Jan 29, 2018


Some people can't become happy with their lives because they don't want to look bad, even if they need to look bad temporarily... they hate it, they feel bad about it, their day was ruined because of looking bad. Life is not about looking good always, sometimes you need to look bad in order for something to happen, sometimes you need to look bad just to survive this day. Some people doesn't want to look poor, if they have to attend a party.. they will buy clothes, I mean new and expensive clothes, they don't want to look poor they always wanted to look rich. Even if they don't have extra money, they will buy clothes just to impress people, in the end they are having a hard time with their lives. If you can just ignore what people say and look bad now with your old clothes then you will have more money, your future will become nicer, as simple as that. That party is just one day, their words doesn't matter, if you will always think about what people say then you're in big trouble, you will not be able to make the right decisions because your main purpose is to please them and impress them.

If there is someone who is borrowing some money from you and you really don't have an extra money what will you do? let's say he is you friend and he terribly needs some money, he is making a lot of excuses and dramas just to convince you, what are you going to do? you can say the truth and look bad and selfish but it will not put your financial status in trouble or you can pretend that you're kind and lend him some money. Which decision do you think will make you happier? telling the truth and look bad or pretending to be kind but putting your budget in jeopardy?

Sometimes you need to look bad in order to make correct decisions, sometimes you need to make other people feel bad so that you will become happier. Remember that it's not your fault if you refuse to help, it's not your fault if you're trying to be true to yourself. If you really want to become happy then learn to express yourself honestly even if you look terribly bad to the eyes of others, embracing the bad image will make you feel free, you will be able to make decisions that will make your life better.

Some people's decisions were always attached to what other people say. They wanted to look kind, rich, pure, perfect. That's why they can't do the right things anymore, they always wanted to impress other people that's why they can't fully express themselves and do what they feel is right. You have to look nasty sometimes, reject people sometimes and look poor sometimes. Always think about the future, it's not all about living the moment, sometimes you have to be realistic and make the best decisions in life/.

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