Sep 10, 2019


You can't stop the moment you feel lazy, you can't make excuses when everything is falling apart. You need to go further and further just like an energizer battery because your strength is unlimited, you can go on forever if you want to, you just need to embrace the process and fall in love with pushing a little bit each day. Just go further and that's it, it doesn't matter what time it is, it doesn't matter if it's really difficult or not, what matters is you move forward and you have no intention of stopping anytime soon. Because if you will just destroy all of the excuses in your head, if you will just set your mind to moving forward all the time then you will be able to accomplish more. It's hard because there is always a resistance, it's hard because you think that it's hard, it's hard because you think you're not going to make it. But if you will take time to dissect the process and take it one step at a time you will be surprised with how far have you already come.

Just go further and further and further... that's the key, it doesn't matter if your actions were perfect, don't worry if it looks ugly for now, it will become perfect int he future. You just need to start now, that's all you need to do. Starting something is much much better than not doing anything. Remember that it's always ok to move, it's always ok to do something, your mind will become more at peace if you're doing something and just pushing further to reach the finish line. The play is very simple... you just gotta keep trying until you win. You just gotta keep believing until you succeed and reach the top of the mountain, there is no other play here, there is no other way better than trying again and again until you succeed.

So if you want to have a bigger salary, bigger house, bigger money or bigger success... go further as much as you can. Allow yourself to move as much as you can. Go further because your strength is unlimited, your power cannot be measured. Believe in your own philosophy, don't be afraid to stumble along the way, don't be afraid to have a hard time figuring out what to do next. You will discover the right actions if you go further, just because you're not making any progress at all doesn't mean you're not progressing, just because you can't improve your situation doesn't mean you need to stop trying. You need to keep trying, enjoy failing over and over again until you succeed.

Because one day is going to be your day, just relax and never panic, you have a lot of time in the world to make your dreams come true. But you can only get everything you want if you're willing to go further. Just keep doing the process now and success will manifest later, the faster you move the faster success will come into your life. So keep believing in taking actions because there is no harm in trying, you will not be killed if you work hard and give your very best every single day.

One more push up, one more hour of work, one more mile of running, one more day of grinding, one more call, one more job application, one more minute of grind... always go further, always look for what is possible. 

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