Sep 26, 2019


The most important thing is your mindset that you are ok and you can survive this day. Whatever form of negativity that is happening right now... just let it pass. It will soon be over, let it go away. Let the pain pass, the problem pass, let the tension pass, let the stress pass. Everything will just come and go, nothing is permanent in this world. So if you'r feeling bad right now, if you have a problem, if you think that the world is being unfair to you and you don't deserve it... just breathe and try to relax because everything will pass, just let it pass, watch it come and go, you don't need to worry about it, you don't need to cry about it... let it pass and stop thinking that it won't be over. It will be over anytime soon so just try to keep it cool and forget about how long you need to endure it.

Just enjoy it, that's the best thing you can do... enjoy it. The level of pain that you can endure is unlimited. People were just so dramatic and soft and that's why they were having a hard time with their lives. But if you just have a mindset of not giving up and not complaining no matter what, if you can just believe in yourself... your life will become much easier. If you don't like what is going on right now, all you need to do is watch it and feel it and let it pass. It is easier than you think, all you need to do is feel, watch it come and go, it's not that hard right? Every feeling is normal, you're just a human being, you are suppose to experience different kinds of emotions. It's ok to feel bad, it's ok to experience something bad, it's ok to become scared. Just let something pass, let it come and go, don't be afraid of it.

Nothing is permanent in this world, if you're stuck in a heavy traffic always remember that when did you become stuck forever in a traffic? you were always able to come home right? any stress will pass, any heavy feeling will go away. Just feel it and appreciate it, the more you become appreciative of life... the more you will become happier, it will go smoother if you will just let it be. Stop whining about it, stop posting on social media about it, stop having that victim mentality because it will only make the situation worse. Let it pass and make sure you're tougher than your situation. Let it pass and let it go because it is not there to stay forever. All you can do is enjoy the moment, focus on the better things around you, if you're stuck in a heavy traffic then just look around where you can see luxury cars, make it a game, have fun, it's all about focusing on the better things that will make you happier and feel better.

Anything will become easier if you will just ignore how hard it was. Learn to dance in the rain, learn to sing during earth quakes, learn to enjoy every single second of your life because that's how to make life easier. Let everything pass, let everything be part of your life, don't be afraid of your situation, don't curse it nor get mad of it... embrace it and try to make it epic. Don't be afraid of anything because it will pass, it it will never stay there forever, all you can do is live in the moment and don't be afraid to struggle. 

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