Sep 9, 2019


You need to move, whether you like it or not, don't make feeling lazy as an excuse, if you need to drag yourself then do it. Don't hesitate, just do it, don't ever think about the bad things that may happen next... do it, move your hands and feet, what is so difficult about moving? nothing right? you have to move now and give your best. It's ok if your situation doesn't change after doing the first move, what matters is the momentum keeps rolling and you were able to establish your rhythm. You gotta do what you need to do to avoid your mind from being crazy. Because your mind will go crazy, you will go insane if you can't move, you will feel like a prisoner, you will feel sick, you will feel that there is something wrong in you that you can't point out.

Just move and you will be alright, it doesn't matter if the problem in front of you is hard, it doesn't matter if it is too overwhelming, what matters is you're doing something to solve it, you're doing something to make the situation better. Because your problems will quit, any challenges will quit if you stay strong and simply keep moving forward. You don't need anything to make you move, you just need yourself, you just need your willpower and tenacity. Once you move... never stop and that's it, keep pushing forward until the job is done, keep using your willpower to achieve what you want. Anything is doable for as long as you have the right mindset to move forward.

Moving will keep you entertained, moving will create momentum, it will show you the right path, your situation will get better if you're moving, you have nothing to lose here. So don't be afraid to get tired, don't be afraid that you might not get anything from moving... just move and see what will happen next. People were so lazy because they can't see the rewards from doing something, all they feel is that it's just a waste of time. Just like a lazy student who doesn't even want to open his books, he thinks that studying is just a waste of time, he thinks that there is no big reward waiting for him if he studies. But if he will just move whether he likes it or not then his situation will become a lot better, his life will have a direction.

In life, you are not suppose to do everything you want. Sometimes you have to do what you don't want in order to succeed, you have to make sacrifices, you have to push the pace and face the pain. There is no room for lazy people here, there is no reward waiting for someone who didn't exert any effort at all. Sometimes you just need to use your will power to win and become happy, you can't be practicing instant gratification all the time and expect that everything will be alright. The rule is... after sacrifices is happiness. But if you prioritize getting rewarded first and feeling good even if you didn't do anything work at all then you're in big big trouble, it will back fire on you in the end. So you need to control yourself and just move even if you don't like, that's the only path to success.

 If you want to LEARN MORE how to control and manage your fears and anxiety to live a BETTER LIFE click this link:

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