Oct 15, 2020


Stop blaming the world, stop blaming your parents if they didn't give you the life you want, stop looking for a scapegoat, stop being mad with your surroundings, and most of all never get jealous with other people who looks so lucky. There are only a few of them, you're not the only one who's struggling in life. Only few people who were born rich, only few people won the lottery, only few people were blessed with good looks and talents. This is the reality of life... you have to create your own luck. You have to grind and hustle, you have to live like there is no more tomorrow and give your best every single day to get the life that you want. 

Only few people are lucky, only few are millionaires or billionaires, only few are given freebies. What you see on social media are all lies, the hashtag feeling blessed is a fake thing. People are faking their lives, the truth is they are also struggling and having a hard time, people are only showing the good side of their lives and they are so shy to reveal what is really going on with their lives. So stop getting jealous with other people who looks rich, lucky and blessed. You will have your own break too if you will work hard and give your very best. You will see opportunities if you will continue to move forward and stop overthinking, it's all about the right movement, it's all about the right mindset that will bring luck into your life. Getting jealous with other people who are lucky will only bring misery and pain into your life so stop doing that, start living a positive life that is full of hope and appreciation, start feeling lucky even if you can't see some improvements in your life and you will see some change in just a matter of days. Be appreciative, don't focus on other people's lives, don't focus on looking at what you don't have and start appreciating what you have. 

Those people who are super rich and blessed have some problems too, sometimes their problems are much heavier than yours. So stop feeling like a loser and start living like a winner. Luck is just a state of mind, the more you think you are lucky the more you will get luck. Your thoughts will manifest the things equivalent to it so take care of your thoughts, strengthen your mind and you will get through anything, you will become unstoppable, nothing will bring you down. 

True luck is for people who work hard, you will get what you deserve, there is a piece of cake reserved for you if you really paid your dues. So stop feeling needy all the time, stop comparing your life, your life becomes worse every time you get jealous and bitter. Always try to feel positive and appreciative, always try to understand what is going on and never ever complain, don't wish for your life to change right away, use your mind and body to change it the right way, change slowly, do all the process needed to get better, be patient and take your time because wishing for a fast change will never get the job done, rushing will only make you frustrated. 

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