Sep 20, 2019


Life is all about momentum, if you're struggling it's because you don't have the right momentum. The advantage and flow is not on your side. If you feel that way, don't panic, just keep moving forward and everything will be alright. Actions will get the job done, if you can't change your life now it means you're not taking the right actions. You're doing something but it's not working, you need to do something else that will create a little bit of momentum.

And once you have that momentum... don't celebrate, not too fast... you still have a lot of work to do. Keep pushing, keep hustling, the universe is behind you, the universe will supply you everything you need. All you have to do is trust it. Be brave and keep going further, it doesn't matter how slow you are, for as long as you are moving... you will be alright. Keep the fire burning, never let it die, keep moving forward and never stop.

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