. 

It's all a matter of choice if you will work hard or not, are you going to do something about it? are you going to pull the trigger? stop acting like you can't do anything, always choose working, always choose giving your best because that is what it's all about. Keep working, keep pushing, it's always free to move, it's always free to take actions, nothing can stop you if you will choose to become unstoppable. 

Nov 3, 2020


Being too flashy, being arrogant and loud means you're trying to impress somebody. Being yourself is the best thing you can do. Because by doing that people will love you more and you will be able to make the right decisions. A lot of people nowadays will do something stupid just to make themselves look superior and interesting. They will buy expensive clothes, post naked in social media, make dramas, will try to become generous even if they don't feel it, and this makes them broke in the end, this kind of attitude makes them lose a lot of money and respect, they were lost, they feel bad if people doesn't respect or appreciate them. Some people wants to get feared, they want to get respected but forcing these things to happen is pushing it away even more. 

Just be yourself, so what if you look poor? so what if you don't look great and cool? people will like you more if you're not loud and just simple. Be simple if you are simple, don't try to make yourself something you are not because it's only making your life worse. Because the truth in life is people doesn't like you they will not like you, it's hard to change their opinions, you can please them now, you can impress them now but they will hate you again in the future. You need to just be yourself and never try to change the opinions of people about you. You are looking like a clown even more every time you do things that you really don't like. Being true to yourself will make you more happy. It's a mistake to do something that is outside of your values. Because you are embarrassing yourself even more every time you do things that you feel impressive but are really not impressive. 

Because if you are really great then you must be confident about yourself, you don't need to worry about what people say, you don't need to worry if you're on top or at the bottom, you just simply live your life the way it is. There's no pressure at all, there's no attachments from their comments, you are not afraid of getting criticized, you are not afraid if they like you or not, you have a peace of mind that you are ok no matter what. Just feel happy with what you have, be appreciative of what you have and the rest will be taken care of by itself. There is nothing wrong by being yourself, if you're not coo you're not cool so what? do you need to look cool just to stay alive? do you need to look rich and superior just to feel happy? if you need those things then you're weak, your happiness was based on the external things that you cannot control. 

All you can control is your mind and actions, be happy if you're doing the right thing and progressing a little bit, be happy if you're not getting something, be happy if they can't appreciate you. Just work hard and focus on your goals, focus on improving everyday because that is where really happiness is coming from. 

Nov 1, 2020


You've got to love numbers if you want to become successful, you've got to love increasing your numbers. What numbers can you produce? for now I am sure that there is a number that you can produce and you have to do it. No more waiting, no more thinking... just produce it. 

How many rejections can you take? how many pushups can you make? how much money can you bring home? how many calls can you do? how many articles can you write? how many hours can you work? count it and then try to increase it every single day. How many content can you create? how many repetitions can you repeat? how many failures can you endure? how many sacrifices can you make? how many small successes can you repeat? how many tries can you try? that's the main question... what numbers can you produce? it's ok if you produce a small number, it's ok if that's all you can do, what matters is you are pushing yourself and trying to take your journey to another level. Because your main problem is not the lack or resources or lack of skills, it's not the lack of help nor education... it's your inability to make a stand for what you want. You can do ten or 100, you're aspiring for a big number but your effort is for only 5. You can do more, you can become bigger than your situation but you always settle for less, your value is too small but you think you deserve something bigger than what you're getting. It's time to wake up, push your numbers up or else your life will never change. 

Just produce one, do one then follow it up. Do more, keep doing, keep moving forward, that's how success is being done. Stop putting your work in pending, once you start something... strive to finish it, never stop, never procrastinate, never make excuses, never entertain your pain... just focus on doing one step at a time and you will make a progress. Most people are entertaining their pain that's why they can't finish something. They make their boredom or fatigue a big deal, they stop right away when they feel tired, they don't push themselves when they're struggling. Always remember that it's all about pushing forward and nothing else. There is no right timing now, you have to do it if it's uncomfortable. Pacing yourself, waiting for the right timing is only catering laziness, it's making you weak, it's building a useless culture in you. You have to do something while you can because you never know what will happen tomorrow. You have to execute every idea in your head now because tomorrow is not a promise. The sun may explode tomorrow and we all die, you might have another different challenge tomorrow and you will never do what you are suppose to do anymore. Situations may change fast and if you're always slowing down and stepping on the brakes then you will never get anywhere. So push yourself to do something even if it' just small, trust me... it can make a difference, produce any kind of number and multiply it. 

Oct 31, 2020


You need help, you're just a human, swallow your ego and accept that no matter how strong you think of yourself you also need other human beings to make your burdens lighter. You will become weak at some part of your life, a big problem will make you weak, you will be tested, that is part of life, that is part of being a human. 

But what if nobody wants to help you? are you just going to quit? are you just going to cry? you are the only one who can help yourself and nobody else. You have no choice but to try again, stand up again, that's the only choice you have. 

Here are the simplest and easiest ways on how to help yourself:

1. Take small actions. The one smallest or tiniest action you can do will help you, granted that it is positive and has a benefit after. One small action at a time, don't try to change your situation fast because you're only making it harder for yourself. Always trying to rush will never make you win. You will only get frustrated by doing that. Take it slowly but surely. Small actions will put you back on track. The reason why you're losing is because you don't want to accept the tiniest progress you can have, you want to take shortcuts. You want to feel good right away when you're sick, you want to have financial freedom right away when you're drowning in debts, you want to redeem yourself whenever you fail, you want everything to be fast and that's making your life miserable. 

2. Be humble.

Always sty humble, by doing this there will be no pressure on your side, it will be easier for you to do things. If you're too humble then there is nothing else to prove, you can be yourself. By being humble means you're not trying to compete, you're not trying to rub elbows with people that you don't like, you're not trying to impress anyone, you're just focused on your own life. You're not criticizing other people too, you're not trying to interfere with other people's lives and trying to change their perspective. Being humble means simply living your life the way you want it to live, you're not trying to command respect, you're simply doing what you know is best for your life. 

You will make progress fast if you're humble, there will be no chip on your shoulder. You don't care about what people say, you don't feel bad if they criticize you, you're offended sometimes but you're not letting it stay in your head for a long time. 

Being humble will make you a better person, you're not trying hard anymore, you're simply being yourself and happy with what you have, it's easier to improve by having this kind of mentality. Because most people needs appreciation, that's why they're making themselves loud, they're flashy, they're doing things that they don't want to do just for the sake of getting some attention. And this kind of style makes their lives miserable because they're too cautious of their actions, they don't have freedom because they're too worried about what people will say. 

3. Don't do anything stupid.

It's easier to make improvement if you will not do anything stupid. You know what is right or wrong, you know if a particular decision will pull you down or raise you up. Just one stupid mistake will change your life. Don't do anything stupid and just do what is right, your life will change for the better if you stay responsible and committed to your goals. Some people will do a lot of stupidity because they think it is cool, the want to have fun for a short period of time but the effect of it is bad. 

Oct 29, 2020


Forget your mistakes in the past, it's over, forget that you've been bad and some of your decisions were wrong. It's ok, it's normal, you're just a human being. If you will not make mistakes then you're not making it right, mistakes and hurried decisions were all part of the game, it's making you a better person so forgive yourself and move on. No need to worry because you still have a chance to correct everything and live a much better life now.  So what if you made a lot of mistakes? you're not the only one who's like that, there are millions of people who are living wrong, what matters is you are ready to improve now and do whatever it takes to do better next time. Past is past, there is nothing you can do about it anymore, all you can do is free your mind from the past and welcome every possibility that will come to your life. 

Change your mind change your life. If you keep thinking the same way you will get the same results, if you keep judging yourself because you're not making results then you will become stuck forever, you should feel good with every action you execute. You should feel proud every time you work hard. Good things happen to people who move forward and ignore the past, think about the good things that my happen to you if you're thinking the right way, it's all in the mind, people are stuck because the have the wrong thoughts inside of their heads, if you can just correct your thoughts and focus on making progress and improvement then your life will change so fast that you will not even notice it. So keep moving forward all the time, ignore the negativity from the past, think about your goals and just do something. IT is easy to change your life, all you have to do is think the right way and never let past disturb you again. 

Ignore your weaknesses, everyone has a weakness, you're just a human being. Success is not about feeling bad because you're weak on some things, it's about focusing on your strengths and trying to get as much as you can with it. You are powerful more than you thought, it's just a matter of believing in yourself and what you can do, you can do a lot, you can do great things it's just a matter of trying it and not being scared to fail again and again. Because you will become stronger and skilled every time you ignore that you're weak on something, your life must be all about creation and not hesitation. Once you have an idea execute it and never wait for the right time. The right time is now, you must act now and never let your fears scare you again. Because you will only become scared if you're stagnant and lazy, you will gain a lot of confidence from taking actions. Just show up and do what you can do, allow yourself to take over, rule your mind, control what you can control and let victory be experienced in your life. 

Oct 28, 2020


Whatever dream you have... you need to think about it everyday, you need to do something for it everyday. It's like watering a plant, taking care of a baby, growing your muscles, improving your life little by little. The majority of your activities and thoughts should be related to your dream, it should consume your mind, it should make you move. It's a strong focus that will make you succeed and nothing else. The number one reason why people always fail is not the lack of ability but the lack of focus and dedication. They were doing a lot of things that are not even related to their dreams, they're thinking too much, they're invested on emotions that are making them weak. That's why you need to be mindful all the time, you need to stay present in the moment. You should feel like getting tortured with high voltage electricity every time you're acting like stupid. 

Always think that you have only one life, why waste it for nothing? why make it hard on yourself? why will you do a lot of stupid actions that will not even make you grow? you have to think smarter and sharper. Success is simply about making the right decisions every now and then, it's not a complicated process, it's about enduring the sacrifices you need to make just to go to the next level. It's hard but it's too simple, all you have to do is get engage with activities that will help you become closer to success. 

If you're a stupid kid and you can't thrive in your class but you want to graduate and earn a diploma all you need to do is open your books, try to understand what you can understand, ask from smart people, do your assignments, stop skipping classes and don't be late. What's so complicated about that? it's a simple process. Playing video games is pushing you away from earning a diploma, being late and being lazy is making the journey harder. All you have to do is do the basics and that's it. It applies to any areas of life, all you have to do is do the things that will make you close from becoming successful and that's it... you will become closer and closer to victory. 

You're spending a lot of energy everyday. Talking nonsense is spending a lot of energy, being lazy also spends a lot of energy, come to think of it... you feel more tired if you're not doing anything right? It's just a matter of where are you using your energy. Just because something is fun and easy doesn't mean you have to do it, it's a waste of time and energy, it's blocking you from getting successful. Be aware of what you are doing because if you will just go with the flow then you might flow with the wrong direction, it's easy to get tempted, it's easy to get seduced by stupid activities, you think it's a lot of fun for now but wait when the effects of it already attack your life. 

Invest your time and energy for your dream, that's how to live a life without regrets. 

Oct 27, 2020


The law of averages is the most underrated law of all time. Most people don't want to trust it because they feel like you need to work a lot. But the truth is... it is easy, if you will just believe and keep moving forward then it will work. You don't need to think too much about it you just need to know the basics, know what you need to do, know the basic steps and keep doing it... as simple as that. The law of averages will work. It's only just a matter of time before it work, you just need to believe it, trust it with all your heart, use it everyday, use it as much as you can and never get discourage if it is not working. So enjoy using it, you can try as much as you can, that's the beauty of the law of averages, you have unlimited tries, success is already guaranteed. 


It will work, all you have to do is keep on trying. The more numbers you produce the more successful you will become. Big numbers attracts big numbers, the more you try the bigger the chances of winning. So trust it, be relentless on trying, pound it, push the pace. Just believe, this is what you need to do, believe it and you will make it work. You need to try as much as you can, numbers don't lie, if you're still failing then it means your number of tries is so few. 


Rejections and failures are all counted. You have to fail and got rejected a lot of times before you make the law of averages work. You are getting closer and closer every time you fail so be happy if you are failing because it means you're almost there. If you can feel happy and appreciative of your failures then you will become unstoppable. Because it's not the failure alone that stops people, it's the attached emotions with it, people get depressed whenever they fail. They feel they've been cheated, they feel tha the world is unfair. 


The most successful salesman in Europe used this, he sold 150 cars in just one year, can you imagine that? and he made it look easy. His co-workers are wondering how did he do it and he just smiled and answered "I use the law of averages". He explained it carefully to his co-workers but none of them made it work, why? because they easily get discouraged with multiple failures, they can't take the pain of failing. The successful salesman failed a lot of times, his journey was never easy, there are lot of times when he almost made the deal work but clients for whatever reason changed their minds, some just disappear without any notice while some are just playing him. But he neve lose his motivation, he keep going and going no matter what.  

Oct 24, 2020


Life is not about greatness, it's not about success... it's about fighting adversity, it's about facing your fears and enjoying it. Because you can only feel free if you will enjoy your fear. Feel it, it scares you right? but if you feel it second by second then it will go away as fast as 1 2 3. Fear is nothing but just a feeling, don't think about the outcome, don't think about how bad you look, don't think about your image and your fear will start to evaporate. 

The real adversity is you, you're stopping yourself, you're making it harder for yourself by doing a lot of stupid things, you're the one who's scared, you're the one who didn't trust yourself, you're the one who's not moving at all. Any kind of adversity can be solved, it's all about weathering the storm. All you have to do is deal with it and that's it, it only looks so hard because you're trying to shy away from it. Don't hide away from your problems, deal with it, face it like a real man. Because you can always find a way how to solve it, you can always do something if you will. So stop holding yourself back, stop being a coward because success is all about facing your fears, it's all about doing whatever it takes to win in life. 

Whenever there is a problem, stop thinking and just face it. Embrace it with all your heart, be happy with it because that's all you can do, remember that this is just life, it's too simple if you will not complicate it. It's too easy if you will just face everything, open your heart to every opportunity, struggle, problems challenges and never try to make excuses that life is hard because of this or that, you're only making yourself weak by doing that. 

Never fold to adversity, make yourself stronger by facing it little by little. Look fear into its eyes and say "you're nothing", feel fear and never back down, you are here to experience everything. So experience fear, happiness, success, struggle, embrace everything in life because what can't kill you can only make you stronger. You already won if you give everything you've got to get what you want. So stop being a fool thinking that you don't deserve big things, you can have anything in life if you have a big heart. It's not about your skill, it's about your will. Because at the end of the day, the real meaning of live is living it, as simple as it sounds. It's not about glory, it's not about being a hero or getting sympathy from other people, it's not also about feeling good... it's simply about living, so everything else outside of this equation is just a bonus. You really have nothing to lose here, you have everything you gain if you keep moving forward. So do whatever it takes to win in life... go all out and make it happen. 

Face your fears, it's ok to be scared, it's ok to struggle, it's ok to feel the pain. These emotions are nothing but emotions, it's never permanent, it will come and go and all you have to do is wait. Successful people are the ones who can move while feeling something bad. 

Oct 22, 2020


If you want to change your life you must be good in catching yourself procrastinating or doing things that will not help you at all. Catch the opportunities to stop. Watch yourself all the time, you should know what you are doing. Most of the time you're always in an autopilot mode, you're not aware of what you're doing that's why you're just doing it without any reason. You're doing something because it's already your habit. The way you think, the way you do things were controlled by your subconscious mind, you are doing something because you already did it for a million times. 

So if you want an effective way to change... catch opportunities to stop. Every time you watch TV for a long time, it's an opportunity stop. Every time you smoke is an opportunity to stop, every time you procrastinate is an opportunity to stop, every time you think about negative things is an opportunity to stop. Be aware if you need to stop, always stay conscious, always stay present. Because most of the time you already need to stop what you're doing but you can't, it's because you love it, it's too easy and entertaining. But that kind of mindset won't help you at all, it will even pull you down. Don't ever get addicted with good feelings, don't ever prioritize your emotions because it will lead to nowhere. 

If you don't know what to do, if you don't know what will work then stop what isn't working, as simple as that. Stop what is ruining your life and your body will do the right things naturally. Stop thinking negative and your mind will start thinking positively. If it's hard to do for now then just put your mind in a neutral state, don't think at all. Because it's better to be not thinking than to think negatively. If your body can't move because you feel lazy then don't do anything stupid, stay still, just sleep if you can. It's better to be not doing anything than to do something that will only waste your energy because the level of your exhaustion will be doubled. If you feel lazy then don't do anything, don't watch TV, don't gossip, don't smoke, don't drink beer, don't eat unhealthy foods, just don't do anything. Because putting your mind and body on a neutral state will make you closer from doing positive things, but if you're thinking negatively and doing something bad then it will be hard for you to shift to a positive state. That is why if you don't have an idea then just let it be, stay still, don't ever entertain any thoughts, don't ever do something else because it will be harder for you to think of an idea. Putting your mind and body on a neutral state will make it easier for you to become positive. That's why if you hate someone, don't think about him so that it will be easy for you to forget him. Don't talk about him even if you have an opportunity to discuss his bad attitude, don't back stab him, don't scrutinize him, just forget about him. 

The best way to stop something is to stop giving it any attention, stop giving it some energy. 

Oct 21, 2020


Always remember that every time you sacrifice, every time you do the right thing... you are only making your life better. It's hard, it's boring but it's all worth it because you're creating a very bright future by doing it. The bitter reality of success is you need to do what you hate to do, you need to take it one step at a time, you can never rush, you need to feel the pain, feel every moment of not entertaining activities. That's why it's harder to study than to just watch television, it's harder to stay positive than to think about negative things. It's harder to do the right things but these things gives better results, it puts you on the best position to have a better life. Sacrifice means success, discipline is the right path. So watch your language, watch the way you think, watch every action and decision that you are doing because it is critical for you to have a better life. Every thought and action are either pulling you down or pushing you to the top. 

So don't ever feel bad if you can't party right now, don't feel sad if you can't do what the "cool kids" does, your time will come, you will have a lot of fun once you become successful. Focus on getting better first and your life will become better. Always remember that hard work and dedication is the right path to success and nothing else. You can't go to another level if you keep doing the same thing. You have to endure the stress of growing and learning because it's the brightest path to a more meaningful life. Start now and do what is needed, work harder, make yourself better, stop doing things that will not even make you grow. You have to embrace boredom, you have to stay focused on the grind if you really want to change your life. I know you're bored in your life that's why you're doing a lot of fun things but trust me... you will become more bored, you will have more regrets if you don't do the boring things that will give you an opportunity to catch success. 

Look at those lazy people that are always having fun everyday, they waste their time, they never grow, all they do is have fun... they have a miserable and unorganized life, the were just hoping to get lucky, they don't know where to go. And they are pretending to be cool with that but deep inside they are lost and also dreaming about becoming successful. 

Time is fast, the sacrifices that you made will bear fruits. All of your efforts will be rewarded, you just need to enjoy doing the best things that will give you something. It's all in the mind, once you conditioned your mind to enjoy the difficult things... everything will be a lot easier, it will become your habit to grow and be on a sense of urgency everyday. And the truth is... nothing is hard if you will enjoy it, everything is easy if you will stay in the moment and just accept that those are the things that you need to do. 

Oct 20, 2020


If you feel free all the time you are powerful, you can do anything, there is lesser resistance. Free from results, free from critics, free from suffering, free from pain. If you can just take actions whenever you need to and you're not afraid of what people say then your value is really big. It's because you will become more creative, you will be able to express yourself, and that is called power. Most people have great talents but they can't show their gifts to the world because of being afraid of being judged and that's why they have a lot of regrets. They're so afraid to fail, they want their lives to stay perfect all the time. And that is why they can't express themselves to the fullest, they have a lot of reservations. 

So the main goal to succeed in life is to feel free, in this way your value will increase, you will go to another level. Feel free to ask for a raise from your boss, feel free to get out of the place that you don't like, feel free to speak your mind, feel free to try something new, feel free to take the last shot, feel free to chase your own dreams, feel free to build your own empire, feel free to just do it even if you feel lazy, feel free to break any resistance that is stopping you. You should feel free all the time, detach yourself from the outcome, always stay in the moment and try to create something great. Feeling free is like opening a new opportunity for yourself. It's like giving yourself a chance to succeed or get what you want. 

Because the truth is you are free but you don't believe it. You always think that something will stop you, you always think that you will fail and all of your efforts will be wasted, you are not free from your old mind. Free yourself from your old self and start a new life now. You will only experience a different kind of experience if you will free yourself from anything that is stopping you to grow. You can become unstoppable if you will feel free to try, it's all in the mind. Being creative and expressive is all in the mind, if you are not afraid to make mistakes or take the blame then you can try anything even if the pressure us so high.

What are these things that stops you? judgement from other people, being afraid to fail or get criticized, being afraid of that the future holds, being afraid to fail. These things are very easy to eliminate if you will just condition your mind to feel free all the time. Free yourself from the outcome, never mind what will happen in the future and simply give your best now. You can never go all the way if you're always thinking about the future, focus on the now and try to make it a little bit better. You have the power to change your life if you will just change your thoughts and habits. So feel free to reinvent yourself, change everything that you don't want about yourself, have the courage to do it, I know it's hard but it's really worth it. 

Always remember that your value gets bigger as you make yourself more free. If you're not doing anything illegal or hurtful to others then why stop yourself. Don't be afraid of getting judged, don't be afraid to do something wrong, how quickly people forget, if you mess up now then tomorrow people already forgotten it. 

Oct 19, 2020


You have the strength to let go of your anger, worries and pain. You can do it. Letting go is not cowardice, it's not quitting... it's real courage. It takes a lot of willpower to let go but you can do it, all you have to do is make peace with it and never think about it anymore. Don't talk about it, don't complain about it, don't even give it a little energy... just let it go. It will never hurt you if you let it go, letting go is power. Always remember that you don't need to prove yourself to anybody, you are not suppose to carry a burden that is not even worth it. 

If you have an enemy, if that person really irritates you... let it go, stop thinking about him, little by little have peace with that person in your head. Because it's not even worth it to think about someone that is not even important in your life, it's not even worth it to hurt yourself with negative thoughts. Let it go, little by little you can do it. What makes it hard for you to let go is because you think doing it will make you weak. No it's not, quitting about something that's not even worth it is not weakness, it's courage. 

Life will become much easier if you don't have a messed up mentality. The things that are distracting your mind is not even worth it to keep, you can live without those thoughts, you can have a much better life if you will clear your mind with negativity and just fill it with positivity. It's ok to stop holding on to past events, it's ok to let go of your regrets. Forgive yourself, forgive the people that hurt you in the past, you can do it if you will just give yourself a chance to do it. You can control your mind, you can tame it, it's your mind that is making you suffer. If you can just simply think about the things that really matters and stop thinking about people, event or things that are making your life difficult then you will live a wonderful life, it's Merry Christmas in your life everyday. 

Because at the end of the day you're the only one who's making it hard on yourself by dwelling on things that are not helping you to move forward. It's not the people, it's not your mistakes, it's not the failures, it's not the embarrassing moments, it's not what people say... it's how you think and feel. If you can just control your thoughts and emotions then your everyday life will become very easy, you don't have to worry about anything else anymore, you will just let life flow and give your very best. 

Let go of the grudge, let go of the fear, let go of everything that is making you feel bad and just live your life the right way. Try to become very happy. It's possible to live that way, it's possible to make your life easier by cleaning the negative thoughts inside of your head. Always remember that your misery and pain was caused by your mind, if you can control your thoughts then you can control your life. Because your life was governed by your thoughts, you need to constantly remind yourself about this. The more negative you are the more negative your life will be, if you are a positive person then it will be a lot easier to become happy everyday. 

Oct 17, 2020


No matter how you look success in any angle... there is only one way to feel like a winner and that is to take matters into your own hands, to do it your way, to stop procrastinating and simply give your very best... that's how to win in life. Because the truth is... it doesn't matter if you succeed or not, what matters is you give your best. And if you're giving your best you will have no regrets, people feel like a loser because they can't give their best. Look at some NBA players who won a championship, some of them still feel like a loser because they didn't play on court. Some of them were really happy but most of them were just faking happiness, they're pretending that they're a winner in life but deep inside they feel like a loser because they knew they can do something but they can't do anything about it, they wanted to play but something is stopping them. You will feel weak, your confidence will go down if you can't do what you are suppose to do, if you're a player and can't play then you will feel low, if you're a writer but can't write then you will go crazy, just like a bird that has a broken wings... that bird will die anytime soon because he can't fly, that's why most birds who are on the cage were so lonely... it's because they can't do what they are suppose to do. 

It's not about the actions, it's not about people liking you, it's not about pleasing other people and trying to look good in front of them, it's about unleashing yourself and doing what is best for your life, it's about utilizing your skills and potentials. So make it a point to be yourself every single day and do what you are suppose to do, never let your energy be stored in your body because it will become weakness, use all of your energy to get what you want or just chase what you want, it doesn't matter if you win or lose, you will still feel like a winner in the end if you give everything you've got, it's not about being perfect or dominant, it's not about winning at all... it's about fighting and giving your chance to win using your own judgement and decision. Because at the end of the day it's your life, you're the only one who can judge your life and not other people, you can still feel like a winner even if other people are calling you a loser, it's not about what they say, it's about how you feel about yourself. You ca still feel really successful even if you're not getting results, and that feeling can only be achieved if you allow yourself to become free chasing your dreams. What people say shouldn't affect you, they are entitled to do that but you are also entitled to stop listening to what they say and do it your way. 

Winning is about feeling free, some people who are earning a lot of money still feel like a loser because they were trapped in a corporate world doing jobs that they don't even like. Be yourself and do what you wanted to do, if you're not hurting anyone, if you're not doing illegal things then you're on the right path. So always make sure that you can take actions whenever you want to, always feel free... that is how to become a winner in life. Free yourself from what they say, free yourself from things that are restraining you. 

Oct 15, 2020


Stop blaming the world, stop blaming your parents if they didn't give you the life you want, stop looking for a scapegoat, stop being mad with your surroundings, and most of all never get jealous with other people who looks so lucky. There are only a few of them, you're not the only one who's struggling in life. Only few people who were born rich, only few people won the lottery, only few people were blessed with good looks and talents. This is the reality of life... you have to create your own luck. You have to grind and hustle, you have to live like there is no more tomorrow and give your best every single day to get the life that you want. 

Only few people are lucky, only few are millionaires or billionaires, only few are given freebies. What you see on social media are all lies, the hashtag feeling blessed is a fake thing. People are faking their lives, the truth is they are also struggling and having a hard time, people are only showing the good side of their lives and they are so shy to reveal what is really going on with their lives. So stop getting jealous with other people who looks rich, lucky and blessed. You will have your own break too if you will work hard and give your very best. You will see opportunities if you will continue to move forward and stop overthinking, it's all about the right movement, it's all about the right mindset that will bring luck into your life. Getting jealous with other people who are lucky will only bring misery and pain into your life so stop doing that, start living a positive life that is full of hope and appreciation, start feeling lucky even if you can't see some improvements in your life and you will see some change in just a matter of days. Be appreciative, don't focus on other people's lives, don't focus on looking at what you don't have and start appreciating what you have. 

Those people who are super rich and blessed have some problems too, sometimes their problems are much heavier than yours. So stop feeling like a loser and start living like a winner. Luck is just a state of mind, the more you think you are lucky the more you will get luck. Your thoughts will manifest the things equivalent to it so take care of your thoughts, strengthen your mind and you will get through anything, you will become unstoppable, nothing will bring you down. 

True luck is for people who work hard, you will get what you deserve, there is a piece of cake reserved for you if you really paid your dues. So stop feeling needy all the time, stop comparing your life, your life becomes worse every time you get jealous and bitter. Always try to feel positive and appreciative, always try to understand what is going on and never ever complain, don't wish for your life to change right away, use your mind and body to change it the right way, change slowly, do all the process needed to get better, be patient and take your time because wishing for a fast change will never get the job done, rushing will only make you frustrated. 

Oct 11, 2020


When the whole world count turns their back on you, when everyone cast their votes against you, when defeat is so obvious and it's already impossible to win... that is the best opportunity you can ever have. The greatest ones thrive during the most difficult moments, real men were made in fire and not in flash. When the storm is really heavy and the challenges were overwhelming... that is the best opportunity to thrive. That's the best situation to write your name in history. If it's hard then the prize is bigger, so be happy that it's hard and give your very best because it's an opportunity to experience greatness. So keep pushing and look for ways to execute, find a way how to win, do everything you can, test every possibility. It's impossible because you're not even trying, it's hard because all you do is work a little bit then procrastinate then check for results and if you can't get it then you will get frustrated, that's your cycle that's why it's impossible for you. 

It will become possible if you will take it one step at a time. Enjoy the grind, enjoy the hustle and never give up, that's how winning is done. Nothing is impossible in this world to a persevering man. Everything is achievable if you will take it seriously. So stop acting like it's hard, stop wishing for an easy way, stop wishing that everything is perfect and just start now. Dissect the process, slice it, divide it and do it piece by piece. Erase the word impossible, never believe in it. Because the truth is it's impossible because you are rushing to finish it, you want some quick fix, you want quick solution, you don't want to feel the process bit by bit. Focus is all you need, if you can focus on what you want then you will get it no matter how impossible it may seem. Dedicate your life to it, use all of your energy and tenacity to make it yours. 

I have an auntie that doesn't know any kind of business, all she do is sell and sell and sell. She doesn't mind if the profit is very small, she just do it everyday until she surprised herself that she was already a millionaire. That's the power of focus, it's unstoppable, it's unbreakable, it can go to the finish line no matter how far it is. So whenever the task or challenge in front of you is hard... embrace it, love it because it's the best opportunity. It's your chance to become great, it's your time to shine. So keep pushing, just take it one step at a time and never stop when it's hard... stop when you're done. If you have this kind of mindset then you will become unstoppable, any strong wind can never bend you, the hottest fire can never melt you, you will push forward for as long as you want and it's your decision when you are going to stop, nothing can decide for you. 

Oct 10, 2020


If you don't know where you are going, if you're confused and overwhelmed like a prodigal son that lost all of his riches then stay where you are. Don't panic, don't look for an easy way out, don't look for an easy fix... stay where you are. You can grow from there, you can make something special there, it's all about starting again. Appreciate where you are and do the best you can to improve your life. Stop hating your place, stop hating yourself because it ain't gonna help, you have to appreciate your present situation and try to grow from there bit by bit. Stay there if there is no other place to go, you can grow from there, you can do something special from there, it's just a matter of working hard and trying to start from nothing, grow everyday, try to evolve as much as you can. Where you are is a good place to start. Whether you're in Paris, under the bridge, in squatter's area, in a beach, on streets or in the bubble... where you are is the best place to start. Start there and do something amazing one day at a time. You only need patience, hard work and belief, it doesn't matter if you have nothing in your hands, what matters is you believe in yourself and you're willing to do whatever it takes to win in life. 

Some people makes a lot of excuses but they don't even work hard or do everything they can to change their position in life. All they do is look for a scapegoat but they couldn't even get started, they just blame and blame and blame but they didn't even exert an extreme effort to become successful. You have the power to change, you have the strength to create something great. All it takes is one push at a time, believe in the power of pushing, greatness was created not by one big explosion, it was created by millions of steps that was taken one step at a time. So relax and never rush, just define what you really want and go there with all your might, use all of your power and tenacity to go there. Don't be afraid to work hard, don't be afraid to believe and fail, it's only just a matter of time before you become successful, you can do it if you will give time for it, you can make it work if you will give everything you've got so keep going and keep pushing, keep looking for a way, that is what it's all about. Complaining and looking for a scapegoat will never get you anywhere, it will make you stuck forever. You have to think right, there is no one else to blame but you, it's blasphemous to point fingers to anyone if the truth is you're not doing everything you can to make yourself successful. 

You can always do something today, just work hard now and work hard again tomorrow and see where you will get. You will get further every time you push and do whatever it takes to go to the next level. So keep sacrificing, don't look for comfort, don't look for good feelings and victory yet, you have to work like hell if you want to see heaven, time will come and you will get on top. 

Oct 7, 2020


You are stressed more because you haven't released your energy yet. You have a lot of energy in your body and you're not using it for something, you are keeping it, you are holding it but it wants to go out from your body so badly, it wants to be used. If your energy hasn't been used for a very long time, it will make you weak, it will stress you out. Just like for example you want to confront your noisy neighbor because of his loud and abusive behavior, if he is stressing you too much because of his actions that are so disrespectful... you need to confront him, you need to make sure he feel you because if you're always stopping that energy inside of you that wants to go out... it's not healthy for you. The stress and anger will grow everyday and one day it will come out and you can't control it anymore, you might do some things that you will regret. 

You feel like a failure because you're not even using your energy. Just like a basketball player in the NBA that wants to play badly but his coach is not using him, this player is so mad, and even if his team is winning... he still feel like a failure because he knew he can do something but he is not allowed to express himself or at least help his teammates. His energy wants to come out but something is stopping him and it's not his choice. That's why if you have a chance to do something because the opportunity is being presented... do it or else the energy will be stored and it will become weakness, it will become fear. You have to release your energy as early as possible so that you won't feel like a loser. 

So if you have a goal, if you have a plan... you need to execute it, you need to chase your goal. It's an energy, it needs to be release, you need to unleash the force that wants to come out. If you want to have a new job then go for it, if you want to have a new house then go for it, if you want to travel then do it. It has to start now, the journey should begin as much as possible. Because if you're not doing something about it then that energy will be wasted, it will be die, it will become regret or fear. Because that energy is itching to be use and it's your duty to use it. If you will not use it then it will be wasted for nothing, you will lose your confidence, your life will become more miserable. 

Life is all about moving, it's all about trying. You have to face your fears all the time. The only thing that's stopping you is you and the illusion that things will get worse. Of course it will not get worse, it will only get worse if you're procrastinating and putting things off because of being scared to fail. 

Oct 5, 2020


If you want to have everything you want... trust focus, focus is your best friend, it's the only thing that will guarantee you success. Focus creates magic, focus creates greatness. Focus on achieving an impossible dream and it will be yours. Focus on money and you will get money, focus on your enemy and you will have a headache, focus on your problems and you will get more of it, focus on working hard and you will have massive success... as simple as that. Focus is everything you need to get what you want in life. Where the focus grow the energy flow, Tony Robbins already stated this simple but powerful quote a million times. Yet people can't get it, their minds were still flawed by negativity and fear. It's because it's easier to focus on the negative because it's the easiest things in life. It's easier to hate it's harder to love, it's easier to get lazy it's harder to work. It's easier to make comments, it's harder to improve yourself. It's easier to watch news, it's harder to read inspirational books. It's easier to doubt, it's harder to believe. 

Focus is work, you need effort to achieve it. That's why it is hard, the key to make your focus sharper is to be in the moment, stay present and never rush things. Just enjoy what is going on, look at your goal and just focus on the things that you think will make you get it. Even if what you're doing is not working, if it's connected to your goal then it is right. If you want to focus on getting money then why the hell will you watch the documentary about poverty? why will you allow yourself to get caught in a story about the cutest dinosaur? yeah those subjects are fun but it will never give you anything, it will not help you at all. If you're focused on getting money then never focus on people who are broke, they will only borrow money from you and will make you poor. Don't focus on subjects like disease, recession, crisis, focus on on subjects that creates money. 

Focus also means getting distracted, you will get bothered by something but you will use your willpower to get back on track and think only about the right things. You will do something that is not related to the main thing but you will stop yourself fast and go back to the main thing again, you will get to work again. Focus means not being perfect, you will get distracted every once in a while but your willpower will thrive, you will do what is best for you even if it is hard, you will do what is really needed. Every great person was also distracted everyday but they have the discipline to force themselves to get back on the right track.

Always remember that focus is your best friend, it will give you anything, it will give you the results you desire. If you're focused the right way then you will become unstoppable. The manifestation of your dreams will become really really fast. So use the power of focus, be mindful everyday, stay in the present moment and just do what is needed, think only about the things that you wanted to achieve. 

Oct 2, 2020


Don't you know that the best part of your life is when you're hustling. These are the days when you will become more creative, you will trust yourself more, you will do whatever it takes to get what you want, you will feel powerful, you will see your true color. So don't be afraid to struggle and hustle, just keep moving forward because you are getting something even if you're not getting anything. You are getting stronger mentally and physically, you are becoming fighter, you're learning how to take matters into your own hands and focus on the things that you can control. Hustling is the time when you believe yourself the most, you purely trust yourself and the decisions that you're making. 

Hustling is giving you the power, it's making you grow. Yeah it is hard but this is the time when you are using every skill you have, you are finding a way, your willpower is being unleashed. You learn how to push, you learn how to become creative, you are becoming more responsible. You are starting to appreciate the value of everything, you will use everything you can use just to make a little progress. You are learning to become patient because of hustling. 

So whenever you're down and lost... go to hustle. Go to work, it will entertain you, it will show you the way. Hustling is the door for a new opportunity, it is the path for a better life because you have a direction and it's giving you hope that you will get something by working hard and pushing yourself to the limits. Hustling will make you a better person, it will turn you into a beast... someone who can do what most people can't do. 

It's a philosophy, it's a culture, it's something you can go to whenever you're feeling low. Hustling can be very fun if you will pair it with the right attitude. Hustling will teach you top sacrifice, it will teach you how to become discipline because you have a goal that you are pursuing and you're willing to leave everything in exchange of it. Hustling will make you move, it will force you to become a hard worker. So keep hustling and make it as your number on philosophy, once you learn how to work hard then you will become unstoppable, sky is the limit for you. 

Why are there some people who can't make progress despite of hustling too much? Because they don't have a plan, all they do is work and work. After working and getting their money they will spend it right away, they don't know how to practice delayed gratification. Hustling should not be hustle alone, you should pair it with a dream, you should aim for something while hustling. That's why it's critical to know where you are headed to, you can't just be hustling everyday and not hoping for something big, you have to have a vision, you just can't be trusting hard work and expecting to get lucky. There should be a target, hustling is the foundation but that foundation should be mixed with something bigger than what it use to be. 

Oct 1, 2020


If you're going to try you must believe with all your heart, you must think that the victory is already yours. Because this kind of mentality will make you unstoppable, it will make you do the impossible, it will make you push yourself to the limits and do whatever it takes just to win and become successful. Because the number one reason why you are failing is because you don't believe it with all your heart, you are pretending to believe it but you only believe it 30 percent, you're not 100 percent all in. A little adversity is making you feel downhearted, a little problem and challenge is making you quit. If you really believe it then you will go all the way, you will use all of your power and tenacity to make it through, nothing can stop you, nothing can slow you down, you just feel that you can do everything. 

That is the use of believing, it's to force you to move forward, it gives you power when you're feeling weak, it gives you an extra liter of gasoline when you feel like you're already depleted, it makes you not a quitter. Believing will give you an extra gear, it will make you do something you haven't done before, it will push you to your edge, it will give you a new skill that you needed during the most difficult times, it will make you embrace pressure and endure pain. Belief will keep you going, you feel you have no more strength to make the next step but your belief gives you power, it gives you tenacity to keep pushing for more. 

Never care if it's hard, never care if it's too impossible and just keep believing and working, do it for the sake of believing it, do it because you knew you're going to win. Never mind if it takes a very long time to accomplish it, never care if you look like a loser... just keep going, what matters is your belief is still solid and intact. You can become anything if you believe in yourself, you can get anything, the stronger your belief the bigger the chances of winning. Plus if you have an undeniable work ethic then for sure you are unstoppable, a belief paired with hard work will produce great results. 

Believing is free so you should use it often, don't be afraid to overuse it. People with great achievements have high belief in themselves, in their minds it's too impossible for them to lose. And that transcends into reality. So don't stop believing and never stop working, this is the most effective formula to success. Take risks and don't be afraid to lose, don't be afraid to start all over again. Don't be afraid to give your all for something, it's all worth it. You will only get tired, you will only experience a different level of exhaustion but the reward is so amazing.     

Believe big and you will get big, believe small and you will get small, as simple as that. 

Sep 30, 2020


You will lose your momentum if you've been lazy for the past few days, you will feel stuck and heavy. For whatever reason you wanted to move but you can't, you feel that there is an invisible energy stopping you, you feel so tired even if you haven't done anything yet. This is normal, it happens to everyone. If you procrastinated for a few days then you will have a hard time going back on the right track, if you procrastinated for a few weeks then you're in big trouble, if you procrastinate for months then you're in deep serious trouble. The solution to avoid being stuck forever is to just execute a one small action and keep following through. One action then follow it with another small action until you finally get your confidence back. One small action can change the whole course of your life, it can make an impact. That's why it's so critical for you to move right away and do something every time you feel so lazy, just do one positive thing and you will feel much better, you will get you life back. It's easy to create a momentum, just one small action will make you fired up. Most people feel lazy and couldn't even get started because they're always thinking about the fast fix, they're always thinking about finishing it right away and that's why they get overwhelmed. You have to be patient here, it's like starting all over again, the secret is to just do something and stay focused, never stop until you get the job done, it's ok to be slow but don't ever procrastinate again to avoid losing your momentum. 

So don't every worry if you feel lost and failing. Just one small action can give you confidence, make sure that action is positive and not putting you on the wrong position. Make sure your action is related to your goal, if you're doing positive then you're already on the right track even if that action is not making any impact at all, it's all about giving yourself a chance to succeed and you can only do that by doing the right things. One small action now then another later, repeat the process again and again until you get addicted to the process and you don't want to stop anymore. One small step after the other can make you big, just believe in the process, it's ok if you're slow, just be consistent and always show up everyday. All you need is a momentum and you will only get it if you will move, so stop putting yourself in an idle mode, stop being lazy and be a man on a mission, focus on what you want and do whatever it takes to get it. And once you get it look for a bigger goal, make yourself bigger and bigger as the time goes by.

Don't be afraid to make mistakes, don't be afraid to fail, don't be afraid to look stupid, just move forward and you will be alright, there is nothing else to worry about if you're taking actions all the time because good things will be attracted to you, you will see opportunities, you will magnetized success. 

Sep 29, 2020


You will not get better if you won a lottery, you will not get better if your mom buys you a jordan shoes, you will not get better if your dad bought you a Chevrolet camaro car or Lambourghini. These things are results, result of luck and hardwork that came from other people, you didn't get it  by yourself, it was given to you, it's good because you get it easy and you don't need to work hard but the question is did you got better? You will only get better through actions so don't ever feel jealous with other people who were so luck and getting a lot of freebies in their lives because once there is no more person to help them... they will feel like naked, they will feel weak and helpless. Because they don't have the habit of working hard, all they want is to get something for free. 

You will only get better through the process, so if you're not doing any kind of process everyday... it means you're declining, you're going down, you're becoming rusty and weak. You will not get a better result from having a nice rubber shoes, you will only get better through running. You will not get smarter if you have a good teacher, you will only get better through studying, you will never become better if you inherit a lot of riches from your parents, you will only get better if you experience a lot of challenges and adversity. So stop wishing that you have this or have that, build a very strong work ethic instead and the results will come for sure in your life. Be confident with your abilities, trust that you can have what they have too. 

Because it's better to get it by yourself than to wish that you have someone who will give it to you. Focus on working and not on wishing. Life will only get better if you know how to get better, people who are getting it easy are depressed because they don't know how it feels like to win or lose, they don't know the difference between suffering and winning. Because they already have everything in life, they don't need to work anymore, and that's why they are so bored. They want to work but they couldn't because they were so lazy and spoiled. That's why don't wish for a good life, don't wish for comfort, wish for more strength to work, wish for a right mindset to keep you going through the hardest times of your life. 

The results you desire will be yours if you put in the work and effort, it's so much sweeter to get what you want by blood, sweat and tears and not by asking for help or trying to become lucky. And the truth is.. you will never get lucky if you're always needy, luck will never touch you if you're wishing for more but only working less. 

Just trust hard work, hard work pays off, it will give you everything, just trust it and keep using it... you will have an amazing life if you focus on the process and not on the results.