Sep 5, 2019


Keep fighting, keep pushing, you're almost there, victory is within your grasp, you can almost touch it, you can almost taste it. All you have to do is keep fighting for more and never stop until it's done. You don't know that you're too near, stop thinking about quitting because that will never do any good for you. Keep fighting, you're still alive, you still have a lot of time left. Keep pushing, keep doing what you need to do. Time is fast, later you will see that you already made it. Just hang on there, even if you feel weak, even if you feel so tired... keep pushing. You don't need to move fast, you just need to move forward. This is not how fast you are, it's how tough and enduring you are. So keep yourself motivated and just take one more action after the other. Focus on the process and not on the success, focusing on the process will keep you entertained while focusing on success and perfection will make you frustrated even more because you would want to get it fast. Remember that it takes a lot of patience to become successful, you can move fast but you can never rush success... it will come if it is the right time for it to come.

You're almost there, sometimes it only takes a few days or months before you become successful. You don't know when will it happen, nobody knows when will it happen, all you can do is hang on there and never quit even if it is really tiring and frustrating. You want it right? you want it so bad right? then prove it, show it, show the world that you are willing to die and wait for it. You're only a few steps or a few blocks away from success, stop whining and complaining because it's really hard. Nothing is easy, you have to earn it, you have to deserve it. If you're dreaming about big things then you need to take massive actions, you have to be worthy of it, you have to deserve it.

Quitting is not an option now, what will you get by quitting? what will you get by starting all over again? you have to go further as much as you can if you really want to win in life. It's all or nothing, it's now or never. Just hang on, just stay tough and committed, it's ok if you get tired everyday, it's normal, you will really get exhausted chasing success. Even lions were getting exhausted but they never quit, they keep on hunting and moving even if it's already weeks and they haven't found a single meat yet.

Winners will keep pushing forward even if they don't have anything let on their tanks anymore, they will keep moving, they will never stop, they will use all of their willpower just to get what they want, they have an insane focus and tenacity that can move the world, they just knew that all it takes to become successful is perseverance and nothing else.

If you want to LEARN MORE how to control and manage your fears and anxiety to live a BETTER LIFE click this link:

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