Sep 11, 2019


Don't get mad if it didn't work... so what if it didn't work out? at least you still try, at least you're already a better man. Because everything you do has no assurance of working, even if you work hard and you prepare a lot... sometimes you will still not win, it is what it is, that's how life goes, just because you work hard doesn't mean you have the assurance of winning. But just because you lose doesn't mean you didn't do the right thing. It's ok if it didn't work, at least you tried. There is no harm in trying, you feel mad or sad because you're expecting too much. There is no reason to feel bad because you learned something, and knowledge alone is a great reward, experience is the best teacher. You're still lucky because you were still able to experience it.

Just try again next time. The next time might work. The next time might be your time, never get tired of trying because that is what you are suppose to do. Keep grinding and pushing and never get mad if it didn't work again. It's ok if it didn't worked... at least you worked. Don't be afraid to try again, don't be afraid to give your heart and soul again. Always remember that everyone who fails can rise again, as simple as that. So if you're failing that doesn't mean that you're going to fail forever, if you're not afraid to try at million times then you will win one day, you're going to become successful one day, you will hit the jackpot, you will never regret that you give everything you've got for that one thing that you really want.

Because your number of tries will never run out, you can always try anytime you want, you have unlimited tries. So keep trying, that's the only thing you need to do. Never mind if it's not working, never mind if you need to start all over again, what matters is you try. Because that kind of approach is the only thing that will make you succeed, there is no other way. You will have no regrets if you keep trying until the end. Just believe that one day it will work and it will work, don't be afraid of waiting for a very long time, don't be afraid to wait forever. You need a lot of patience and perseverance if you want to win in a game called life. It's not how great you are, it's how committed and a believer you are.

You can always try again tomorrow or later or next week, you can even try again now. It's a process, you must do the process in order to win, you can never make shortcuts here, this is a marathon, you don't need to be the fastest here, you just need to be the most enduring here. So if it didn't work then try another process if you need to, change your mindset or approach if you need to but don't every quit. Quitting is for the losers, you will never be considered as a loser if you keep trying because you're still continuing the process. 

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