Oct 31, 2020


You need help, you're just a human, swallow your ego and accept that no matter how strong you think of yourself you also need other human beings to make your burdens lighter. You will become weak at some part of your life, a big problem will make you weak, you will be tested, that is part of life, that is part of being a human. 

But what if nobody wants to help you? are you just going to quit? are you just going to cry? you are the only one who can help yourself and nobody else. You have no choice but to try again, stand up again, that's the only choice you have. 

Here are the simplest and easiest ways on how to help yourself:

1. Take small actions. The one smallest or tiniest action you can do will help you, granted that it is positive and has a benefit after. One small action at a time, don't try to change your situation fast because you're only making it harder for yourself. Always trying to rush will never make you win. You will only get frustrated by doing that. Take it slowly but surely. Small actions will put you back on track. The reason why you're losing is because you don't want to accept the tiniest progress you can have, you want to take shortcuts. You want to feel good right away when you're sick, you want to have financial freedom right away when you're drowning in debts, you want to redeem yourself whenever you fail, you want everything to be fast and that's making your life miserable. 

2. Be humble.

Always sty humble, by doing this there will be no pressure on your side, it will be easier for you to do things. If you're too humble then there is nothing else to prove, you can be yourself. By being humble means you're not trying to compete, you're not trying to rub elbows with people that you don't like, you're not trying to impress anyone, you're just focused on your own life. You're not criticizing other people too, you're not trying to interfere with other people's lives and trying to change their perspective. Being humble means simply living your life the way you want it to live, you're not trying to command respect, you're simply doing what you know is best for your life. 

You will make progress fast if you're humble, there will be no chip on your shoulder. You don't care about what people say, you don't feel bad if they criticize you, you're offended sometimes but you're not letting it stay in your head for a long time. 

Being humble will make you a better person, you're not trying hard anymore, you're simply being yourself and happy with what you have, it's easier to improve by having this kind of mentality. Because most people needs appreciation, that's why they're making themselves loud, they're flashy, they're doing things that they don't want to do just for the sake of getting some attention. And this kind of style makes their lives miserable because they're too cautious of their actions, they don't have freedom because they're too worried about what people will say. 

3. Don't do anything stupid.

It's easier to make improvement if you will not do anything stupid. You know what is right or wrong, you know if a particular decision will pull you down or raise you up. Just one stupid mistake will change your life. Don't do anything stupid and just do what is right, your life will change for the better if you stay responsible and committed to your goals. Some people will do a lot of stupidity because they think it is cool, the want to have fun for a short period of time but the effect of it is bad. 

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