Nov 1, 2020


You've got to love numbers if you want to become successful, you've got to love increasing your numbers. What numbers can you produce? for now I am sure that there is a number that you can produce and you have to do it. No more waiting, no more thinking... just produce it. 

How many rejections can you take? how many pushups can you make? how much money can you bring home? how many calls can you do? how many articles can you write? how many hours can you work? count it and then try to increase it every single day. How many content can you create? how many repetitions can you repeat? how many failures can you endure? how many sacrifices can you make? how many small successes can you repeat? how many tries can you try? that's the main question... what numbers can you produce? it's ok if you produce a small number, it's ok if that's all you can do, what matters is you are pushing yourself and trying to take your journey to another level. Because your main problem is not the lack or resources or lack of skills, it's not the lack of help nor education... it's your inability to make a stand for what you want. You can do ten or 100, you're aspiring for a big number but your effort is for only 5. You can do more, you can become bigger than your situation but you always settle for less, your value is too small but you think you deserve something bigger than what you're getting. It's time to wake up, push your numbers up or else your life will never change. 

Just produce one, do one then follow it up. Do more, keep doing, keep moving forward, that's how success is being done. Stop putting your work in pending, once you start something... strive to finish it, never stop, never procrastinate, never make excuses, never entertain your pain... just focus on doing one step at a time and you will make a progress. Most people are entertaining their pain that's why they can't finish something. They make their boredom or fatigue a big deal, they stop right away when they feel tired, they don't push themselves when they're struggling. Always remember that it's all about pushing forward and nothing else. There is no right timing now, you have to do it if it's uncomfortable. Pacing yourself, waiting for the right timing is only catering laziness, it's making you weak, it's building a useless culture in you. You have to do something while you can because you never know what will happen tomorrow. You have to execute every idea in your head now because tomorrow is not a promise. The sun may explode tomorrow and we all die, you might have another different challenge tomorrow and you will never do what you are suppose to do anymore. Situations may change fast and if you're always slowing down and stepping on the brakes then you will never get anywhere. So push yourself to do something even if it' just small, trust me... it can make a difference, produce any kind of number and multiply it. 

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