Jan 26, 2018


Work now, this is a fun ride even if you don't know what you're doing, even if you know the next step... keep working, just make a guess, make a lucky guess. It's better to be moving than simply being stuck in a mad. It's ok to make mistakes, it's ok to become imperfect. The idea here is you can figure it out if you're really serious about it. Just give your best and keep guessing, there is nothing wrong in making a guess for as long as you're working hard and still being passionate about it. This is a journey and in journey you will fall down, you will stumble, you will do some silly mistakes but in the end you will still become successful if you keep on dedicating yourself to success. Life is a circus, pursuing a goal or doing a difficult task is circus, you can educate yourself and follow certain patterns that will make the job successful or you can follow a more fun path that will make you stumble but will make the journey more fun. Just make sure that if you made a mistake you will admit it and you will never act like everything is cool. There will be disappointments and frustrations but you need to embrace all of them. All you need to remember when things are not going on your way is you will still find a way, you will still get things done if you will persevere and keep the passion alive. Keep the fire alive, keep the momentum alive... because if you will never quit then you will make it.

Make a bold guess, make a confident guess, it doesn't matter if you break everything, it doesn't matter if you destroy everything... if you're willing to make a stand and push until the end then you will get away with it. Decide, make a decision and make sure you will stick with it no matter what, never leave it until you made it successful. Because the truth is... you don't need to know everything, you don't need to make everything working, for as long as you're making a small amount of progress then you're fine. It's ok to feel lost, it's ok to feel down because the only rule is... if you're moving forward then you will make things right, you will get what you want, you will reach the finish line.

Guessing while moving is better than knowing the perfect details but not taking any actions at all, remember that life is a process, it's a journey, you don't need to be perfect because if you're really serious about it then you will find a way. PUSH, one word, a strong philosophy, this will never fail you, you will see an opening, you will find a hope, just keep pushing and never give up until you collapse.  Never mind if the mistake is so ugly because just like what I said... you can fix it, it may eat a lot of your time but for sure you're going to fix it, you're going to finish it.

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