Oct 7, 2020


You are stressed more because you haven't released your energy yet. You have a lot of energy in your body and you're not using it for something, you are keeping it, you are holding it but it wants to go out from your body so badly, it wants to be used. If your energy hasn't been used for a very long time, it will make you weak, it will stress you out. Just like for example you want to confront your noisy neighbor because of his loud and abusive behavior, if he is stressing you too much because of his actions that are so disrespectful... you need to confront him, you need to make sure he feel you because if you're always stopping that energy inside of you that wants to go out... it's not healthy for you. The stress and anger will grow everyday and one day it will come out and you can't control it anymore, you might do some things that you will regret. 

You feel like a failure because you're not even using your energy. Just like a basketball player in the NBA that wants to play badly but his coach is not using him, this player is so mad, and even if his team is winning... he still feel like a failure because he knew he can do something but he is not allowed to express himself or at least help his teammates. His energy wants to come out but something is stopping him and it's not his choice. That's why if you have a chance to do something because the opportunity is being presented... do it or else the energy will be stored and it will become weakness, it will become fear. You have to release your energy as early as possible so that you won't feel like a loser. 

So if you have a goal, if you have a plan... you need to execute it, you need to chase your goal. It's an energy, it needs to be release, you need to unleash the force that wants to come out. If you want to have a new job then go for it, if you want to have a new house then go for it, if you want to travel then do it. It has to start now, the journey should begin as much as possible. Because if you're not doing something about it then that energy will be wasted, it will be die, it will become regret or fear. Because that energy is itching to be use and it's your duty to use it. If you will not use it then it will be wasted for nothing, you will lose your confidence, your life will become more miserable. 

Life is all about moving, it's all about trying. You have to face your fears all the time. The only thing that's stopping you is you and the illusion that things will get worse. Of course it will not get worse, it will only get worse if you're procrastinating and putting things off because of being scared to fail. 

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