Oct 5, 2020


If you want to have everything you want... trust focus, focus is your best friend, it's the only thing that will guarantee you success. Focus creates magic, focus creates greatness. Focus on achieving an impossible dream and it will be yours. Focus on money and you will get money, focus on your enemy and you will have a headache, focus on your problems and you will get more of it, focus on working hard and you will have massive success... as simple as that. Focus is everything you need to get what you want in life. Where the focus grow the energy flow, Tony Robbins already stated this simple but powerful quote a million times. Yet people can't get it, their minds were still flawed by negativity and fear. It's because it's easier to focus on the negative because it's the easiest things in life. It's easier to hate it's harder to love, it's easier to get lazy it's harder to work. It's easier to make comments, it's harder to improve yourself. It's easier to watch news, it's harder to read inspirational books. It's easier to doubt, it's harder to believe. 

Focus is work, you need effort to achieve it. That's why it is hard, the key to make your focus sharper is to be in the moment, stay present and never rush things. Just enjoy what is going on, look at your goal and just focus on the things that you think will make you get it. Even if what you're doing is not working, if it's connected to your goal then it is right. If you want to focus on getting money then why the hell will you watch the documentary about poverty? why will you allow yourself to get caught in a story about the cutest dinosaur? yeah those subjects are fun but it will never give you anything, it will not help you at all. If you're focused on getting money then never focus on people who are broke, they will only borrow money from you and will make you poor. Don't focus on subjects like disease, recession, crisis, focus on on subjects that creates money. 

Focus also means getting distracted, you will get bothered by something but you will use your willpower to get back on track and think only about the right things. You will do something that is not related to the main thing but you will stop yourself fast and go back to the main thing again, you will get to work again. Focus means not being perfect, you will get distracted every once in a while but your willpower will thrive, you will do what is best for you even if it is hard, you will do what is really needed. Every great person was also distracted everyday but they have the discipline to force themselves to get back on the right track.

Always remember that focus is your best friend, it will give you anything, it will give you the results you desire. If you're focused the right way then you will become unstoppable. The manifestation of your dreams will become really really fast. So use the power of focus, be mindful everyday, stay in the present moment and just do what is needed, think only about the things that you wanted to achieve. 

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