Jan 11, 2018


What are you hiding? why are you hiding it? is it really bad? or was it just a simple flaw? There is no reason to hide it. You are imperfect and you have to deal with it, no one is perfect in this world. Everyone makes mistakes, everyone has an ugliness in his body. They have no right to judge you because they too are not perfect.

Expose it, be proud of it, even if they laugh at you.. so what? it's not the end of the world. The more you express and expose your true self... the more people will love you, they will appreciate your sincerity and being genuine. People loves real, they were so sick and tired of fakes and pretentious.

Expose your weakness, admit your flaws and mistakes. It is what it is, if it's true then all you can do is be proud of it. Your weakness will become strength if you will openly talk about it and do something to develop it.

You can always change what is ugly in you, and if you can't change it then so be it.

But never feel ashamed of your ugliness, it's normal, you're just a human and you cannot have everything in life, not everything will be given to you. You will also get imperfections so don't be hard to yourself because there is nothing to be ashamed of about yourself. Expose the ugliest spot in your body and you will become comfortable about it .

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