Jan 8, 2018


Some people have great talents but they cannot even move, they were so lazy, they think that their talents alone will make them successful, they think that future us guaranteed to them. They will never work hard, they will just relax and act like they were entitled to become successful without even doing anything.

If you don't have any skills or talents... you still have a chance, all you gotta do is outwork everyone, give your very best every single day and you will become successful. You will improve, you will reach another level, you will even surpass those "talented" people.

A lot of people were so lazy, they are not giving their best. You know what... you can still feel lazy but you can force yourself to move, move despite of feeling heaviness in your body, take actions despite of not wanting to do it.

You can get ahead by simply forcing yourself to move, make this as your habit, if you can force yourself to move then you're one of a kind. It means you're not lazy, it means you're taking your life seriously. If you need to do it and you don't want to do it but you can force yourself to move and take actions despite of discomfort then you will become successful one day.

Accept that you cannot simply do everything you want. If all you want to do is do what you want then you will never work, you will just take a vacation, act like a boss and live an easy life.

But that doesn't how life and success works. Success will work if you are willing to take massive actions. Just a little headache and toothache should not stop you from working.

Moving is the best skill ever, simply moving and taking actions fast. You don't need to warm up or perform rituals before you move, if you really want to take actions then you will move right away, do something and make things happen.

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